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Eclipse Version Control Tools Summary


1. GIT



林纳斯·托瓦兹 自嘲地取了这个名字"git "。在英式英语中指一个愚笨或者不开心的人。[8]

I'm an egotistical bastard, and I name all my projects after myself. First Linux , now git.



Git --- The stupid content tracker, 傻瓜内容跟踪器。Linux是这样给我们介绍 Git 的。

Git 是用于 Linux 内核开发的版本控制工具。与常用的版本控制工具 CVS , Subversion 等不同,它采用了分布式版本库的方式,不必服务器端软件支持,使源代码的发布和交流极其方便。 Git 的速度很快,这对于诸如 Linux kernel 这样的大项目来说自然很重要。 Git 最为出色的是它的合并跟踪(merge tracing)能力。

实际上内核开发团队决定开始开发和使用 Git 来作为内核开发的版本控制系统的时候,世界开源社群的反对声音不少,最大的理由是 Git 太艰涩难懂,从 Git 的内部工作机制来说,的确是这样。但是随着开发的深入,Git 的正常使用都由一些友好的脚本命令来执行,使 Git 变得非常好用,即使是用来管理我们自己的开发项目,Git 都是一个友好,有力的工具。现在,越来越多的著名项目采用 Git 来管理项目开发,例如:wine , U-boot[2]

作为开源自由原教旨主义项目,Git 没有对版本库的浏览和修改做任何的权限限制,通过其他工具也可以达到有限的权限控制,比如:gitosis, CodeBeamer MR。原本 Git的使用范围只适用于 Linux / Unix 平台,但逐步并成熟了在 Windows 平台下的使用,主要归功于Cygwinmsysgit 环境与TortoiseGit 这样易用的 GUI 工具。其实 Git 的源代码中已经加入了对 Cygwin 与 MinGW 编译环境的支持并被逐步完善,对于 Windows 使用者是个福音。"


Eclipse Git Team Provider

Eclipse Git Team Provider (EGit)

EGit is an Eclipse Team provider for Git . Git is a distributed SCM, which means every developer has a full copy of all history of every revision of the code, making queries against the history very fast and versatile. The EGit project is implementing Eclipse tooling for the JGit Java implementation of Git.

Source Repositories

Eclipse projects store all of their source code in public revision control systems.

Software Repository

This project maintains a p2 repository of binary artifacts. Copy and paste this link into the "Install New Software" dialog to install this project's software.


Note that the repository link will not necessarily display anything meaningful in your browser.



2. Subversion



Eclipse 3.2/Callisto, 3.3/Europa, 3.4/Ganymede, 3.5/Galileo, 3.6/Helios, 3.7/Indigo, +

Subclipse 1.8.0 and 1.6.18 and 1.4.8 are now available for Eclipse 3.2+!

See the changelog for details. Existing Subclipse users should read the upgrade instructions for important information on changes you to need to make to your Eclipse preferences to see the new version in the update manager.

Subclipse 1.4.x includes and requires Subversion 1.5.x client features and working copy format.

Subclipse 1.6.x includes and requires Subversion 1.6.x client features and working copy format.

Subclipse 1.8.x includes and requires Subversion 1.8.x client features and working copy format.

Links for 1.8.x Release:
Changelog: http://subclipse.tigris.org/subclipse_1.8.x/changes.html
Eclipse update site URL: http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.8.x
Zipped downloads: http://subclipse.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=2240

Links for 1.6.x Release:
Changelog: http://subclipse.tigris.org/subclipse_1.6.x/changes.html
Eclipse update site URL: http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.6.x
Zipped downloads: http://subclipse.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=2240

Links for 1.4.x Release:
Changelog: http://subclipse.tigris.org/subclipse_1.4.x/changes.html
Eclipse update site URL: http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.4.x
Zipped downloads: http://subclipse.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=2240




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