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JQuery Plug-in BlockUI -
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JQuery Plug-in BlockUI
Ajax couldn't be any easier than it is with jQuery. jQuery has a handful of functions that make the easy stuff really easy and the complex stuff as simple as possible.
A common use of Ajax is to load a chunk of HTML into an area of the page. To do that, simply select the element you need and use the load() function. Here's an example that updates some statistics:
Often, you simply need to pass some parameters to a page on the server. As you'd expect, this is incredibly simple in jQuery, too. You can use choose between $.post() and $.get(), depending on which method you need. You can pass an optional data object and callback function if you need them. Listing 4 shows a simple example that sends data and uses a callback.
$.post('save.cgi', {
text: 'my string',
number: 23
}, function() {
alert('Your data has been saved.');
If you really want to do some complex Ajax scripting, you need the $.ajax() function. You can specify xml, html, script, or json, and jQuery automatically prepares the result for your callback function so that you can use it right away. You can also specify beforeSend, error, success, or complete callbacks to give the user more feedback about the Ajax experience. In addition, other parameters are available with which you can set the timeout of an Ajax request or the "Last Modified" state of a page. Listing 5 shows an example that retrieves an XML document using some of the parameters that I mentioned.
如果你真的需要制作一些复杂的Ajax脚本,你就需要用到$.ajax()方法。你可以指定xml,html,script 或者是json,jQuery自动为你准备了一些回调函数,以便你可以马上使用。你同样也可以指定beforesend,error,success或者是complete来为用户提供更多的Ajax体验。而且,你可以设置请求超时或者是“最近更新”的页面状态的参数。Listing5提供了一个使用前面提供的参数取得一个XML文档的例子。
url: 'document.xml',
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'xml',
timeout: 1000,
error: function(){
alert('Error loading XML document');
success: function(xml){
// do something with xml
When you get the XML back in the success callback, you can use jQuery to look through the XML the same way you do with HTML. This makes it easy to work with an XML document and integrate the contents and data into your Web site. Listing 6 shows an expansion on the success function that adds a list item to the Web page for each <item> element in the XML.
success: function(xml){
var item_text = $(this).text();
You can use jQuery to take care of basic animations and effects. At the heart of the animation code is the animate() function, which changes any numeric CSS style value over time. For example, you can animate height, width, opacity, or position. You can also specify the speed of the animation, either in milliseconds or in one of the predefined speeds: slow, normal, or fast.
Here's an example that animates the height and width of an element at the same time. Notice that there is no start value -- only the end value. The start values are taken from the current size of the element. I've also attached a callback function.
$('#grow').animate({ height: 500, width: 500 }, "slow", function(){
alert('The element is done growing!');
jQuery makes the more common animations easier with built-in functions. You can use show() and hide() elements, either instantly or at a specified speed. You can also make elements appear and disappear by using fadeIn() and fadeOut() or slideDown() and slideUp(), depending on what kind of effect you're looking for. Here's a simple example that slides down a navigation:
jQuery is, perhaps, best at simplifying DOM scripting and event handling. Traversing and manipulating the DOM is easy, and attaching, removing, and calling events is completely natural and much less error prone than doing it by hand.
In essence, jQuery makes it easier to do things that are common with DOM scripting. You can create elements and use the append() function to link them to other elements, use clone() to duplicate elements, set the contents with html(), delete the contents with the empty() function, delete the elements altogether with the remove() function, and even use the wrap() function to wrap the elements with another element.
Several functions are available for changing the contents of the jQuery object itself by traversing the DOM. You can get all the siblings(), parents(), or children() of an element. You can also select the next() or prev() sibling elements. Perhaps most powerful is the find() function, which allows you to use a jQuery selector to search through the descendants of elements in your jQuery object.
These functions become more powerful when used with the end() function. This function is like an undo function, going back to the jQuery object you had before you called find() or parents() or one of the other traversing functions.
When used together with method chaining, these functions allow complex operations to look simple. Listing 7 shows an example in which you find a login form and manipulate several elements around it.
这些函数在于end()函数一起使用的时候会变得更加强大。End()函数就像一个undo(撤销操作)函数,使你可以得到之前用find(), parents()或者是其他遍历函数得到的元素的前一个元素。
// hide all the labels inside the form with the 'optional' class
// add a red border to any password fields in the form
.find('input:password').css('border', '1px solid red').end()
// add a submit handler to the form
return confirm('Are you sure you want to submit?');
Believe it or not, this example is just a single, chained, line of code spread out with whitespace. First, I selected the login form. Then, I found the optional labels inside it, hid them, and called end() to go back to the form. I found the password field, made the border red, and again called end() to go back to the form. Finally, I added a submit event handler to the form. What's especially interesting about this (besides its obvious brevity) is that jQuery completely optimizes all the query operations, making sure that you don't have to find an element twice when everything is nicely chained together.
