1. now, we will add User model to our app, so that we can register, sign in, etc.
rails g model User name:string email:string
when generate controller, we use plural format: rails g controller Users new
but when gen model, we use singular: rails g model User name:string email:string
2. one of the result of this generate, is that it will create a new file call migration.
a migration is a way to alter database by incremental way.
the file name of the migration is pre-fixed by a timestamp, indicating when the migration is created.
3. after done the create of user model, let's go to look at the code in the migration:
a. def sef.up, means this is a class method.
b. create_table is a helper method.
c. this helper method accept a block, passing a param of the table object.
d. t.string :name, create a column
d. t.timestamps, create two time columns, created_at and updated_at
note, the model in singular, but the table name is always plural, since there are many users.
4. sqlite is using a simple file to store database, not like other database.
the data file is just
5. if you did migrate, then you regret, then you can use the self.down method inside migration:
rake db:rollback
this will call the self.down method, and drop the table.
the rollback and self.down method will be often used in this senario:
you forget to add a column, but you don't want to take the trouble of making another migration!!!
then rollback, and then add the column to the migration file, then migrate again!!
So easy!! amazing
But sometimes, you still have to add column to existing table, we will talk of it later.
6. if you want to browse the SQLite database easily, you can use SQLite database browser program.
it can easily download from internet.
7. there is a gem called "annotate", this gem will add a command:
annotate --position before
this command will add comments to model files, these comments list all column inside this model, for example:
# == Schema Information # # Table name: users # # id :integer not null, primary key # name :string(255) # email :string(255) # created_at :datetime # updated_at :datetime class User < ActiveRecord::Base end
8. next, we will tell rails which attributs are accessible by outside users:
attr_accessible :name, :email
note, the use of attr_accessible, will also add a great advantage that it can prevent from mass assignment vulnerability. this is a very common hold in web app.
12.3.3 scaling issue of the status feed
2011-10-30 17:54 832the problem of the implementati ... -
12.3 the status feed
2011-10-30 15:34 8711. we need to get all the micro ... -
12.2 a working follow button with Ajax
2011-10-29 18:10 9221. in the last chapter, in the ... -
12.2 a web interface for following and followers.
2011-10-28 22:14 8911.before we do the UI, we need ... -
12. following user, 12.1 relationship model
2011-10-18 14:29 7631. we need to use a relationshi ... -
11.3 manipulating microposts.
2011-10-17 15:31 9121. since all micropost actions ... -
11.2 show microposts.
2011-10-17 12:01 7141. add test to test the new use ... -
11.1 user micropost -- a micropost model.
2011-10-17 10:43 11181. we will first generate a mic ... -
10.4 destroying users.
2011-10-16 15:47 759in this chapter, we will add de ... -
10.3 showing users list
2011-10-15 20:41 787in this chapter, we will do use ... -
10.2 protect pages.
2011-10-15 15:11 678again, we will start from TD ... -
10.1 updating users.
2011-10-14 18:30 7211. git checkout -b updating-use ... -
9.4 sign out
2011-10-13 15:21 747whew!!!, last chapter is a long ... -
9.3 sign in success.
2011-10-12 15:39 7611. we will first finish the cre ... -
9.1 about flash.now[:error] vs flash[:error]
2011-10-12 15:37 740There’s a subtle difference ... -
9.2 sign in failure
2011-10-12 12:19 671start from TDD!!! 1. requir ... -
9.1 sessions
2011-10-12 10:00 654a session is a semi-permanent c ... -
what test framework should you use?
2011-10-11 16:56 0for integration test, i have no ... -
what test framework should you use?
2011-10-11 16:56 0<p>for integration test, ... -
8.4 rspec integration tests
2011-10-11 16:53 737in integration test, you can te ...
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