1, module
If a third programwants to use these modules, it can simply load the two files (using the Ruby require statement, which we discuss on page 116) and reference the qualified names.
At a stroke, they pretty much eliminate the need for multiple inheritance, providing a facility called a mixin.
A module can’t have instances, because a module isn’t a class. However, you can include a module within a class definition. When this happens, all the module’s instance methods are suddenly available as methods in the class as well. They get mixed in. In fact, mixed-in modules effectively behave as superclasses.
The Ruby include statement simply makes a reference to a named module. If that module is in a separate file, you must use require (or its less commonly used cousin, load) to drag that file in before using include. Second, a Ruby include does not simply copy the module’s instance methods into the class. Instead, it makes a reference from the class to the included module.
Alternativly, the module could use a module-level hash, indexed by the current object ID, to store instance-specific data without using Ruby instance variables.
The answer is that Ruby looks first in the immediate class of an object, then in the mixins included into that class, and then in superclasses and their mixins. If a class has multiple modules mixed in, the last one included is searched first.
The load method includes the named Ruby source file every time the method is executed.
The more commonly used require method loads any given file only once.
詹姆斯·布里特,ruby-doc.org网站管理员,表示第一版的《Programming Ruby》就是一本智慧、优雅且充满趣味的书,而第二版更是超越前者,成为Ruby学习者的首选资料。 ### 学习Ruby的意义 查德·福勒(Chad Fowler...
《Programming Ruby 1.9》是一本经典的Ruby编程语言教程,其源代码包含了大量实例和示例,旨在帮助读者深入理解Ruby的语法、特性以及编程实践。这些源代码是学习和探索Ruby语言的重要资源,涵盖了从基础语法到高级...
5. 实际应用:Rich Kilmer提到,在阅读了第一版《Programming Ruby》之后,他感到很受启发,随后创立了一家主要通过应用Ruby解决实际问题的公司,这表明了Ruby语言的实用性。 6. 社区和库的支持:Rich Kilmer还强调...
《Programming Ruby 1.9》是由Dave Thomas、Chad Fowler以及Andy Hunt三位作者共同编写的关于Ruby编程语言的一本权威指南。这本书是对之前版本《Programming Ruby》的大幅修订版,并得到了原出版社Addison Wesley的...
- 解压`ruby-2.5.8.tar.gz`:使用`tar -zxvf ruby-2.5.8.tar.gz`命令解压。 - 编译与安装:进入解压后的目录,运行`./configure`,然后`make`和`make install`进行编译和安装。 - 验证安装:通过`ruby -v`检查...
5. **标准库和Gem**:Ruby拥有丰富的标准库,提供了大量实用的工具和模块。此外,Ruby的生态系统还包括大量的第三方Gem,覆盖了各种用途,如Web开发、数据处理、测试等。书中会介绍如何使用和管理Gem。 6. **Ruby ...
"Ruby语言入门教程附实例"和"ruby-mht"文件很可能是包含实例的教程,实践是学习编程的关键,通过这些实例,你可以亲手操作,从而巩固理论知识。 总的来说,这个压缩包提供了全面的Ruby学习资源,既有理论讲解,也有...
With active user groups formed in the world’s major cities and Ruby-related conferences filled to capacity. Ruby-Talk, the primary mailing list for discussion of the Ruby language, climbed to an ...
《Programming Ruby》被誉为是学习Ruby语言的最佳指南,这本书在IT界享有极高的声誉,被亲切地称为“镐头书”,其价值与影响力无远弗届。本书不仅详细介绍了Ruby语言的核心概念、语法结构以及编程实践,还深入探讨了...
《Programming Ruby》是一本关于Ruby编程语言的经典著作,由Dave Thomas、Andy Hunt和Chad Fowler合著。这本书自2004年初版以来,一直是学习Ruby的首选资源,被誉为“Pickaxe”书,因其封面的图标而得名。Ruby是一种...
Ruby - Ruby 开发 - 常用知识点 backtracking、bit_manipulation、ciphers、conversions、data_structures、discrete_mathematics、dynamic_programming、electronics、maths
5. **Ruby标准库**: - File系统操作:提供读写文件、目录管理等功能。 - 网络编程:如Net::HTTP用于HTTP请求,Socket支持网络通信。 - JSON和XML解析:方便地处理这些数据格式。 - Test::Unit和MiniTest:内置...
5. **元编程**:Ruby的元编程能力强大,通过反射API(如`Module#define_method`、`class_eval`等)可以在运行时修改类和对象的行为。这使得Ruby非常适合创建自定义DSL(领域特定语言)。 6. **标准库**:Ruby的标准...
《Programming Ruby》是著名的Ruby语言教程,英文版的书籍旨在为全球开发者提供深入理解Ruby编程语言的途径。这本书详尽地介绍了Ruby的语法、特性、类库以及编程实践,是学习和进阶Ruby编程的宝贵资源。源代码的提供...
内含以下4个文档: 1、Addison.Wesley.The.Ruby.Way.2nd.Edition.Oct.2006.chm 2、O'Reilly.Learning.Ruby.May.2007.chm 3、Programming Ruby 2e.pdf 4、ruby中文文档.chm
《Programming Ruby》是一本经典的Ruby编程语言教程,中文第二版为中国的程序员提供了深入学习Ruby的宝贵资源。这本书的源代码下载对于读者来说是极其有用的,因为它允许读者在实践中探索和理解书中所阐述的概念。...