


Estimated impact of publication venues in Computer Science (higher is better) - May 2003 (CiteSeer)

Generated from documents in the CiteSeer database. This analysis does not include citations where one or more authors of the citing and cited articles match. This list is automatically generated and may contain errors. Only venues with at least 25 articles are shown.

Impact is estimated using the average citation rate, where citations are normalized using the average citation rate for all articles in a given year, and transformed using ln (n+1) where n is the number of citations.

Publication details obtained from DBLP by Michael Ley. Only venues contained in DBLP are included.

1. OSDI: 3.31 (top 0.08%)
2. USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems: 3.23 (top 0.16%)
3. PLDI: 2.89 (top 0.24%)
4. SIGCOMM: 2.79 (top 0.32%)
5. MOBICOM: 2.76 (top 0.40%)
6. ASPLOS: 2.70 (top 0.49%)
7. USENIX Annual Technical Conference: 2.64 (top 0.57%)
8. TOCS: 2.56 (top 0.65%)
9. SIGGRAPH: 2.53 (top 0.73%)
10. JAIR: 2.45 (top 0.81%)
11. SOSP: 2.41 (top 0.90%)
12. MICRO: 2.31 (top 0.98%)
13. POPL: 2.26 (top 1.06%)
14. PPOPP: 2.22 (top 1.14%)
15. Machine Learning: 2.20 (top 1.22%)
16. 25 Years ISCA: Retrospectives and Reprints: 2.19 (top 1.31%)
17. WWW8 / Computer Networks: 2.17 (top 1.39%)
18. Computational Linguistics: 2.16 (top 1.47%)
19. JSSPP: 2.15 (top 1.55%)
20. VVS: 2.14 (top 1.63%)
21. FPCA: 2.12 (top 1.71%)
22. LISP and Functional Programming: 2.12 (top 1.80%)
23. ICML: 2.12 (top 1.88%)
24. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: 2.08 (top 1.96%)
25. SI3D: 2.06 (top 2.04%)
26. ICSE - Future of SE Track: 2.05 (top 2.12%)
27. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking: 2.05 (top 2.21%)
28. OOPSLA/ECOOP: 2.05 (top 2.29%)
29. WWW9 / Computer Networks: 2.02 (top 2.37%)
30. Workshop on Workstation Operating Systems: 2.01 (top 2.45%)
31. Journal of Computer Security: 2.00 (top 2.53%)
32. TOSEM: 1.99 (top 2.62%)
33. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Debugging: 1.99 (top 2.70%)
34. Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems: 1.99 (top 2.78%)
35. WebDB (Informal Proceedings): 1.99 (top 2.86%)
36. WWW5 / Computer Networks: 1.97 (top 2.94%)
37. Journal of Cryptology: 1.97 (top 3.03%)
38. CSFW: 1.96 (top 3.11%)
39. ECOOP: 1.95 (top 3.19%)
40. Evolutionary Computation: 1.94 (top 3.27%)
41. TOPLAS: 1.92 (top 3.35%)
42. SIGSOFT FSE: 1.88 (top 3.43%)
43. CAV: 1.88 (top 3.52%)
44. AAAI/IAAI, Vol. 1: 1.87 (top 3.60%)
45. PODS: 1.86 (top 3.68%)
46. Artificial Intelligence: 1.85 (top 3.76%)
47. NOSSDAV: 1.85 (top 3.84%)
48. OOPSLA: 1.84 (top 3.93%)
49. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security: 1.82 (top 4.01%)
50. IJCAI (1): 1.82 (top 4.09%)
51. VLDB Journal: 1.81 (top 4.17%)
52. TODS: 1.81 (top 4.25%)
