


















In this document




* Creating a Menu Resource 创建菜单资源

* Inflating a Menu Resource 解压菜单资源

* Creating an Options Menu 创建选项菜单

* Changing menu items at runtime 运行期改变菜单条目

* Creating a Context Menu 创建上下文菜单

* Creating a Submenu 创建子菜单

* Other Menu Features 其它菜单特性

* Menu groups 菜单组

* Checkable menu items 可勾选的菜单条目

* Shortcut keys 快捷键

* Dynamically adding menu intents 动态添加菜单意图


Key classes 









See also




Action Bar

Menu Resource




Menus are an important part of an activity's user interface, which provide users a familiar way to perform actions. Android offers a simple framework for you to add standard menus to your application.




There are three types of application menus:




* Options Menu


* 选项菜单


The primary collection of menu items for an activity, which appears when the user touches the MENU button. When your application is running on Android 3.0 or later, you can provide quick access to select menu items by placing them directly in the Action Bar, as "action items."


活动菜单条目的主要集合,当用户触碰MENU键时出现。当你的应用程序运行在Android 3.0或以后时,你可以通过直接放置菜单在动作栏来提供选择菜单条目的快速访问方式,即“动作条目”。


* Context Menu


* 上下文菜单


A floating list of menu items that appears when the user touches and holds a view that's registered to provide a context menu.




* Submenu


* 子菜单


A floating list of menu items that appears when the user touches a menu item that contains a nested menu.




This document shows you how to create each type of menu, using XML to define the content of the menu and callback methods in your activity to respond when the user selects an item.






Creating a Menu Resource




Instead of instantiating a Menu in your application code, you should define a menu and all its items in an XML menu resource, then inflate the menu resource (load it as a programmable object) in your application code. Using a menu resource to define your menu is a good practice because it separates the content for the menu from your application code. It's also easier to visualize the structure and content of a menu in XML.




To create a menu resource, create an XML file inside your project's res/menu/ directory and build the menu with the following elements:




* <menu>


Defines a Menu, which is a container for menu items. A <menu> element must be the root node for the file and can hold one or more <item> and <group> elements.




* <item>


Creates a MenuItem, which represents a single item in a menu. This element may contain a nested <menu> element in order to create a submenu.




* <group>


An optional, invisible container for <item> elements. It allows you to categorize menu items so they share properties such as active state and visibility. See the section about Menu groups.




Here's an example menu named game_menu.xml:






<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<menu xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">

    <item android:id="@+id/new_game"


          android:title="@string/new_game" />

    <item android:id="@+id/help"


          android:title="@string/help" />





This example defines a menu with two items. Each item includes the attributes:




* android:id


A resource ID that's unique to the item, which allows the application can recognize the item when the user selects it.




* android:icon


A reference to a drawable to use as the item's icon.




* android:title


A reference to a string to use as the item's title.




There are many more attributes you can include in an <item>, including some that specify how the item may appear in the Action Bar. For more information about the XML syntax and attributes for a menu resource, see the Menu Resource reference.






Inflating a Menu Resource




From your application code, you can inflate a menu resource (convert the XML resource into a programmable object) using MenuInflater.inflate(). For example, the following code inflates the game_menu.xml file defined above, during the onCreateOptionsMenu() callback method, to use the menu as the activity's Options Menu:







public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {

    MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater();

    inflater.inflate(R.menu.game_menu, menu);

    return true;





The getMenuInflater() method returns a MenuInflater for the activity. With this object, you can call inflate(), which inflates a menu resource into a Menu object. In this example, the menu resource defined by game_menu.xml is inflated into the Menu that was passed into onCreateOptionsMenu(). (This callback method for the Options Menu is discussed more in the next section.)






Creating an Options Menu






Figure 1. Screenshot of the Options Menu in the Browser.


图1. 浏览器中选项菜单的截屏。


The Options Menu is where you should include basic activity actions and necessary navigation items (for example, a button to open the application settings). Items in the Options Menu are accessible in two distinct ways: the MENU button or in the Action Bar (on devices running Android 3.0 or higher).


你应该在选项菜单中包含基本活动动作和必须导航条目(例如,一个打开应用程序设置的按钮)。选项菜单中的条目以两种不同方式访问:MENU按钮或在动作栏中(运行在Android 3.0或以上的设备)。


When running on a device with Android 2.3 and lower, the Options Menu appears at the bottom of the screen, as shown in figure 1. When opened, the first visible portion of the Options Menu is the icon menu. It holds the first six menu items. If you add more than six items to the Options Menu, Android places the sixth item and those after it into the overflow menu, which the user can open by touching the "More" menu item.


