看了spring roo的一个例子,发现用的是这个方法,以前没想过,想的都是ajax方式。看来没真开发过还是有问题的。
关键字: spirngmvc rest hiddenhttpmethodfilter
- 使用Javascripts进行PUT和DELETE
- 使用REST-RPC方式,在url中指明方法; 比如发GET请求至/blogs/new,创建一个新的blog
- 通过重载post来提供real method。在post域中添加hidden fields来指明实际的方法。
在spring 3.0中提供了一个可以自动转换http method的filter-HiddenHttpMethodFilter
原理很简单,HiddenHttpMethodFilter拦截request,并且将hidden field中的real
这样就可以很好的解决PUT和DELETE方法问题。美中不足的就是多加了一个hidden fileds,有一些bad small。
信号与系统教学课件:5-3 Method for inverse transform.ppt
《Nonlinear IHS: A Promising Method for Pan-Sharpening》是一篇关于图像处理领域的研究文章,专注于多光谱与全色图像的融合技术。本文提到的Nonlinear IHS(非线性亮度、对比度、饱和度)方法是基于传统IHS(亮度...
Could not find method clean() for arguments [{type=class org.gradle.api.tasks.Delete}, build_458py9op120bi768cfxm5xc2wrunclosure1_run_closure1runclosure1_closure4@7daf132f] on object of type org....
ASTM E3058 - 16:2016 Standard Test Method for Determining the Residual Kill Activity of Hand Antiseptic Formulations -完整英文电子版(6页).zip
ASTM D6701-21:2021 Standard Test Method for Determining Water Vapor Transmission Rates Through Nonwoven and Plastic Barriers - 完整英文电子版(6页).zip
ASTM E1174 - 13:2013 Standard Test Method for Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Health Care Personnel Handwash Formulations -完整英文电子版(5页).zip
ASTM E2613 - 14 :2014 Standard Test Method for Determining Fungus-Eliminating Effectiveness of Hygienic Handwash and Handrub Agents Using Fingerpads of Adults -完整英文电子版(6页).zip
ASTM D5034-21:2021 Standard Test Method for Breaking Strength and Elongation of Textile Fabrics (Grab Test) - 完整英文电子版(9页).zip
ASTM F3407-20:2020 Standard Test Method for Respirator Fit Capability for Negative-Pressure Half-Facepiece Particulate Respirators -完整英文电子版(12页).zip
ASTM F1868 -17:2017 Standard Test Method for Thermal and Evaporative Resistance of Clothing Materials Using a Sweating Hot Plate - 完整英文电子版(9页).zip
ASTM E2011 - 13:2013 Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Hygienic Handwash and Handrub Formulations for Virus-Eliminating Activity Using the Entire Hand -完整英文电子版(6页).zip
ASTM E2755 - 15:2015 Standard Test Method for Determining the Bacteria-Eliminating Effectiveness of Healthcare Personnel Hand Rub Formulations Using Hands of Adults -完整英文电子版(7页).zip
ASTM E1838 - 17:2017 Standard Test Method for Determining the Virus-Eliminating Effectiveness of Hygienic Handwash and Handrub Agents Using the Fingerpads of Adults -完整英文电子版(6页).zip
ASTM F2101-19:2019 Standard Test Method for Evaluating the Bacterial Filtration Efficiency (BFE) of Medical Face Mask Materials, Using a Biological Aerosol of Staphylococcus aureus -完整英文电子版(5...
方法重写 使您可以在客户端不支持的位置使用HTTP动词,例如PUT或DELETE。 安装 这是通过提供的模块。 使用完成 : $ npm install method-override ... (默认值: X-HTTP-Method-Override ) options.methods
ASTM F1671F1671M-13:2013 Standard Test Method for Resistance of Materials Used in Protective Clothing to Penetration by Blood-Borne Pathogens Using Phi-X174 Bacteriophage Penetration as a Test System...
Low-temperature catalytic combustion of methane over MnOx-CeO2 mixed oxide catalysts: Effect of preparation method,Shi Limin,储伟,The effect of preparation method on MnOx-CeO2 mixed oxide catalysts...
- **无需网格**: 由于不依赖于网格,SPH 方法能够自动适应流体或固体的形状变化,非常适合处理变形和断裂等问题。 - **易于处理自由表面**: 对于包含自由表面的流动问题,SPH 方法能够准确追踪界面,避免了传统网格...
### Nginx对HTTP Method的控制与修改方法详解 #### 一、背景介绍 Nginx是一款广泛使用的高性能Web服务器和反向代理服务器,在实际应用中,有时我们需要自定义Nginx支持的HTTP请求方法。默认情况下,Nginx可能不支持...