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Bonita BPM的词汇表---A


Abstract task : A task where nospecific type of task is defined.

抽象任务 :未定义具体类型的任务。


Activity Cost Worksheet : Aprocess-oriented approach A to analyze the various costs of a set of activitiesthat are listed on the vertical axis and data about outputs, costs, times andproblems are described for each activity.

活动开销工作单: 一种面向流程的方法,用来分析一组活动的不同开销。把这一组活动列在纵轴上,再把每个活动的输出数据、开销、时间和问题都列出来。


Actor(s) : An actor is a term used in aBonita Studio process design to refer to the end user(s) of a process. It isthe Human end user that operates the form in User XP.

执行者: 执行者是BonitaStudio流程设计中用到的一个术语,用来表示流程的最终用户。执行者是操作User XP中表单的最终用户。


Add : Found in Application tab.Function button to create a new form


And gate : All inputs must arrive atthe Gate before Process passes through. If there are multiple outputs, all willfire (unless Conditions are defined in Transitions).

与门: 当所有的输入都到达后,流程才能通过此门。如果该门接有多个输出,所有的输出都会被激活(除非在输出转换中定义了条件)。


Ad Hoc Workflow Systems : Workflowsystems that wait on users to indicate what should happen next. An insurancesystem might pull up documents for an underwriter only on request. Compare withAdministrative and Transaction or Production Workflow Systems. 

特设工作流系统: 这种工作流系统等待用户来指示下面应该发生什么。一个保险系统可能在收到请求后,只把被保险人相关的文档取出来。区别于管理工作流,事务工作流,生产工作流。


API : Application ProgrammingInterface. It serves as an interface between different software programs andenables their interaction. (API) is a set of definitions of the ways one pieceof computer software communicates with another, a method of achievingabstraction, usually (but not necessarily) between lower-level and higher-levelsoftware.

Application : Tabs for Form creator andtransient data.


Artifact (R&D) : Bonita artifactsare elements used in BOS. – need to export all / import all artifacts duringupgrade migration.

制品(研发): Bonita的制品是在BOS中用到的元素---需要在升级移植的时候先全部导出,再全部导入的东西。


Artifact (BPMN) : BPMN 2.0: “Extrainformation in a process which does not affect the Process execution”. e.g.Text annotation.

制品(BPMN): BPMN 2.0: “不影响流程执行的额外的流程信息”。比如文本注释。

Automatic Task : Task processedand launched by Bonita Execution Engine without the need for human intervention(see Human task).

自动任务: 由Bonita执行引擎启动和处理的任务,不需要人工干预(参考人工任务)。


Asynchronous Process : One activitysends a message to another, but does not wait until it gets a response.

异步流程: 一个活动给另一个活动发送一个消息,并不需要等到回应就会继续下面的任务。


Atomic Activity : An activity that cannot be subdivided. An activity thatconsists of a single step or action.

原子活动: 一个不能被分解的活动,由单个步骤或动作组成。





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