53. USENIX Winter: 1.80 (top 4.34%)
54. HPCA: 1.79 (top 4.42%)
55. LICS: 1.79 (top 4.50%)
56. JLP: 1.78 (top 4.58%)
57. WWW6 / Computer Networks: 1.78 (top 4.66%)
58. ICCV: 1.78 (top 4.75%)
59. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium: 1.78 (top 4.83%)
60. AES Candidate Conference: 1.77 (top 4.91%)
61. KR: 1.76 (top 4.99%)
62. TISSEC: 1.76 (top 5.07%)
63. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce: 1.75 (top 5.15%)
64. TOIS: 1.75 (top 5.24%)
65. PEPM: 1.74 (top 5.32%)
66. SIGMOD Conference: 1.74 (top 5.40%)
67. Formal Methods in System Design: 1.74 (top 5.48%)
68. Mobile Agents: 1.73 (top 5.56%)
69. REX Workshop: 1.73 (top 5.65%)
70. NMR: 1.73 (top 5.73%)
71. Computing Systems: 1.72 (top 5.81%)
72. LOPLAS: 1.72 (top 5.89%)
73. STOC: 1.69 (top 5.97%)
74. Distributed Computing: 1.69 (top 6.06%)
75. KDD: 1.68 (top 6.14%)
76. Symposium on Testing, Analysis, and Verification: 1.65 (top 6.22%)
77. Software Development Environments (SDE): 1.64 (top 6.30%)
78. SIAM J. Comput.: 1.64 (top 6.38%)
79. CRYPTO: 1.63 (top 6.47%)
80. Multimedia Systems: 1.62 (top 6.55%)
81. ICFP: 1.62 (top 6.63%)
82. Lisp and Symbolic Computation: 1.61 (top 6.71%)
83. ECP: 1.61 (top 6.79%)
84. CHI: 1.61 (top 6.87%)
85. ISLP: 1.60 (top 6.96%)
86. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology: 1.59 (top 7.04%)
87. ESOP: 1.58 (top 7.12%)
88. ECCV: 1.58 (top 7.20%)
89. ACM Transactions on Graphics: 1.57 (top 7.28%)
90. CSCW: 1.57 (top 7.37%)
91. AOSE: 1.57 (top 7.45%)
92. ICCL: 1.57 (top 7.53%)
93. Journal of Functional Programming: 1.57 (top 7.61%)
94. RTSS: 1.57 (top 7.69%)
95. ECSCW: 1.56 (top 7.78%)
96. TOCHI: 1.56 (top 7.86%)
97. ISCA: 1.56 (top 7.94%)
98. SIGMETRICS/Performance: 1.56 (top 8.02%)
99. IWMM: 1.55 (top 8.10%)
100. JICSLP: 1.54 (top 8.19%)
101. Automatic Verification Methods for Finite State Systems: 1.54 (top 8.27%)
102. WWW: 1.54 (top 8.35%)
103. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence: 1.54 (top 8.43%)
104. AIPS: 1.53 (top 8.51%)
105. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics: 1.53 (top 8.59%)
106. VLDB: 1.52 (top 8.68%)
107. Symposium on Computational Geometry: 1.51 (top 8.76%)
108. FOCS: 1.51 (top 8.84%)
109. ATAL: 1.51 (top 8.92%)
110. SODA: 1.51 (top 9.00%)
111. PPCP: 1.50 (top 9.09%)
112. AAAI: 1.49 (top 9.17%)
113. COLT: 1.49 (top 9.25%)
114. USENIX Summer: 1.49 (top 9.33%)
115. Information and Computation: 1.48 (top 9.41%)
116. Java Grande: 1.47 (top 9.50%)
117. ISMM: 1.47 (top 9.58%)
118. ICLP/SLP: 1.47 (top 9.66%)
119. SLP: 1.45 (top 9.74%)
120. Structure in Complexity Theory Conference: 1.45 (top 9.82%)
121. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia: 1.45 (top 9.90%)
122. Rules in Database Systems: 1.44 (top 9.99%)
123. ACL: 1.44 (top 10.07%)
124. CONCUR: 1.44 (top 10.15%)
