1. the purpose of rails routes:
a. recognize url, and dispatch to correct controller and actions
b. generate named routes, i.e. paths and urls, so the you needn't hardcode them in views
2. the simpleset route:
when rails receive a incoming request,
GET /patients/17
it will ask the router to match a controller action, if the 1st match is:
match "/patients/:id", :to => "patients#show"
note, :to can be omited, so a simples way will be:
match "/patients/:id" => "patients#show"
then, the request is dispatched to patients controller, show action, with param hash {:id => "17"}
3. match "/patients/:id", :to => "patients#show"
this line of code will also create a named route (route helper):
so you can use it as:
@patient = Patient.find(17) <%= link_to "parent 17", patient_path(@patient)%>
the router will generate the path
note that you needn't metion the id in the route_helper (named route)
4. another important route is resourceful route for resourceful controller.
this route make you can create many good routes using just one line of code.
for example:
resources :photos
this will create many routes.
note that, if rails find the fisrt route that match the request, rails will not continue to search following routes.
5. using resourceful routes will also create some helpers (named routes) for use in views and controllers.
photos_path, ====> /photos
new_photo_path ==============>/photos/new
edit_photo_path(:id) =============> photos/17/edit
photo_path(:id) =================> /photos/17
Since rails will also consider http verbs, so the four route helper map to 7 actions.
each of this has a corresponding _url helper.
_path is relative url
_url is full url
there are little difference between them.
6. you can define multiple resources at the same time.
resources :photo, :books, :videos
7. next, we talk about singular resource!!
for example, your client want to access profile without using id, since he is just using current login user.
so you can add this route:
match "/profile", "users#show"
the resource route is:
resource :geocoder
the auto-gen route helper are basically the same to plurable resources, but without id.
8. next is name space:
for example, you might want to group a group of controllers under admin,
a. you need to put these controllers to app/controllers/admin/
b. in the routes file:
namespace :admin do
resources :posts, :comments
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轻松博客 ComfyBlog是的简单博客管理引擎 ...看一下config/routes.rb文件,您应该在其中看到以下几行: comfy_route :blog_admin , path : "admin" comfy_route :blog , path : "blog" 您还应该在/app/views/
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