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Bonita BPM的词汇表---U to Z



Unified Modeling Language (UML) : An international, standard notation for modeling software systems. The UML specification supports several different types of diagrams, including the Activity Diagram, which is used to model business processes and workflow diagrams. UML was created and is maintained by the OMG.


Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) : A Web protocol, based on the WSDL language, that allows one Web system to locate others and determine what format messages to that system must take.

统一描述、发现和集成(UDDI ): 


Use Case Diagram : One type of UML diagram. Often used by software developers to define the software requirements for a system. Use case diagrams focus on scenarios that describe how users use the application.



User : Defined in User Experience. Individuals with access to Steps, cases, etc, as defined in User Experience.

用户: User Experience 中定义的个人,可以访问步骤,用例等。


User/End user : Any individual who executes a deployed BOS process in User XP or in standalone web forms.

最终用户: 任何在UserXP 或独立WEB 表单中,执行部署的流程的个人。


User Experience : Graphic interface used to manage and pilot different tasks corresponding to different processes in Studio.

User Experience 图形化的用户界面。可以管理不同流程中的任务。


User Role : Access privileges are assigned according to User Role (defaults:  basic User and Admin)

用户角色: 根据用户角色分配的访问权限(默认:普通用户和管理员)



Value Added Activity : A process or activity that adds value to a product or service. Value is judged by the customer, who can be the customer of the company, or an internal customer who receives the output of the process or activity.

增值的活动: 某个活动或流程可以为产品或服务增加价值。价值由客户做评判,客户可以是接收此活动或流程产出结果的公司外部客户,也可以是内部的客户。


Value-Added Analysis : A process redesign pattern that focuses on eliminating activities that don't add value or at least enable value-added activities.

增值分析: 一种流程重设计模式用于去除掉流程中不增加价值的活动,或至少不激活增值活动的那些活动。 


Value Chain : A very large-scale business process that is initiated by a customer request, or by the decision of the company to enter a new line of business, and results in the delivery of a process or service to a customer

价值链: 由客户请求或者是公司进入新业务领域决策发起的大型业务流程,并且最终要给客户交付流程或服务。


Value-Enabling Activities : Activities or processes that do not, in themselves, meet the criteria of value adding activities, but which must be performed in order to make it possible to perform value adding activities. The activities involved in the development of most software applications are value-enabling activities.

价值激活的活动: 活动或流程自身并不会增加价值,但是必须被执行过以后,那些增值的活动才可以执行。绝大多数的软件开发中的活动都属于价值激活的活动。


Variable : The container for data – used to define fields in a form.

Vertical Alignment : Focuses on aligning strategic goals and measures from value chains down to activities. Sometimes includes management systems that align each manager's goals and evaluation criteria from
organizational strategies to supervisor's goals.

垂直校正: 关注于从价值链到活动上校正战略目标和措施。有时候包括管理系统,从组织级的战略到其主管的目标上,校正每个经理的目标和测评条件。


View form : Visual preview of the form before deployment.


View pageflow : Used to define read-only Forms

视图页面流: 用于定义一组只读的表单




Web application/Web app : The Web package dedicated to a process that defines its forms and look-n-feel

Whiteboard : The space in Bonita Studio where the process is drawn graphically, as on a whiteboard. Contains Pools (Processes) and Lanes.

白板: Bonita Studio 中以图形的方式画流程的一块区域。包含了池(流程)和道。

Web Apps : Interface used to design forms for user interaction and process launching


Widget : Tool in Form Builder (Application) used to create forms with preset fields.

构件: 表单构造器里的工具,用预设的一组字段来创建表单。


Workflow : Generic term for a process or for the movement of information or material from one activity (worksite) to another.

工作流: 一个泛指的术语用来描述一个流程,或者是信息(或材料)从一个活动(或工作区域)传到另一个的流动。


Workflow Model : Another name for a process diagram. Often includes both a diagram and rules that define the flow of information from one activity to the next. 

工作流模型: 流程图表的另一个名字。通常包含了定义信息从一个活动流到下一个的图表和规则。


Workflow Reference Model : Model created by the Workflow Management Coalition to define a workflow management system and to identify the most important system interfaces. Other WfMC standards make reference to this model.

工作流参考模型: 工作流管理委员会创建的模型,定义了工作流管理系统并标识出最重要的系统接口。


Workflow System or Engine : A software tool or program that helps analysts define a process and the rules governing process decisions, and then manages the actual distribution of information related to specific instances or cases to terminals and databases. WSFL.

工作流系统或引擎: 软件工具或程序,帮助分析师定义流程和规则来支配流程决策,继而管理与某个特定的实例相关的信息分配到终端和数据库中。

Work Portal  BPM suite component that gives users a productive workspace for managing tasks, content, forms, documents, notifications, and reminders.

工作门户: BPMS 的一个组件,让用户管理任务、内容、表单、文档、通知和提醒 的工作区。


Workspace  Place to store BOS artifacts

工作区: 保存BOS 制品的地方




XOR gate  the first input to arrive will allow the Process to pass through the Gate. If there are multiple outputs, only one will fire.

异或门:  当第一个输入到达后,流程就会通过此门。如果此门接有多个输出,只有一个会被激活。


XML (eXtended Markup Language)  An Internet protocol defined by the W3C. A file format that includes within a file both data and rules for how the data is to be interpreted. Using XML, one can create XML languages – in effect, sets of terms that companies agree to use in a specific way in order to facilitate the exchange of data.


XML-Based Process Definition Language (XPDL)  The Workflow Management Collation (WfMC) created this standard language to describe how workflow tools can communicate information about business processes with each other over the Internet.

基于XML 的流程定义语言(XPDL ): 由工作流管理委员会创建的标准语言,来描述工作流工具怎样在互联网上互相交换业务流程的信息。


XML Business Process Language A computing language in which one can describe business processes and their relationships. These languages use XML to pass messages.


XPDL : Process Definition Language (xml) A language used to interchange business process definitions between BPM and other workflow products.


XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) : Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) is an XML-based language used for the transformation of XML documents.



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