125. SPAA: 1.44 (top 10.23%)
126. J. Algorithms: 1.42 (top 10.31%)
127. DOOD: 1.42 (top 10.40%)
128. ESEC / SIGSOFT FSE: 1.41 (top 10.48%)
129. ICDT: 1.41 (top 10.56%)
130. Advances in Petri Nets: 1.41 (top 10.64%)
131. ICNP: 1.40 (top 10.72%)
132. SSD: 1.39 (top 10.81%)
133. INFOCOM: 1.39 (top 10.89%)
134. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy: 1.39 (top 10.97%)
135. Cognitive Science: 1.38 (top 11.05%)
136. TSE: 1.38 (top 11.13%)
137. Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases (SPIE): 1.38 (top 11.22%)
138. NACLP: 1.38 (top 11.30%)
139. SIGMETRICS: 1.38 (top 11.38%)
140. JACM: 1.37 (top 11.46%)
141. PODC: 1.37 (top 11.54%)
142. International Conference on Supercomputing: 1.36 (top 11.62%)
143. Fast Software Encryption: 1.35 (top 11.71%)
144. IEEE Visualization: 1.35 (top 11.79%)
145. SAS: 1.35 (top 11.87%)
146. TACS: 1.35 (top 11.95%)
147. International Journal of Computer Vision: 1.33 (top 12.03%)
148. JCSS: 1.32 (top 12.12%)
149. Algorithmica: 1.31 (top 12.20%)
150. TOCL: 1.30 (top 12.28%)
151. Information Hiding: 1.30 (top 12.36%)
152. Journal of Automated Reasoning: 1.30 (top 12.44%)
153. ECCV (1): 1.29 (top 12.53%)
154. PCRCW: 1.29 (top 12.61%)
155. Journal of Logic and Computation: 1.29 (top 12.69%)
156. KDD Workshop: 1.28 (top 12.77%)
157. ML: 1.28 (top 12.85%)
158. ISSTA: 1.28 (top 12.94%)
159. EUROCRYPT: 1.27 (top 13.02%)
160. PDIS: 1.27 (top 13.10%)
161. Hypertext: 1.27 (top 13.18%)
162. IWDOM: 1.27 (top 13.26%)
163. PARLE (2): 1.26 (top 13.34%)
164. Hybrid Systems: 1.26 (top 13.43%)
165. American Journal of Computational Linguistics: 1.26 (top 13.51%)
166. SPIN: 1.25 (top 13.59%)
167. ICDE: 1.25 (top 13.67%)
168. FMCAD: 1.25 (top 13.75%)
169. SC: 1.25 (top 13.84%)
170. EDBT: 1.25 (top 13.92%)
171. Computational Complexity: 1.25 (top 14.00%)
172. International Journal of Computatinal Geometry and Applications: 1.25 (top 14.08%)
173. ESORICS: 1.25 (top 14.16%)
174. IJCAI (2): 1.24 (top 14.25%)
175. TACAS: 1.24 (top 14.33%)
176. Ubicomp: 1.24 (top 14.41%)
177. MPC: 1.24 (top 14.49%)
178. AWOC: 1.24 (top 14.57%)
179. TLCA: 1.23 (top 14.66%)
180. Emergent Neural Computational Architectures Based on Neuroscience: 1.23 (top 14.74%)
181. CADE: 1.22 (top 14.82%)
182. PROCOMET: 1.22 (top 14.90%)
183. ACM Multimedia: 1.22 (top 14.98%)
184. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications: 1.22 (top 15.06%)
185. Science of Computer Programming: 1.22 (top 15.15%)
186. LCPC: 1.22 (top 15.23%)
187. CT-RSA: 1.22 (top 15.31%)
188. ICLP: 1.21 (top 15.39%)
189. Financial Cryptography: 1.21 (top 15.47%)
190. DBPL: 1.21 (top 15.56%)
191. AAAI/IAAI: 1.20 (top 15.64%)
192. Artificial Life: 1.20 (top 15.72%)
193. Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation: 1.19 (top 15.80%)
194. TKDE: 1.19 (top 15.88%)
195. ACM Computing Surveys: 1.19 (top 15.97%)
