MMI Code Messages on Android
What is an MMI Code?
An MMI Code is a sequence of digits that is entered into your phone to make it perform some special action.
These codes start and end with a * or # so they don't get confused with phone numbers you might want to dial. They're usually only valid when you're not on a call, so if you key one in while connected to your cellphone company's IVR system they won't be recognized. Some MMI Codes are dealt with by your phone - for example, there's usually one you can key in to find out what software version your phone has installed.
Most MMI Codes are sent to your Cellphone company as they are used to turn features on and off (Like call forwarding, call waiting, etc).
What MMI Codes does YouMail use?
We use TWO (2) different codes.
The first (*004*17142043114*11#) is used to tell your cellphone company that it should send all of your unanswered calls to YouMail instead of your cellphone co's voicemail system.
Officially, we're enabling (turning on) the "Conditional Call Forward (Busy/No-Answer/Unavailable)" feature.
The second (##004#) is used to revert things back.
Officially, we're disabling (turning off) the "Conditional Call Forward (Busy/No-Answer/Unavailable)" feature.
Why does my phone say "MMI Code Failed"?
This will usually happen because your Cellphone company has decided that you aren't allowed to forward your calls. It could be because you are on a "plan" that doesn't have the forwarding feature (pre-pay/flex-pay plans usually restrict this feature). Unfortunately there is nothing we can do to 'bypass' this error - if you believe your plan should allow you to use this feature you will need to call your cellphone company and ask them to (a) let you control it from your phone, or (b) set the forwarding for you.
Note: If you go for option (b) make very sure that they only turn on "Conditional" forwarding (this only forwards Busy/No-Answer/Unavailable calls). Sometimes they'll accidentally turn on "Unconditional" forwarding (this forwards ALL calls!).
Note for T-Mobile Familiy-Plan users
It appears that when your phone is added to a family plan T-Mobile automatically disable your ability to use the Conditional Call Forward feature. The good news is that it seems to be more of a technical issue than a policy one. People have reported that they've been able to get YouMail working properly by following this procedure:
1.Call T-Mobile - from a different phone, as you'll need to mess with your cellphone while you're talking to T-Mobile.
2.Tell them that you are trying to get "Conditional Call Forwarding" working, but you are getting an error.
3.Get them to remove your phone from the family plan for 2 minutes,
4.While your phone isn't on the family plan, forward your phone using the option in the help menu, or by dialling the *004.... code above. It should work now.
5.Get them to put your phone back onto the family plan.
《MMI Platform Source Code Training.pdf》是一份专为开发者准备的文档,主要涵盖了MMI(Man Machine Interface)平台的源代码开发知识。MMI通常指的是手机或其他设备上的人机交互界面,是用户与设备交互的核心部分...
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在Android系统中,MMI平台是系统的重要组成部分,负责处理用户的输入事件,呈现视觉反馈,并与硬件驱动层进行通信。 MediaTek(mtk)是一家知名的芯片制造商,其产品广泛应用于智能手机和平板电脑。MTK的MMI平台...
包括有mtk设计参考文档,mmi文档,包括: API_for_Writing_Application_Using_Pixtel_MMI_Platfom.pdf Customization_Tool_Functional.pdf ...Pixtel_MMI_Platform_Source_Code_Training.pdf ......... ........ ......
同时,还需要熟悉Android Studio或Eclipse等集成开发环境,以及相关的JNI(Java Native Interface)知识,以便于与C/C++底层代码进行交互。 四、MMI编程模型 在编程时,开发者需要理解MMI提供的API,这些API涵盖了...
提供的“MMI+Platform+Source+Code+Training.pdf”文档应该包含了以上所有内容的详细解释和实例,是学习MTK MMI平台开发的宝贵资源。通过深入学习并实践这些知识,开发者可以提高其在MTK设备上开发高效、高质量应用...
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本资料主要围绕"MMI Platform Source Code Training"展开,通过深入源代码层面,帮助读者理解MMI平台的设计原理和实现机制。 首先,我们要理解MMI平台的基础架构。一个典型的MMI平台通常包含以下核心部分: 1. **...