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programming ruby - 4


Operator Expressions

If you enclose a string in backquotes (sometimes called backticks), or use the delimited form prefixed by %x, it will (by default) be executed as a command by your underlying operating system.


1.8 In Ruby 1.8, the value of the assignment is always the value of the parameter; the return value of the method is discarded.


Any value that is not nil or the constant false is true.


=== Used to compare the each of the items with the target in the when clause of a case statement.


eql? True if the receiver and argument have both the same type and equal values. 1 == 1.0 returns true, but 1.eql?(1.0) is false.


equal? True if the receiver and argument have the same object ID.


The operators and, or, && and || actually return the first of their arguments that determine the truth or falsity of the condition. Sounds grand.What does it mean?
Take the expression “val1 and val2”. If val1 is either false or nil, then we know the expression cannot be true. In this case, the value of val1 determines the overall value of the expression, so it is the value returned. If val1 has some other value, then the overall value of the expression depends on val2, so its value is returned.


You can get even terser and use a colon ( : ) in place of the then.


break terminates the immediately enclosing loop; control resumes at the statement following the block. redo repeats the loop from the start, but without reevaluating the condition or fetching the next element (in an iterator). next skips to the end of the loop, effectively starting the next iteration.


The redo statement causes a loop to repeat the current iteration. Sometimes, though, you need to wind the loop right back to the very beginning. The retry statement is just the ticket. retry restarts any kind of iterator loop.



    Programming Ruby - The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide, 2nd Edition (2005) [annotated]

    詹姆斯·布里特,ruby-doc.org网站管理员,表示第一版的《Programming Ruby》就是一本智慧、优雅且充满趣味的书,而第二版更是超越前者,成为Ruby学习者的首选资料。 ### 学习Ruby的意义 查德·福勒(Chad Fowler...


    《Programming Ruby 1.9》是一本经典的Ruby编程语言教程,其源代码包含了大量实例和示例,旨在帮助读者深入理解Ruby的语法、特性以及编程实践。这些源代码是学习和探索Ruby语言的重要资源,涵盖了从基础语法到高级...


    4. 编程思维的转变:Chad Fowler提到,学习一门新编程语言的最好理由是学会以不同的方式思考,而学习Ruby的方式就是阅读《Programming Ruby》。他也分享了个人经历,强调了这本书在指导他学习Ruby语言和编程思维上所...


    《Programming Ruby 1.9》是由Dave Thomas、Chad Fowler以及Andy Hunt三位作者共同编写的关于Ruby编程语言的一本权威指南。这本书是对之前版本《Programming Ruby》的大幅修订版,并得到了原出版社Addison Wesley的...


    - 解压`ruby-2.5.8.tar.gz`:使用`tar -zxvf ruby-2.5.8.tar.gz`命令解压。 - 编译与安装:进入解压后的目录,运行`./configure`,然后`make`和`make install`进行编译和安装。 - 验证安装:通过`ruby -v`检查...

    Programming Ruby中文版第二版[高清扫描版][带书签]和Programming.Ruby-2nd[高清文字版][带书签].pdf

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    ruby学习资源(Programming Ruby, Learning Ruby, The Ruby Way)

    内含以下4个文档: 1、Addison.Wesley.The.Ruby.Way.2nd.Edition.Oct.2006.chm 2、O'Reilly.Learning.Ruby.May.2007.chm 3、Programming Ruby 2e.pdf 4、ruby中文文档.chm

    《Programming Ruby》中文第2版源代碼下載

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