196. Computational Geometry: 1.18 (top 16.05%)
197. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems: 1.18 (top 16.13%)
198. EWSL: 1.18 (top 16.21%)
199. Learning for Natural Language Processing: 1.18 (top 16.29%)
200. TAPOS: 1.17 (top 16.38%)
201. TAPSOFT, Vol.1: 1.17 (top 16.46%)
202. International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications: 1.17 (top 16.54%)
203. TAPSOFT: 1.17 (top 16.62%)
204. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems: 1.17 (top 16.70%)
205. Heterogeneous Computing Workshop: 1.16 (top 16.78%)
206. Distributed and Parallel Databases: 1.16 (top 16.87%)
207. DAC: 1.16 (top 16.95%)
208. ICTL: 1.16 (top 17.03%)
209. Performance/SIGMETRICS Tutorials: 1.16 (top 17.11%)
210. IEEE Computer: 1.15 (top 17.19%)
211. IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium: 1.15 (top 17.28%)
212. TAPSOFT, Vol.2: 1.15 (top 17.36%)
213. ACM Workshop on Role-Based Access Control: 1.15 (top 17.44%)
214. WCRE: 1.14 (top 17.52%)
215. Applications and Theory of Petri Nets: 1.14 (top 17.60%)
216. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop: 1.14 (top 17.69%)
217. ICDCS: 1.14 (top 17.77%)
218. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science: 1.14 (top 17.85%)
219. Workshop on the Management of Replicated Data: 1.13 (top 17.93%)
220. ECCV (2): 1.13 (top 18.01%)
221. PPSN: 1.13 (top 18.09%)
222. Middleware: 1.13 (top 18.18%)
223. OODBS: 1.12 (top 18.26%)
224. Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC): 1.12 (top 18.34%)
225. UML: 1.12 (top 18.42%)
226. Real-Time Systems: 1.12 (top 18.50%)
227. FME: 1.12 (top 18.59%)
228. Evolutionary Computing, AISB Workshop: 1.11 (top 18.67%)
229. IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity: 1.11 (top 18.75%)
230. IOPADS: 1.11 (top 18.83%)
231. IJCAI: 1.10 (top 18.91%)
232. ISWC: 1.10 (top 19.00%)
233. SIGIR: 1.10 (top 19.08%)
234. Symposium on LISP and Functional Programming: 1.10 (top 19.16%)
235. PASTE: 1.10 (top 19.24%)
236. HPDC: 1.10 (top 19.32%)
237. Application and Theory of Petri Nets: 1.09 (top 19.41%)
238. ICCAD: 1.09 (top 19.49%)
239. Category Theory and Computer Science: 1.08 (top 19.57%)
240. Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection: 1.08 (top 19.65%)
241. JIIS: 1.08 (top 19.73%)
242. TODAES: 1.08 (top 19.81%)
243. Neural Computation: 1.08 (top 19.90%)
244. CCL: 1.08 (top 19.98%)
245. SIGPLAN Workshop: 1.08 (top 20.06%)
246. DPDS: 1.07 (top 20.14%)
247. ACM Multimedia (1): 1.07 (top 20.22%)
248. MAAMAW: 1.07 (top 20.31%)
249. Computer Graphics Forum: 1.07 (top 20.39%)
250. HUG: 1.06 (top 20.47%)
251. Hybrid Neural Systems: 1.06 (top 20.55%)
252. SRDS: 1.06 (top 20.63%)
253. TPCD: 1.06 (top 20.72%)
254. ILP: 1.06 (top 20.80%)
255. ARTDB: 1.06 (top 20.88%)
256. NIPS: 1.06 (top 20.96%)
