

  • SOA


Open CSA组织促进了服务组件架构(SCA)和服务数据对象(SDO)规范系列的创建和采用。
SCA Java EJB客户及实现(SCA Java EJB Client and Implementation)规范描述了如何在SCA复合应用程序中使用EJBEJB模块。它在两个层次上定义了EJB的使用:
l          可以将完整的EJB模块像SCA复合体一样使用,不需要做任何内部细节上的改动,借助SCA连接到EJB模块提供的服务上,并将EJB模块的服务需求连接到EJB模块的外部组件所提供的服务上。
l          可以使用单个EJB,由SCA提供所有的连接。
SCA装配模型(SCA Assembly Model)定义了构成一个SCA系统的各种构件和他们之间的关系。包括:SCA复合体,SCA构件,服务,服务实现,服务需要,连线等等。
SCA策略框架(SCA Policy Framework
SCA Java注释、API和组件实现
SCA Java公共注释和APISCA Java Common Annotations and API)规范定义了Java API和注释,以支持使用Java编程语言来构建服务组件和服务客户。有一些紧密相关的模型,它们描述了如何在SOA上下文中使用其他基于Java的框架和模型,例如SpringEJB,这些模型也使用此规范定义的公共注释和API。此外,Java组件实现规范还定义了用于创建服务组件的简单Java POJO模型。
SCA C++客户及实现(C++ C&I)规范定义了API和注释,以支持使用C++来编写适合SCA组装模型的服务组件和服务客户。
SCA WS-BPEL客户及实现(BPEL C&I)模型指定了如何将WS-BPEL进程用作SCA组件。
针对SpringSCA Java客户及实现模型指定了Spring框架如何与SCA一起使用,以实现以下目的:
SCA绑定(SCA Binding)规范适用于服务和服务需求。绑定允许通过特定的访问方法或传输来提供服务并满足服务需求。
JMS绑定允许SCA组件使用JMS API来通信。它提供了连接到所需的JMS资源的JMS特有的连接细节。它支持使用QueueTopic类型的目标。
EJB Session Bean绑定可以将先前部署的Session Bean集成到SCA装配中,并允许向使用EJB编程模型的客户公开SCA服务。EJB绑定既支持无状态的Session Bean模型也支持有状态的Session Bean模型。
为支持各种可能的应用,标准中包括了对各种常用语言的支持,包括:SDO for Java and C++SDO for PHPSDO for CSDO for COBOL。详细内容可以从相关的白皮书和规范正文中获得。
Open CSA promotes the creation and adoption of the Service Component Architecture (SCA) and Service Data Objects (SDO) families of specifications.
These specifications are currently available for download from the Open SOA Collaboration.
Service Component Architecture (SCA)
Service Component Architecture (SCA) is a set of specifications which describe a model for building applications and systems using a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). SCA extends and complements prior approaches to implementing services, and SCA builds on open standards such as Web services.
SCA is based on the idea that business function is provided as a series of services, which are assembled together to create solutions that serve a particular business need. These composite applications can contain both new services created specifically for the application and also business function from existing systems and applications, reused as part of the composition. SCA provides a model both for the composition of services and for the creation of service components, including the reuse of existing application function within SCA compositions.
SCA is a model that aims to encompass a wide range of technologies for service components and for the access methods which are used to connect them. For components, this includes not only different programming languages, but also frameworks and environments commonly used with those languages. For access methods, SCA compositions allow for the use of various communication and service access technologies that are in common use, including, for example, Web services, messaging systems and Remote Procedure Call (RPC).
SCA comprises the following specifications:
SCA EJB Component Model
The SCA Java EJB Client and Implementation specification describes how EJBs and EJB modules can be used within an SCA composition. The usage is defined at two levels:
·It is possible to use complete EJB modules as if they are SCA composites, without changing their internal details, using SCA to wire to services offered by EJBs in the module and wiring from unsatisifed EJB-refs of the module to services provided by components outside the EJB module.
·It is possible to use individual EJBs with SCA providing all the wiring
This specification can be downloaded from the Open SOA Collaboration. For more information, see the Open SOA EJB white paper.
SCA Assembly Model
The SCA Assembly Model consists of a series of artifacts which define the configuration of an SCA system in terms of service components which implement and/or use services and the connections which describe how they are linked together. The assembly is defined in terms of a set of SCA composites, which define components and reference the implementation code that provide business function and which also describe services and references and the wires that link them.
This specification can be downloaded from the Open SOA Collaboration.
SCA Policy Framework
The capture and expression of non-functional requirements such as security is an important aspect of service definition, and has impact on SCA throughout the lifecycle of components and compositions. SCA provides the Policy Framework to support specification of constraints, capabilities and Quality of Service (QoS) expectations, from component design through to concrete deployment. This specification describes the framework and its usage.
This specification can be downloaded from the Open SOA Collaboration.
SCA Java Annotations, APIs, and Component Implementation
The SCA Java Common Annotations and APIs specification defines Java APIs and annotations that enable service components and service clients to be built in the Java programming language. There are closely related models describing how other Java-based frameworks and models can be used in the context of SCA, such as Spring and EJBs, which also use the common annotations and APIs defined here. In addition, the Java Component Implementation specification defines a simple Java POJO model for creating service components.
This specification can be downloaded from the Open SOA Collaboration.
SCA Client & Implementation: C++
The SCA C++ Client and Implementation (C++ C&I) specification defines APIs and annotations which enable service components and service clients to be written in C++ which fit with the broader SCA Assembly model for SOA solutions.
This specification can be downloaded from the Open SOA Collaboration.
SCA Client & Implementation: BPEL
The SCA WS-BPEL Client and Implementation (BPEL C&I) model specifies how WS-BPEL processes can be used as SCA components.
This specification can be downloaded from the Open SOA Collaboration.
SCA Client & Implementation: PHP
The SCA Client and Implementation model for PHP defines how PHP scripts and objects can be used within an SCA assembly.
This specification can be downloaded from the Open SOA Collaboration.
SCA Client & Implementation: Spring
The SCA Java Client and Implementation model for Spring specifies how the Spring Framework can be used with SCA. The goals of this effort are:
Coarse-grained integration: The integration with Spring will be at the SCA Composite level, where a Spring application context provides a complete composite, exposing services and using references via SCA. This means that a Spring application context defines the internal structure of a composite implementation.
Start from SCA Component Type: It should be possible to use Spring to implement any SCA Composite that uses WSDL or Java interfaces to define services, possibly with some SCA specific extensions.
Start from Spring context: It should be possible to use any valid Spring application context as the implementation of a component within SCA. In particular, it should be possible to generate an SCA Composite from any Spring context and use that composite within an SCA assembly.
This specification can be downloaded from the Open SOA Collaboration.
SCA Bindings Specifications
SCA Bindings apply to services and references. Bindings allow services to be provided, and references to be satisfied, via particular access methods or transports.
The Web service bindings allow one to access an external reference or expose SCA services using Web services technologies. SCA provides a compositional view of interconnections among service components whereas Web services provide an interoperable way to access the service components. The Web service binding also provides the interoperability glue between an SCA system and other services that are external to the SCA system but are used by composites within the SCA system.
The JMS binding allows SCA components to communicate using the JMS API. It provides JMS-specific details of the connection to the required JMS resources. It supports the use of Queue and Topic type destinations.
The EJB Session Bean bindings integrate a previously deployed session bean into an SCA assembly, and allows one to expose SCA services to clients which use the EJB programming model. The EJB binding supports the stateless session bean model as well as the stateful session bean model.
This specification can be downloaded from the Open SOA Collaboration. For more information, see the Open SOA SCA Bindings page.

