Hi, Im wondering how i can create a boat in turing and if someone can post a example.
This makes no sense, since one doesn’t normally make water vehicles in Turing, the programming language. Though this got me thinking — if a programming language was a boat, what would it be?
Turing would definitely be a kayak(thank you for comments). It’s small. It’s human powered. It’s often used as a beginner “boat”. And it’s also very Canadian.
Original photo by naokomc
Java is a cargo ship. It’s very bulky. It’s very enterprise~y. Though it can also carry a lot of weight. Will carry a project, but not very fun to drive.
Original photo by cfarivar
Perl is a tugboat. Powerful enough to tugJava around, in 80 characters or less.
Original photo by xeeliz
Ruby is difficult to describe. It’s sleek, sexy, and very fun to drive. Here’s a picture. Very trendy.
Original photo by Tony Falcon
PHP is a bamboo raft. A series of hacks held together by string. Still keeps afloat though.
Original photo by permanently scatterbrained
C is a nuclear submarine. The instructions are probably in a foreign language, butall of the hardware itself is optimized for performance.
Original photo by Ryan C. McGinley
HTML isn’t really a programming language boat.
Original photo by ascendeddaniel
There’s a lot more to this, and it’s all up for discussion. How would your favourite programming language fare in open waters?
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Swift is a new programming language for creating iOS and OS X apps. Swift builds on the best of C and Objective-C, without the constraints of C compatibility. Swift adopts safe programming patterns ...
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Rust is a programming language that’s focused on safety, speed, and concurrency. Its design lets you create programs that have the performance and control of a low-level language, but with the ...
Hi大家好, 鉴于《The Swift Programming Language》中文文档版本繁杂,避免大家因为版本问题引起学习不便。@未来眼之老码团队 会定期发布最新的中文文档。大家有任何问题欢迎垂询! BR OldCoder Team
Swift is a new programming language for creating iOS and OS X apps. Swift builds on the best of C and Objective-C, without the constraints of C compatibility. Swift adopts safe programming patterns ...
值得注意的是这本 书的第二作者Brain W是神一样耳朵科学家,他是《The C programming language》的作者,Brain的《程序设计与实现》也是一本好书。 AWK的学习资料网上一搜一大片,其实只要静下心来把这本书中的代码...
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a community-developed, systems programming language that runs blazingly fast, prevents segfaults, and guarantees thread safety. Rust’s memory safety guarantees, enforced at compile time, safeguard ...
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The Rust Programming Language The Rust Programming Language The Rust Programming Language The Rust Programming Language