257. Formal Aspects of Computing: 1.06 (top 21.04%)
258. ECHT: 1.06 (top 21.13%)
259. ICMCS: 1.06 (top 21.21%)
260. Wireless Networks: 1.05 (top 21.29%)
261. Advances in Data Base Theory: 1.05 (top 21.37%)
262. WDAG: 1.05 (top 21.45%)
263. ALP: 1.05 (top 21.53%)
264. TARK: 1.05 (top 21.62%)
265. PATAT: 1.05 (top 21.70%)
266. ISTCS: 1.04 (top 21.78%)
267. Concurrency - Practice and Experience: 1.04 (top 21.86%)
268. CP: 1.04 (top 21.94%)
269. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing: 1.04 (top 22.03%)
270. FTCS: 1.04 (top 22.11%)
271. RTA: 1.04 (top 22.19%)
272. COORDINATION: 1.03 (top 22.27%)
273. CHDL: 1.03 (top 22.35%)
274. Theory of Computing Systems: 1.02 (top 22.44%)
275. CTRS: 1.02 (top 22.52%)
276. COMPASS/ADT: 1.02 (top 22.60%)
277. TOMACS: 1.02 (top 22.68%)
278. IEEE Micro: 1.02 (top 22.76%)
279. IEEE PACT: 1.02 (top 22.85%)
280. ASIACRYPT: 1.01 (top 22.93%)
281. MONET: 1.01 (top 23.01%)
282. WWW7 / Computer Networks: 1.01 (top 23.09%)
283. HUC: 1.01 (top 23.17%)
284. Expert Database Conf.: 1.00 (top 23.25%)
285. Agents: 1.00 (top 23.34%)
286. CPM: 1.00 (top 23.42%)
287. SIGPLAN Symposium on Compiler Construction: 1.00 (top 23.50%)
288. International Conference on Evolutionary Computation: 1.00 (top 23.58%)
289. TAGT: 1.00 (top 23.66%)
290. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation: 1.00 (top 23.75%)
291. FTRTFT: 1.00 (top 23.83%)
292. TPHOLs: 1.00 (top 23.91%)
293. Intelligent User Interfaces: 0.99 (top 23.99%)
294. Journal of Functional and Logic Programming: 0.99 (top 24.07%)
295. Cluster Computing: 0.99 (top 24.16%)
296. ESA: 0.99 (top 24.24%)
297. PLILP: 0.99 (top 24.32%)
298. COLING-ACL: 0.98 (top 24.40%)
299. META: 0.97 (top 24.48%)
300. IEEE MultiMedia: 0.97 (top 24.57%)
301. ICALP: 0.97 (top 24.65%)
302. IATA: 0.97 (top 24.73%)
303. FPGA: 0.97 (top 24.81%)
304. EuroCOLT: 0.97 (top 24.89%)
305. New Generation Computing: 0.97 (top 24.97%)
306. Automated Software Engineering: 0.97 (top 25.06%)
307. GRID: 0.97 (top 25.14%)
308. ISOTAS: 0.96 (top 25.22%)
309. LPNMR: 0.96 (top 25.30%)
310. PLILP/ALP: 0.96 (top 25.38%)
311. UIST: 0.96 (top 25.47%)
312. IPCO: 0.95 (top 25.55%)
313. ICPP, Vol. 1: 0.95 (top 25.63%)
314. PNPM: 0.95 (top 25.71%)
315. HSCC: 0.95 (top 25.79%)
316. ILPS: 0.95 (top 25.88%)
317. RIDE-IMS: 0.95 (top 25.96%)
318. Int. J. on Digital Libraries: 0.95 (top 26.04%)
319. STTT: 0.94 (top 26.12%)
320. MFPS: 0.94 (top 26.20%)
321. Graph-Grammars and Their Application to Computer Science: 0.93 (top 26.28%)
322. Graph Drawing: 0.93 (top 26.37%)
323. VRML: 0.93 (top 26.45%)
324. VDM Europe: 0.93 (top 26.53%)
325. AAAI/IAAI, Vol. 2: 0.93 (top 26.61%)
326. Z User Workshop: 0.93 (top 26.69%)
327. Constraints: 0.93 (top 26.78%)
328. SCM: 0.93 (top 26.86%)
329. IEEE Software: 0.92 (top 26.94%)
330. World Wide Web: 0.92 (top 27.02%)