当运行在带有Android 2.3或更低的设备上时,选项菜单出现在屏幕底部,正如图1所示。当打开时,选项菜单第一个可见部分是图标菜单。它持有最先的六个菜单条目。如果你添加多于六个条目到选项菜单,Android只放置六个条目(注:包括More在内?),而后面那些都放进一个溢出菜单,让用户可以通过触碰“More(更多)”菜单条目来打开。


On Android 3.0 and higher, items from the Options Menu is placed in the Action Bar, which appears at the top of the activity in place of the traditional title bar. By default all items from the Options Menu are placed in the overflow menu, which the user can open by touching the menu icon on the right side of the Action Bar. However, you can place select menu items directly in the Action Bar as "action items," for instant access, as shown in figure 2.


在Android 3.0和更高版本,选项菜单的条目被放置进动作栏,它出现在活动的顶部覆盖传统的标题栏的位置。默认选项菜单的所有条目放进溢出菜单,让用户可以通过触碰动作栏右侧的菜单图标来获取。然而,你可以直接把选择菜单条目放进动作栏作为“动作条目”,以提供即时访问方式,正如图2所示。(注:题外话,Android 3.0是完全软键盘的,所有操作都是触碰的。桌面状态下右上角的两个按钮分别是应用列表和MENU键。进入应用后左下角会出现四个按钮,分别对应后退键、HOME键、最近打开列表、MENU键,第四个按钮有时不出现。另外,有些应用的右上角会出现一些按钮和一个可打开下拉菜单的四条平行线图标,点击左上角的应用图标有时可执行后退操作)


When the Android system creates the Options Menu for the first time, it calls your activity's onCreateOptionsMenu() method. Override this method in your activity and populate the Menu that is passed into the method, Menu by inflating a menu resource as described above in Inflating a Menu Resource. For example:







public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {

    MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater();

    inflater.inflate(R.menu.game_menu, menu);

    return true;







Figure 2. Action bar from the Honeycomb Gallery app, including navigation tabs and a camera action item (plus the overflow menu button).


图2. Honeycomb(注:Android 3.0的代号为“蜂巢”)画廊应用(注:一个官方示例程序)动作栏,包含导航标签页和一个照相机动作条目(以及溢出菜单按钮)。


You can also populate the menu in code, using add() to add items to the Menu.






Note: On Android 2.3 and lower, the system calls onCreateOptionsMenu() to create the Options Menu when the user opens it for the first time, but on Android 3.0 and greater, the system creates it as soon as the activity is created, in order to populate the Action Bar.


注意:在Android 2.3和更低版本,当用户首次打开选项菜单时系统调用onCreateOptionsMenu()创建它,但在Android 3.0和更高版本,系统在活动被创建时就创建它,以生成动作栏。




Responding to user action




When the user selects a menu item from the Options Menu (including action items in the Action Bar), the system calls your activity's onOptionsItemSelected() method. This method passes the MenuItem that the user selected. You can identify the menu item by calling getItemId(), which returns the unique ID for the menu item (defined by the android:id attribute in the menu resource or with an integer given to the add() method). You can match this ID against known menu items and perform the appropriate action. For example:







public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {

    // Handle item selection

    // 处理条目选择

    switch (item.getItemId()) {

    case R.id.new_game:


        return true;

    case R.id.help:


        return true;


        return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);






In this example, getItemId() queries the ID for the selected menu item and the switch statement compares the ID against the resource IDs that were assigned to menu items in the XML resource. When a switch case successfully handles the menu item, it returns true to indicate that the item selection was handled. Otherwise, the default statement passes the menu item to the super class, in case it can handle the item selected. (If you've directly extended the Activity class, then the super class returns false, but it's a good practice to pass unhandled menu items to the super class instead of directly returning false.)




Additionally, Android 3.0 adds the ability for you to define the on-click behavior for a menu item in the menu resource XML, using the android:onClick attribute. So you don't need to implement onOptionsItemSelected(). Using the android:onClick attribute, you can specify a method to call when the user selects the menu item. Your activity must then implement the method specified in the android:onClick attribute so that it accepts a single MenuItem parameter—when the system calls this method, it passes the menu item selected.