Handling common events is as simple as calling a function like click(), submit(), or mouseover() and passing it an event handler function. Additionally, you have the option of assigning a custom event handler using bind('eventname', function(){}). You can remove certain events using unbind('eventname') or all events with unbind(). For a complete list of ways to use these and other functions, check out the jQuery application program interface (API) documentation in the Resources.
Often, you select elements by ID, such as #myid, or by class name, such as div.myclass. However, jQuery has a rather complex and complete selector syntax that allows you to select nearly any combination of elements in a single selector.
jQuery's selector syntax is based heavily on CSS3 and XPath. The more you know about CSS3 and XPath syntax, the better you'll be at using jQuery. For a complete list of jQuery selectors, including CSS and XPath, check out the links in Resources.
CSS3 contains some syntax that not every browser supports, so you don't see it often. However, you can still use CSS3 in jQuery to select elements, because jQuery has its own, custom selector engine. For example, to add a dash inside every empty column of a table, use the :empty pseudo-selector:
What about finding every element that doesn't have a certain class? CSS3 has a syntax for that, too, using the :not pseudo-selector. Here's how you can hide every input that doesn't have a class of required:
You can also join multiple selectors into one using commas, just as in CSS. Here's a simple example that hides every type of list on the page at the same time:
$('ul, ol, dl').hide();
XPath is a powerful syntax for finding elements in a document. It's a bit different than CSS and lets you do a few things you can't do with CSS. To add a border to the parent element of every check box, you can use XPath's /.. syntax:
$("input:checkbox/..").css('border', '1px solid #777');
jQuery adds extra selectors that aren't available in CSS or XPath, as well. For example, to make a table more readable, you would typically attach a different class name to every odd or even row of the table -- otherwise known as striping the table. Doing this with jQuery is a cinch, thanks to the :odd pseudo-selector. This example changes the background of every odd row in tables with a striped class:
$('table.striped > tr:odd').css('background', '#999999');
You can see how the power of jQuery selectors can simplify your code. Whatever selection of elements you want to affect, no matter how specific or obscure, you can probably find a way to define them using a single jQuery selector.
Unlike with most software, writing plug-ins for jQuery isn't a huge ordeal with a complex API. In fact, jQuery plug-ins are so easy to write that you might want to write a few to make your code even simpler. Here's the most basic jQuery plug-in you can write:
$.fn.donothing = function(){
return this;
Although simple, this plug-in does require a bit of explanation. First, to add a function to every jQuery object, you must assign it to $.fn. Next, this function must return this (the jQuery object) so that it doesn't break method chaining.
You can easily build on top of this simple example. To write a plug-in to change the background instead of using css('background'), you use this:
你可以轻松的使用这个例子。写一个插件,用来改变背景,而不使用css(“background”),you use this:
$.fn.background = function(bg){
return this.css('background', bg);
Notice that I could just return the value from css(), because it already returns the jQuery object. So, method chaining will still work fine.
I recommend that you use jQuery plug-ins anytime you find that you repeat yourself. For example, you might use a plug-in if you're using the each() function to do the same thing over and over.
Because jQuery plug-ins are so easy to write, hundreds of them are available for you to use. jQuery has plug-ins for tabs, rounded corners, slide shows, tool tips, date selectors, and probably anything else you can imagine. For a complete list of plug-ins, check out the Resources.
The most complex and most widely used plug-in is Interface, an animation plug-in that handles sorting, drag-and-drop functionality, complex effects, and other interesting and complex user interfaces (UIs). Interface is to jQuery what Scriptaculous is to Prototype.
Also popular and useful is the Form plug-in, which allows you to easily submit a form in the background using Ajax. This plug-in takes care of the common situation in which you need to hijack the submit event of a form, then find all the different input fields and use them to construct an Ajax call.
I've only scratched the surface of what is possible with jQuery. jQuery is fun to use, because you always learn new tricks and features that seem so natural. jQuery simplifies your JavaScript and Ajax programming completely from the first moment you use it; every time you learn something new, your code gets a bit simpler.
After learning jQuery, I've had a lot more fun programming in the JavaScript language. All the boring stuff is taken care of, so I can focus on coding the juicy stuff. With jQuery, I can barely remember the last time I wrote a for loop. I even cringe at the thought of working with other JavaScript libraries. jQuery has honestly and truly changed the way I look at JavaScript programing forever.
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