331. HOA: 0.92 (top 27.10%)
332. Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems: 0.92 (top 27.19%)
333. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics: 0.92 (top 27.27%)
334. SMILE: 0.91 (top 27.35%)
335. HART: 0.91 (top 27.43%)
336. ICPP, Vol. 3: 0.91 (top 27.51%)
337. FASE: 0.91 (top 27.60%)
338. TCS: 0.91 (top 27.68%)
339. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory: 0.91 (top 27.76%)
340. C++ Conference: 0.91 (top 27.84%)
341. ICSE: 0.90 (top 27.92%)
342. ARTS: 0.90 (top 28.00%)
343. Journal of Computational Biology: 0.90 (top 28.09%)
344. SIGART Bulletin: 0.90 (top 28.17%)
345. TREC: 0.89 (top 28.25%)
346. Implementation of Functional Languages: 0.89 (top 28.33%)
347. Acta Informatica: 0.88 (top 28.41%)
348. SAIG: 0.88 (top 28.50%)
349. CANPC: 0.88 (top 28.58%)
350. CACM: 0.87 (top 28.66%)
351. PADL: 0.87 (top 28.74%)
352. Networked Group Communication: 0.87 (top 28.82%)
353. RECOMB: 0.87 (top 28.91%)
354. ACM DL: 0.87 (top 28.99%)
355. Computer Performance Evaluation: 0.87 (top 29.07%)
356. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing: 0.86 (top 29.15%)
357. PARLE (1): 0.86 (top 29.23%)
358. DISC: 0.85 (top 29.32%)
359. FGCS: 0.85 (top 29.40%)
360. ELP: 0.85 (top 29.48%)
361. IEEE Transactions on Computers: 0.85 (top 29.56%)
362. JSC: 0.85 (top 29.64%)
363. LOPSTR: 0.85 (top 29.72%)
364. FoSSaCS: 0.85 (top 29.81%)
365. World Congress on Formal Methods: 0.85 (top 29.89%)
366. CHARME: 0.84 (top 29.97%)
367. RIDE: 0.84 (top 30.05%)
368. APPROX: 0.84 (top 30.13%)
369. EWCBR: 0.84 (top 30.22%)
370. CC: 0.83 (top 30.30%)
371. Public Key Cryptography: 0.83 (top 30.38%)
372. CA: 0.83 (top 30.46%)
373. CHES: 0.83 (top 30.54%)
374. ECML: 0.83 (top 30.63%)
375. LCTES/OM: 0.83 (top 30.71%)
376. Information Systems: 0.83 (top 30.79%)
377. IJCIS: 0.83 (top 30.87%)
378. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing: 0.82 (top 30.95%)
379. WADS: 0.82 (top 31.04%)
380. Random Structures and Algorithms: 0.81 (top 31.12%)
381. ICS: 0.81 (top 31.20%)
382. Data Engineering Bulletin: 0.81 (top 31.28%)
383. VDM Europe (1): 0.81 (top 31.36%)
384. SWAT: 0.80 (top 31.44%)
385. Nordic Journal of Computing: 0.80 (top 31.53%)
386. Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics: 0.80 (top 31.61%)
387. Architectures and Compilation Techniques for Fine and Medium Grain Parallelism: 0.80 (top 31.69%)
388. KBSE: 0.80 (top 31.77%)
389. STACS: 0.80 (top 31.85%)
390. EMSOFT: 0.80 (top 31.94%)
391. IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin: 0.80 (top 32.02%)
392. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence: 0.79 (top 32.10%)
393. WOSP: 0.79 (top 32.18%)
394. VBC: 0.79 (top 32.26%)
395. RTDB: 0.79 (top 32.35%)
396. CoopIS: 0.79 (top 32.43%)
397. Combinatorica: 0.79 (top 32.51%)
