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重复信息中case when exists 的应用...


重复信息中case when exists 的应用<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

create table #a(Fname varchar(30),fqun decimal(18,2),fclass int )
create table #b ( fclass int,name varchar(30))
insert into #a
select 'a',20,1
union all
select 'a',20,2
union all
select 'a',20,3
union all
select 'B',10,1
union all
select 'B',10,2

insert into #b
select 1,'A'
select 2,'B'
select 3,'C'

select a.*,b.name from #a a inner join #b b on a.fclass = b.fclass
Fname fqun fclass name
------------------------------ -------------------- ----------- ------------------------------
a 20.00 1 A
2 B
3 C
B 10.00 1 A
2 B


create table #a(Fname varchar(30),fqun decimal(18,2),fclass int )

create table #b ( fclass int,name varchar(30))

insert into #a

select 'a',20,1

union all

select 'a',20,2

union all

select 'a',20,3

union all

select 'B',10,1

union all

select 'B',10,2

insert into #b

select 1,'A'


select 2,'B'


select 3,'C'

---select a.*,b.name from #a a inner join #b b on a.fclass = b.fclass

select Fnane=(case when exists (select 1 from #a where a.fname = fname and fclass<a.fclass) then '' else a.fname end)

,fqun=(case when exists (select 1 from #a where a.fqun = fqun and fclass<a.fclass) then '' else ltrim(a.fqun) end)



from #a a

inner join #b b

on a.fclass =b.fclass

order by a.Fname,a.fclass

drop table #a,#b


a 20.00 1 A

2 B

3 C

B 10.00 1 A

2 B

这里需要注意的就是case when exists(select 1 from #a …..

这里的是一个嵌套查询,需要处理的字段里层与外层sql 相等,然后再加一条件,不处理的条件做大小比较。根据 大于 小于 可以控制为相同记录的第一条记录,或最后一条记录

如果外层 小于 里层,就是第一条,反之,就是最后一条


declare @t table(F1 varchar(8),F2 varchar(8))

insert into @t values('01','a ')

insert into @t values('01','aa ')

insert into @t values('02','b ')

insert into @t values('02','bb ')

insert into @t values('02','bbb')

--select * from @t

select F1=(Case when exists (select 1 from @t where F1=a.F1 and F2<a.F2) then '' else F1 end)


from @t a

order by a..F1,a.F2



01 a


02 b





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