另外,Android 3.0添加功能,让你可以使用android:onClick属性定义菜单资源XML内菜单条目的点击行为。所以你不需要实现onOptionsItemSelected()。使用android:onClick属性,你可以指定在用户选中菜单条目时要调用的方法。然后活动必须实现在android:onClick属性中指定的方法,让其接受单一MenuItem参数——当系统调用此方法时,它传递选中的菜单条目。




Tip: If your application contains multiple activities and some of them provide the same Options Menu, consider creating an activity that implements nothing except the onCreateOptionsMenu() and onOptionsItemSelected() methods. Then extend this class for each activity that should share the same Options Menu. This way, you have to manage only one set of code for handling menu actions and each descendant class inherits the menu behaviors.




If you want to add menu items to one of your descendant activities, override onCreateOptionsMenu() in that activity. Call super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu) so the original menu items are created, then add new menu items with menu.add(). You can also override the super class's behavior for individual menu items.






Changing menu items at runtime




Once the activity is created, the onCreateOptionsMenu() method is called only once, as described above. The system keeps and re-uses the Menu you define in this method until your activity is destroyed. If you want to change the Options Menu any time after it's first created, you must override the onPrepareOptionsMenu() method. This passes you the Menu object as it currently exists. This is useful if you'd like to remove, add, disable, or enable menu items depending on the current state of your application.




On Android 2.3 and lower, the system calls onPrepareOptionsMenu() each time the user opens the Options Menu.


在Android 2.3和更低的版本,每当用户打开选项菜单时,系统调用onPrepareOptionsMenu()


On Android 3.0 and higher, you must call invalidateOptionsMenu() when you want to update the menu, because the menu is always open. The system will then call onPrepareOptionsMenu() so you can update the menu items.


在Android 3.0和更高版本,你必须在你希望更新菜单时调用invalidateOptionsMenu(),因为菜单总是被代开。然后系统将调用onPrepareOptionsMenu()使你可以更新菜单条目。




Note: You should never change items in the Options Menu based on the View currently in focus. When in touch mode (when the user is not using a trackball or d-pad), views cannot take focus, so you should never use focus as the basis for modifying items in the Options Menu. If you want to provide menu items that are context-sensitive to a View, use a Context Menu.


注意:你应该从不更新基于当前获取焦点的视图中的选项菜单内的条目。当在触碰模式下(当用户不在使用轨迹球或d-pad)(注:d-pad是directional pad方向键盘的缩写),视图不能获取焦点,所以你应该从不使用焦点作为修改选项菜单条目的基础。如果你希望提供菜单条目对于View是上下文敏感,请使用上下文菜单。




If you're developing for Android 3.0 or higher, be sure to also read the Action Bar developer guide.


如果你正在开发Android 3.0或更高版本,请确保还阅读过动作栏开发者指引。




Creating a Context Menu




A context menu is conceptually similar to the menu displayed when the user performs a "right-click" on a PC. You should use a context menu to provide the user access to actions that pertain to a specific item in the user interface. On Android, a context menu is displayed when the user performs a "long press" (press and hold) on an item.




You can create a context menu for any View, though context menus are most often used for items in a ListView. When the user performs a long-press on an item in a ListView and the list is registered to provide a context menu, the list item signals to the user that a context menu is available by animating its background color—it transitions from orange to white before opening the context menu. (The Contacts application demonstrates this feature.)






Register a ListView




If your activity uses a ListView and you want all list items to provide a context menu, register all items for a context menu by passing the ListView to registerForContextMenu(). For example, if you're using a ListActivity, register all list items like this:








In order for a View to provide a context menu, you must "register" the view for a context menu. Call registerForContextMenu() and pass it the View you want to give a context menu. When this View then receives a long-press, it displays a context menu.




To define the context menu's appearance and behavior, override your activity's context menu callback methods, onCreateContextMenu() and onContextItemSelected().




For example, here's an onCreateContextMenu() that uses the context_menu.xml menu resource:







public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View v,

                                ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) {

  super.onCreateContextMenu(menu, v, menuInfo);

  MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater();

  inflater.inflate(R.menu.context_menu, menu);





MenuInflater is used to inflate the context menu from a menu resource. (You can also use add() to add menu items.) The callback method parameters include the View that the user selected and a ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo object that provides additional information about the item selected. You might use these parameters to determine which context menu should be created, but in this example, all context menus for the activity are the same.