398. International Journal of Geographical Information Systems: 0.78 (top 32.59%)
399. Autonomous Robots: 0.78 (top 32.67%)
400. IW-MMDBMS: 0.78 (top 32.76%)
401. ESEC: 0.78 (top 32.84%)
402. WADT: 0.78 (top 32.92%)
403. CAAP: 0.78 (top 33.00%)
404. LCTES: 0.78 (top 33.08%)
405. ZUM: 0.77 (top 33.16%)
406. TYPES: 0.77 (top 33.25%)
407. Symposium on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems: 0.77 (top 33.33%)
408. TABLEAUX: 0.77 (top 33.41%)
409. International Journal of Parallel Programming: 0.77 (top 33.49%)
410. COST 237 Workshop: 0.77 (top 33.57%)
411. Data Types and Persistence (Appin), Informal Proceedings: 0.77 (top 33.66%)
412. Evolutionary Programming: 0.77 (top 33.74%)
413. Reflection: 0.76 (top 33.82%)
414. SIGMOD Record: 0.76 (top 33.90%)
415. Security Protocols Workshop: 0.76 (top 33.98%)
416. XP1 Workshop on Database Theory: 0.76 (top 34.07%)
417. EDMCC: 0.76 (top 34.15%)
418. DL: 0.76 (top 34.23%)
419. EDAC-ETC-EUROASIC: 0.76 (top 34.31%)
420. Protocols for High-Speed Networks: 0.76 (top 34.39%)
421. PPDP: 0.75 (top 34.47%)
422. IFIP PACT: 0.75 (top 34.56%)
423. LNCS: 0.75 (top 34.64%)
424. IWQoS: 0.75 (top 34.72%)
425. UK Hypertext: 0.75 (top 34.80%)
426. Selected Areas in Cryptography: 0.75 (top 34.88%)
427. ICATPN: 0.74 (top 34.97%)
428. Workshop on Computational Geometry: 0.74 (top 35.05%)
429. Integrated Network Management: 0.74 (top 35.13%)
430. ICGI: 0.74 (top 35.21%)
431. ICPP (2): 0.74 (top 35.29%)
432. SSR: 0.74 (top 35.38%)
433. ADB: 0.74 (top 35.46%)
434. Object Representation in Computer Vision: 0.74 (top 35.54%)
435. PSTV: 0.74 (top 35.62%)
436. CAiSE: 0.74 (top 35.70%)
437. On Knowledge Base Management Systems (Islamorada): 0.74 (top 35.79%)
438. CIKM: 0.73 (top 35.87%)
439. WSA: 0.73 (top 35.95%)
440. RANDOM: 0.73 (top 36.03%)
441. KRDB: 0.73 (top 36.11%)
442. ISSS: 0.73 (top 36.19%)
443. SIGAL International Symposium on Algorithms: 0.73 (top 36.28%)
444. INFORMS Journal on Computing: 0.73 (top 36.36%)
445. Computer Supported Cooperative Work: 0.73 (top 36.44%)
446. CSL: 0.72 (top 36.52%)
447. Computational Intelligence: 0.72 (top 36.60%)
448. ICCBR: 0.72 (top 36.69%)
449. ICES: 0.72 (top 36.77%)
450. AI Magazine: 0.72 (top 36.85%)
451. JELIA: 0.72 (top 36.93%)
452. VR: 0.71 (top 37.01%)
453. ICPP (1): 0.71 (top 37.10%)
454. RIDE-TQP: 0.71 (top 37.18%)
455. ISA: 0.71 (top 37.26%)
456. Data Compression Conference: 0.71 (top 37.34%)
457. CIA: 0.71 (top 37.42%)
458. COSIT: 0.71 (top 37.51%)
459. IJCSLP: 0.71 (top 37.59%)
460. DISCO: 0.71 (top 37.67%)
461. DKE: 0.71 (top 37.75%)
462. IWAN: 0.71 (top 37.83%)
463. Operating Systems Review: 0.70 (top 37.91%)
464. IEEE Internet Computing: 0.70 (top 38.00%)
465. LISP Conference: 0.70 (top 38.08%)
466. C++ Workshop: 0.70 (top 38.16%)
467. SPDP: 0.70 (top 38.24%)
