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Simplify Ajax development with jQuery 使用Jquery简化Ajax开发(I)

Simplify Ajax development with jQuery
Discover how easy Ajax and DOM scripting can be
Level: Intermediate
Jesse Skinner, Web Developer, Freelance
Jesse SkinnerWeb 开发,自由撰稿人
10 Apr 2007
jQuery is a JavaScript library that helps simplify your JavaScript™ and Asynchronous JavaScript + XML (Ajax) programming. Unlike similar JavaScript libraries, jQuery has a unique philosophy that allows you to express common complex code succinctly. Learn about the jQuery philosophy, discover its features and functions, perform some common Ajax tasks, and find out how to extend jQuery with plug-ins.
jQuery 是一种可以简化javascript脚本和Ajax开发的一组库函数。与其他和javascript相似的库函数不同,jQuery观点是让你使用简洁的开发出通常很复杂的代码。学习jQuery的观点,探索它的新特性和新功能,实现一些常见的Ajax功能,并且会学会使用Jquery的一些扩展插件。
Created by John Resig in early 2006, jQuery is a great library for anyone who works with JavaScript code. Whether you're new to the JavaScript language and want a library to address some of the complexities of Document Object Model (DOM) scripting and Ajax or you're an advanced JavaScript guru and tired of the boring repetition involved with DOM scripting and Ajax, jQuery will suit you well.
jQuery helps you keep your code simple and succinct. You no longer have to write a bunch of repetitious loops and DOM scripting library calls. With jQuery, you can get right to the point and express yourself in the fewest possible characters.
The jQuery philosophy is certainly unique: It's designed to keep things simple and reusable. When you understand and feel comfortable with the philosophy, you'll start to see just how much jQuery can improve the way you program.
2006John Resig 创造jQuery,这是一个对于任何一个使用Javascript工作的人都是一个相当不错的库。不论你是刚刚学会Javascript并且需要一个库来做一些复杂的DOM操作脚本,实现一些Ajax;还是一位已经厌倦了包含大量重复代码的资深的Javascript大师,jQuery将是一个很好的选择。
Here's a simple example of the impact jQuery can have on your code. To do something really simple and common, such as attach a click event to every link in an area of a page, you'd use plain JavaScript code and DOM scripting, as shown in Listing 1.
var external_links = document.getElementById('external_links');
var links = external_links.getElementsByTagName('a');
for (var i=0;i < links.length;i++) {
    var link = links.item(i);
    link.onclick = function() {
        return confirm('You are going to visit: ' + this.href);
Listing 2 shows the same functionality achieved using jQuery.
$('#external_links a').click(function() {
    return confirm('You are going to visit: ' + this.href);
Amazing, isn't it? With jQuery, you get right to the point, and express only what you want the code to do without all the hassle. No need to loop over the elements; the click() function takes care of that. Also no need to make multiple DOM scripting calls: All that you need is a short string to define the elements to work on.
It can be a bit tricky to understand how this code even gets the job done. First, you have the $() function -- the most powerful function in jQuery. Mostly, you use this function to select elements from the document. In this example, the function is passed a string containing some Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) syntax, and jQuery finds the elements as efficiently as possible.
If you know the basics of CSS selectors, this syntax should look familiar. In Listing 2, #external_links looks for the element with an id of external_links. A space followed by a tells jQuery to look for all the <a> elements inside the external_links element. That's a mouthful to say in English -- and even in DOM scripting -- but in CSS, it couldn't be simpler.
The $() function returns a jQuery object containing all the elements that match the CSS selector. A jQuery object is something like an array but comes with a ton of special jQuery functions. For example, you can assign a click handler function to each element in the jQuery object by calling the click function.
You can also pass an element or an array of elements to the $() function, and it will wrap a jQuery object around the elements. You might want to use this functionality to employ jQuery functions on things like the window object. For example, you typically assign the function to the load event like this:
window.onload = function() {
    // do this stuff when the page is done loading
Using jQuery, you write the same code like this:
$(window).load(function() {
    // run this when the whole page has been downloaded
As you probably already know, waiting for the window to load is painfully slow, because the whole page must finish loading, including all the images on the page. Sometimes, you want the images to finish loading first, but most of the time, you just need the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) to be there. jQuery solves this problem by creating a special ready event on the document, used like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
    // do this stuff when the HTML is all ready
This code creates a jQuery object around the document element, then sets up a function to call the instance when the HTML DOM document is ready. You can call this function as many times as necessary. And, in true jQuery style, a shortcut calls this function. Simply pass a function to the $() function:
$(function() {
    // run this when the HTML is done downloading
So far, I've shown you three different ways to use the $() function. With a fourth way, you can create an element using a string. The result is a jQuery object containing that element. Listing 3 shows an example that adds a paragraph to the page.
    .html('Hey World!')
    .css('background', 'yellow')
$('#message').css('background', 'yellow').html('Hello!').show();
通过前面几个例子,你可能注意到jQuery的另一个强大的特性是method chaining(函数链)。每当你在jQuery对象中调用一个方法的时候,这个方法同样会返回一个jQuery对象。这就意味着当你需要对一个jQuery对象使用一连串方法的时候,你可以这样写:


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