Then when the user selects an item from the context menu, the system calls onContextItemSelected(). Here is an example of how you can handle selected items:







public boolean onContextItemSelected(MenuItem item) {

  AdapterContextMenuInfo info = (AdapterContextMenuInfo) item.getMenuInfo();

  switch (item.getItemId()) {

  case R.id.edit:


    return true;

  case R.id.delete:


    return true;


    return super.onContextItemSelected(item);






The structure of this code is similar to the example for Creating an Options Menu, in which getItemId() queries the ID for the selected menu item and a switch statement matches the item to the IDs that are defined in the menu resource. And like the options menu example, the default statement calls the super class in case it can handle menu items not handled here, if necessary.




In this example, the selected item is an item from a ListView. To perform an action on the selected item, the application needs to know the list ID for the selected item (it's position in the ListView). To get the ID, the application calls getMenuInfo(), which returns a AdapterView.AdapterContextMenuInfo object that includes the list ID for the selected item in the id field. The local methods editNote() and deleteNote() methods accept this list ID to perform an action on the data specified by the list ID.






Note: Items in a context menu do not support icons or shortcut keys.








Creating Submenus




A submenu is a menu that the user can open by selecting an item in another menu. You can add a submenu to any menu (except a submenu). Submenus are useful when your application has a lot of functions that can be organized into topics, like items in a PC application's menu bar (File, Edit, View, etc.).




When creating your menu resource, you can create a submenu by adding a <menu> element as the child of an <item>. For example:






<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<menu xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">

    <item android:id="@+id/file"


          android:title="@string/file" >

        <!-- "file" submenu -->


            <item android:id="@+id/create_new"

                  android:title="@string/create_new" />

            <item android:id="@+id/open"

                  android:title="@string/open" />







When the user selects an item from a submenu, the parent menu's respective on-item-selected callback method receives the event. For instance, if the above menu is applied as an Options Menu, then the onOptionsItemSelected() method is called when a submenu item is selected.




You can also use addSubMenu() to dynamically add a SubMenu to an existing Menu. This returns the new SubMenu object, to which you can add submenu items, using add()






Other Menu Features




Here are some other features that you can apply to most menu items.




Menu groups




A menu group is a collection of menu items that share certain traits. With a group, you can:




* Show or hide all items with setGroupVisible()


* 用setGroupVisible()显示或隐藏所有条目


* Enable or disable all items with setGroupEnabled()


* 用setGroupEnabled()使能和屏蔽所有条目


* Specify whether all items are checkable with setGroupCheckable()


* 用setGroupCheckable()指定所有条目是否是可勾选的


You can create a group by nesting <item> elements inside a <group> element in your menu resource or by specifying a group ID with the the add() method.




Here's an example menu resource that includes a group:






<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<menu xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">

    <item android:id="@+id/item1"


          android:title="@string/item1" />

    <!-- menu group -->

    <group android:id="@+id/group1">

        <item android:id="@+id/groupItem1"

              android:title="@string/groupItem1" />

        <item android:id="@+id/groupItem2"

              android:title="@string/groupItem2" />






The items that are in the group appear the same as the first item that is not in a group—all three items in the menu are siblings. However, you can modify the traits of the two items in the group by referencing the group ID and using the methods listed above.




Checkable menu items






Figure 3. Screenshot of a submenu with checkable items.


图3. 带可勾选条目的子菜单的截屏。


A menu can be useful as an interface for turning options on and off, using a checkbox for stand-alone options, or radio buttons for groups of mutually exclusive options. Figure 2 shows a submenu with items that are checkable with radio buttons.






Note: Menu items in the Icon Menu (from the Options Menu) cannot display a checkbox or radio button. If you choose to make items in the Icon Menu checkable, you must manually indicate the checked state by swapping the icon and/or text each time the state changes.






You can define the checkable behavior for individual menu items using the android:checkable attribute in the <item> element, or for an entire group with the android:checkableBehavior attribute in the <group> element. For example, all items in this menu group are checkable with a radio button:






<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<menu xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">

    <group android:checkableBehavior="single">

        <item android:id="@+id/red"

              android:title="@string/red" />

        <item android:id="@+id/blue"

              android:title="@string/blue" />






The android:checkableBehavior attribute accepts either:




* single


Only one item from the group can be checked (radio buttons)




* all


All items can be checked (checkboxes)




* none


No items are checkable




You can apply a default checked state to an item using the android:checked attribute in the <item> element and change it in code with the setChecked() method.




