subroutine & action - varnish
subroutine, code section, called in the flow, manipulate http header and other things,
action, indicate the next step, used inside subroutine, in format "return (action);" ,
format of subroutine
sub xxx {
return (action);
call a subrouine
call xxx;
what we do:
we just re-define subroutine logic, it will be used in the flow automatically,
terminate of subroutine
'action' is the result which indicate the next step,
multi subroutine
if more than one subroutine with the same name is defined, they will be concated into a single subroutine in the order defined,
* error code [reason]
return error with specified reason, and abandon the request,
* pass
switch to pass mode,
if current subroutine is not vcl_pass, control will be pass to vcl_pass,
* pipe
switch to pipe mode,
if current subroutine is not vcl_pipe, control will be pass to vcl_pipe,
* lookup
lookup the requested object in the cache,
if found, control will be pass to vcl_hit, otheriwse to vcl_miss,
* deliver
deliver data to client,
if current subroutine is not vcl_deliver, control will be pass to vcl_deliver,
* restart
restart the request, and increase the restart counter, if the counter > max_restarts, an error will be send,
* fetch
retrieve the requested object from the backend,
if current subroutine is not vcl_fetch, control will be pass to vcl_fetch,
* ok
means ok, used in vcl_init & vcl_fini,
* hit_for_pass
used in vcl_fetch,
create a hit_for_pass object, set the object's ttl to the current value of beresp.tll,
current request will be handled by vcl_deliver,
but subsequence request will go directly to vcl_pass according to hit_for_pass object, means use vcl_pass and cache will not be used until the hit_for_pass object's ttl expired,
return the same action:
if a subroutine return a action the same as it self, that means the request is already proceed and finished in this way,
in vcl_pipe(), return (pipe); , means request is proceed by the way pipe,
* vcl_init
* vcl_recv
* vcl_pipe
* vcl_pass
* vcl_hash
* vcl_hit
* vcl_miss
* vcl_fetch
* vcl_deliver
* vcl_error
* vcl_fini
for init, called before any request come,
possible action:
* ok
vcl will go on
called when request is received and parsed,
* whether to serve this request
* how to do it
* which backend to use
possible action:
* error code
* pass
* pipe
* lookup
request is passed to backend, varnish act just like a pipe between client & backend for furture data until the connection is closed,
possible action:
* error code
* pipe
indicate proceed & finished in pipe mode,
similar as vcl_pipe, but the response from backend don't enter cache, means the response will not be cached,
the subsequence request of the same connection is proceed normally,
possible action:
* error code
* pass
indicate proceed & finished in pipe mode,
* restart
add data to hash,
call hash_data() to add a data,
possible action:
* hash
called after a cache is found in lookup,
possible action:
* deliver
* error code
* pass
* restart
called after a cache not found in lookup,
* whether to attempt to retrieve the document from backend,
* which backend to use
possible action:
* error code
* pass
* fetch
called after a document is fetched from backend,
possible action:
* deliver
add object to cache, then deliver it,
* error code
* hit_for_pass
* restart
called before a object is deliver to the client,
possible action:
* deliver
deliver object to client,
* error code
* restart
called when an error occur,
possible action:
* deliver
deliver the error to client,
* restart
clean up VCL, called after all request have exited VCL,
possible action:
* ok
vcl will be discarded,
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