468. Fuji International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming: 0.69 (top 38.32%)
469. LPAR: 0.69 (top 38.41%)
470. ECAI: 0.69 (top 38.49%)
471. Hypermedia: 0.69 (top 38.57%)
472. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: 0.69 (top 38.65%)
473. AADEBUG: 0.69 (top 38.73%)
474. VL: 0.69 (top 38.82%)
475. FSTTCS: 0.69 (top 38.90%)
476. AMAST: 0.68 (top 38.98%)
477. Artificial Intelligence Review: 0.68 (top 39.06%)
478. HPN: 0.68 (top 39.14%)
479. POS: 0.68 (top 39.23%)
480. Research Directions in High-Level Parallel Programming Languages: 0.68 (top 39.31%)
481. Performance Evaluation: 0.68 (top 39.39%)
482. ASE: 0.68 (top 39.47%)
483. LFCS: 0.67 (top 39.55%)
484. ISCOPE: 0.67 (top 39.63%)
485. Workshop on Software and Performance: 0.67 (top 39.72%)
486. European Workshop on Applications and Theory in Petri Nets: 0.67 (top 39.80%)
487. ICPP: 0.67 (top 39.88%)
488. INFOVIS: 0.67 (top 39.96%)
489. Description Logics: 0.67 (top 40.04%)
490. JCDKB: 0.67 (top 40.13%)
491. Euro-Par, Vol. I: 0.67 (top 40.21%)
492. RoboCup: 0.67 (top 40.29%)
493. Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications: 0.66 (top 40.37%)
494. TPLP: 0.66 (top 40.45%)
495. CVRMed: 0.66 (top 40.54%)
496. POS/PJW: 0.66 (top 40.62%)
497. FORTE: 0.66 (top 40.70%)
498. IPMI: 0.66 (top 40.78%)
499. ADL: 0.66 (top 40.86%)
500. ICCS: 0.66 (top 40.95%)
501. ISSAC: 0.66 (top 41.03%)
502. Advanced Programming Environments: 0.66 (top 41.11%)
503. COMPCON: 0.66 (top 41.19%)
504. LCR: 0.65 (top 41.27%)
505. Digital Libraries: 0.65 (top 41.35%)
506. ALENEX: 0.65 (top 41.44%)
507. AH: 0.65 (top 41.52%)
508. CoBuild: 0.65 (top 41.60%)
509. DS-6: 0.65 (top 41.68%)
510. CDB: 0.64 (top 41.76%)
511. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems: 0.64 (top 41.85%)
512. IWACA: 0.64 (top 41.93%)
513. MobiDE: 0.64 (top 42.01



    本文将详细介绍部分计算机领域内被EI和SCI收录的期刊及其影响因子,并列举了一些重要的国际会议。 #### EI和SCI收录的计算机科学期刊 1. **《电子学报》** - **版本**:英文版、中文版 - **中文版总被引频次**...

    国际网络科学会议NetSciX 2018【会议报告PPT_(五)】.rar

    国际网络科学会议NetSciX 2018,大会报告PPT 国际网络科学会议NetSciX 2018于2018年的1月5日-8日在浙江杭州召开,这也是该会议首次在中国举办,令人无限期待。本届NetSciX由国际网络科学协会(The Network ...






    评估标准通常包括但不限于期刊的影响因子(Impact Factor)、会议的接受率、投稿到发表的平均时长、同行评审制度、出版频率、编辑委员会的专业性等因素。权威的学术组织会有一套成熟的评估体系,以确保推荐列表的...


    在《国际学术会议及期刊目录》中,你可以找到各个级别的会议和期刊列表,每个条目通常会包含以下几个方面的重要信息: 1. 会议或期刊名称:这是最直观的信息,科研人员可以通过名称了解该出版物的领域和主题。 2. ...


    "什么样的会议能够被SCI或者EI检索.doc"将揭示哪些会议的论文会被这两个数据库收录,这对希望在国际会议上发表论文的研究者来说是宝贵的指导。 4. **EI和SCI检索标准**: 了解EI和SCI的收录标准有助于提升论文被...


    - IEEE International Conference on Image Processing:图像处理的国际会议。 - ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems:嵌入式网络化传感器系统会议。 以上会议中,很多是A类或B类顶级会议。这些...






    CCF推荐的国际学术会议和期刊目录是指中国计算机学会(China Computer Federation,简称CCF)所推荐的在计算机科学领域中具有较高学术影响力的会议和期刊列表。CCF根据会议和期刊的研究领域和学术水平,将其分为三个...



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