When a checkable item is selected, the system calls your respective item-selected callback method (such as onOptionsItemSelected()). It is here that you must set the state of the checkbox, because a checkbox or radio button does not change its state automatically. You can query the current state of the item (as it was before the user selected it) with isChecked() and then set the checked state with setChecked(). For example:







public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {

  switch (item.getItemId()) {

  case R.id.vibrate:

  case R.id.dont_vibrate:

    if (item.isChecked()) item.setChecked(false);

    else item.setChecked(true);

    return true;


    return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);






If you don't set the checked state this way, then the visible state of the item (the checkbox or radio button) will not change when the user selects it. When you do set the state, the activity preserves the checked state of the item so that when the user opens the menu later, the checked state that you set is visible.






Note: Checkable menu items are intended to be used only on a per-session basis and not saved after the application is destroyed. If you have application settings that you would like to save for the user, you should store the data using Shared Preferences.






Shortcut keys




To facilitate quick access to items in the Options Menu when the user's device has a hardware keyboard, you can add quick-access shortcut keys using letters and/or numbers, with the android:alphabeticShortcut and android:numericShortcut attributes in the <item> element. You can also use the methods setAlphabeticShortcut(char) and setNumericShortcut(char). Shortcut keys are not case sensitive.




For example, if you apply the "s" character as an alphabetic shortcut to a "save" menu item, then when the menu is open (or while the user holds the MENU button) and the user presses the "s" key, the "save" menu item is selected.




This shortcut key is displayed as a tip in the menu item, below the menu item name (except for items in the Icon Menu, which are displayed only if the user holds the MENU button).






Note: Shortcut keys for menu items only work on devices with a hardware keyboard. Shortcuts cannot be added to items in a Context Menu.






Dynamically adding menu intents




Sometimes you'll want a menu item to launch an activity using an Intent (whether it's an activity in your application or another application). When you know the intent you want to use and have a specific menu item that should initiate the intent, you can execute the intent with startActivity() during the appropriate on-item-selected callback method (such as the onOptionsItemSelected() callback).




However, if you are not certain that the user's device contains an application that handles the intent, then adding a menu item that invokes it can result in a non-functioning menu item, because the intent might not resolve to an activity. To solve this, Android lets you dynamically add menu items to your menu when Android finds activities on the device that handle your intent.




To add menu items based on available activities that accept an intent:




1. Define an intent with the category CATEGORY_ALTERNATIVE and/or CATEGORY_SELECTED_ALTERNATIVE, plus any other requirements.




2. Call Menu.addIntentOptions(). Android then searches for any applications that can perform the intent and adds them to your menu.


2. 调用Menu.addIntentOptions()。然后Android搜索可以执行意图的所有应用程序并添加它们到你的菜单。


If there are no applications installed that satisfy the intent, then no menu items are added.






Note: CATEGORY_SELECTED_ALTERNATIVE is used to handle the currently selected element on the screen. So, it should only be used when creating a Menu in onCreateContextMenu().






For example:







public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu){



    // Create an Intent that describes the requirements to fulfill, to be included

    // in our menu. The offering app must include a category value of Intent.CATEGORY_ALTERNATIVE.

    // 创建一个Intent对象描述要填充的必需品,它们要被包含在我们的菜单中。

    // 提供的应用必须包含Intent.CATEGORY_ALTERNATIVE的分类值。

    Intent intent = new Intent(null, dataUri);



    // Search and populate the menu with acceptable offering applications.

    // 用可接受的提供的应用程序搜索并生成菜单


         R.id.intent_group,  // Menu group to which new items will be added

         // 新条目将要添加到的菜单组

         0,      // Unique item ID (none)

         // 唯一的条目ID(无)

         0,      // Order for the items (none)

         // 条目排序(无)

         this.getComponentName(),   // The current activity name

         // 当前活动名称

         null,   // Specific items to place first (none)

         // 放在第一位的特定条目(无)

         intent, // Intent created above that describes our requirements

         // 前面创建的Intent对象,描述我们的需求。

         0,      // Additional flags to control items (none)

         // 额外标志用于控制条目(无)

         null);  // Array of MenuItems that correlate to specific items (none)



    return true;





For each activity found that provides an intent filter matching the intent defined, a menu item is added, using the value in the intent filter's android:label as the menu item title and the application icon as the menu item icon. The addIntentOptions() method returns the number of menu items added.






Note: When you call addIntentOptions(), it overrides any and all menu items by the menu group specified in the first argument.






Allowing your activity to be added to other menus




You can also offer the services of your activity to other applications, so your application can be included in the menu of others (reverse the roles described above).