Service Data Objects (SDO)
Service Data Objects (SDO) are designed to simplify and unify the way in which applications handle data. Using SDO, application programmers can uniformly access and manipulate data from heterogeneous data sources, including relational databases, XML data sources, Web services, and enterprise information systems.
These specifications can be downloaded from the Open SOA Collaboration.
For more information, see the SDO v2.1 white paper.
SDO for Java and C++
These specifications can be downloaded from the Open SOA Collaboration.
Service Data Objects (SDOs) enable PHP applications to work with data from different sources, such as databases and XML files, using a single interface. The PHP implementation of SDO is the first to map SDO to a weakly and dynamically typed scripting environment. The result is a technology which, at its heart provides the same functionality and compatibility as other implementations, but externally present an API that is tailored to the target language.
For more information, see the SDO for PHP white paper.
SDO for C
An SDO for C draft specification proposal is available from the Open SOA Collaboration.
An SDO for COBOL draft specification proposal is available from the Open SOA Collaboration.

发布时间:2007年09月28日 作者:yangjw

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Open CSA组织促进了服务组件架构(SCA)和服务数据对象(SDO)规范系列的创建和采用。
SCA Java EJB客户及实现(SCA Java EJB Client and Implementation)规范描述了如何在SCA复合应用程序中使用EJBEJB模块。它在两个层次上定义了EJB的使用:
l          可以将完整的EJB模块像SCA复合体一样使用,不需要做任何内部细节上的改动,借助SCA连接到EJB模块提供的服务上,并将EJB模块的服务需求连接到EJB模块的外部组件所提供的服务上。
l          可以使用单个EJB,由SCA提供所有的连接。
SCA装配模型(SCA Assembly Model)定义了构成一个SCA系统的各种构件和他们之间的关系。包括:SCA复合体,SCA构件,服务,服务实现,服务需要,连线等等。
SCA策略框架(SCA Policy Framework
SCA Java注释、API和组件实现
SCA Java公共注释和APISCA Java Common Annotations and API)规范定义了Java API和注释,以支持使用Java编程语言来构建服务组件和服务客户。有一些紧密相关的模型,它们描述了如何在SOA上下文中使用其他基于Java的框架和模型,例如SpringEJB,这些模型也使用此规范定义的公共注释和API。此外,Java组件实现规范还定义了用于创建服务组件的简单Java POJO模型。
SCA C++客户及实现(C++ C&I<span style=



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    因此,SCA/SDO应运而生,旨在提供一套标准化的技术框架,以帮助开发者更轻松地构建SOA应用。 2005年,IBM、BEA、IONA、Oracle、SAP等多家企业合作,共同发布了SCA/SDO规范草案。这些企业还联合成立了OSOA(Open ...


    1. **标准化**:SCA和SDO提供了一套标准化的开发框架,有助于统一SOA领域的开发标准,促进技术交流和发展。 2. **简化开发**:SCA和SDO通过提供统一的服务接口和数据操作API,简化了SOA应用的开发过程。 3. **提高...


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    sca sdo中文资料

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    #### 二、SOA相关标准规范体系结构 - **标准与规范的区别**: - “标准”通常指的是由公认标准化组织制定和发布的正式文档。 - “规范”则更为灵活,通常由厂商或非标准化组织发布。有时,某些规范因为得到了业界...


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    SCA规范中文版,包含Java-SDO-Spec-v2.1.0-FINAL.pdf,SCA_AssemblyModel_V100中文版.pdf,SCA_JavaAnnotationsAndAPIs中文版.pdfSCA_JavaComponentImplementation_V100中文版.pdf 4个文件

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    面向服务的架构(Service-Oriented Architecture,简称SOA)是一种设计和构建应用程序的方法,它强调将业务功能作为独立的服务,这些服务之间通过标准接口进行通信,以实现松散耦合和互操作性。SOA的目标是提高业务...

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