To be included in other application menus, you need to define an intent filter as usual, but be sure to include the CATEGORY_ALTERNATIVE and/or CATEGORY_SELECTED_ALTERNATIVE values for the intent filter category. For example:






<intent-filter label="Resize Image">


    <category android:name="android.intent.category.ALTERNATIVE" />

    <category android:name="android.intent.category.SELECTED_ALTERNATIVE" />






Read more about writing intent filters in the Intents and Intent Filters document.




For a sample application using this technique, see the Note Pad sample code.




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除特别说明外,本文在Apache 2.0下许可。细节和限制请参考内容许可证。


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    基于ElementUI 2.x的扩展组件(已废弃 已被废弃).zip

    ElementUI 组件的渲染支持任何 Vue 组件的自定义渲染支持动态列翻译支持(同步、异步)校验支持显示单元格值的修改状态支持增/删/改/查/还原支持方向键和Tab键切换单元格关键词 表格 右键菜单支持自定义显示、隐藏列...


    - 在安装完Coverity插件后,可以通过Visual Studio中的命令行或者菜单选项启动Coverity Analysis。确保环境变量中包含了Coverity可执行文件的路径。 2. **文件排除规则:** - 根据解决方案中的文件排除项规则,...


    由于iOS SDK不断更新,苹果公司会加入新的特性,并废弃一些过时的功能。最新版的iOS SDK已经移除了Window-Based Application模板,转而默认使用Storyboard和Automatic Reference Counting(ARC)。ARC是iOS 5中引入...


    - **translate**: 规定是否应该翻译元素内容。这对于处理多语言内容非常有用。 #### 基础标签 接下来介绍一些基础的HTML标签: - **&lt;!DOCTYPE&gt;**: 定义文档类型,对于确保浏览器正确解析文档至关重要。 - ****: ...

    Fuji xerox DocuPrint M118 w使用说明书

    - **电子废弃物处理**:在进行产品维护、修理或更换零部件时,如有不需要的电路板和电子零件,以及在产品废弃时,应按照电子废弃物的规定进行处理。 - **节能特性**:即使关闭电源开关后,拔掉电源插头可以确保耗电...


    Bootstrap 2 中文翻译文档是一份详尽的资源,它为开发者提供了在中文环境下学习和使用Bootstrap 2 框架的机会。Bootstrap 是一个广泛使用的开源前端开发框架,由Twitter 创建,旨在加速网页设计和开发过程。...


    PyQt5是一个强大的Python库,它是Qt5框架与Python的集成,支持Python 2....本教程的翻译旨在使初学者能够更容易地理解和应用PyQt5,尽管存在一定的翻译难度和可能的个人理解,但力求保持原教程的精髓并提供清晰的指导。




    - **FCC Part 15 Subpart B Class A**:设备符合美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)第15部分B子部分A类的标准。 - **欧洲**:设备满足欧盟的相关法规要求。 - **废弃电气与电子设备(WEEE)信息**:根据WEEE指令,设备在其...


    3. 旅行:翻译路标、菜单等,提升旅行体验。 4. 社交媒体:分享截图时自动提取并翻译文字。 5. 无障碍技术:帮助视力障碍者阅读屏幕内容。 五、未来发展趋势 随着AI技术的进步,未来的图片文字识别将更加准确、...

    ruby1.8.5 和locale.properties

    Ruby 1.8.5 是一个古老的 Ruby 语言版本,发布于2007年,它包含了许多在现代 Ruby 版本中已经被废弃或者改进的功能。这个版本在当时是广泛使用的,尤其对于初学者和一些特定项目来说。Ruby 1.8.5 的主要特性包括元...

    babel:[ABANDONED]:globe_with_meridians:Babel是一个模块,用于在Lua应用程序中实现国际化。 它也设计用于LÖVE2D

    5. **资源管理**:在实现国际化的过程中,Babel可能包含一种方式来管理和组织翻译过的字符串资源,如使用JSON或XML文件存储不同语言的文本。 6. **API接口**:Babel应该提供一套API,允许开发者在代码中调用和切换...

    amis前端低代码框架 v1.1.4

    Breaking :翻译文件的 key 不再是中文,如果有修改过英文翻译,需要换成新 key (#1416) (#1418) 拆解 factory.tsx,添加 RootRenderer,并能 处理部分 action, 直接渲染个按钮也能弹窗,发ajax了 (#1425) Text ...

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