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Oracle, the Open Source Killer.


This post was originally published here.


    It’s a public secret that Oracle aims to destroy open source projects. According to their company policy and what they’ve done so far, I think I don’t have to tell you about it. But there’s something I really want to write about, in case you’ve forgot what Oracle’s true face is.

    Last five years has been the most difficult ages for open source projects and other innovative companies. But the truth is, Oracle’s acquires start at year 1994, they bought a company called Rdb Division of Digital Equipment Corporation. I assume that’s the starting point of modern Oracle Relational database. A list of Oracle’s acquisitions could be found at THIS PAGE. It’s pretty impressive list, I think. From databases to data-mining technology, banking industry solutions, virtual directory solutions even payment solutions. Wow, looks like Oracle’s building a huge net of modern community. I’m not a guy who can stop them, after all, Oracle is a company but not a charity and I totally understand that. 

    But this change doesn’t fix anything of its greed. I don’t have to remind you that Oracle is suing Google for Java patents in Android. This case might change the way we’re using Java, and we have enough reasons to believe it would. Just because Oracle’s CEO Larry Ellison thinks they can profit from it doesn’t mean that they really can. Look back these years, Microsoft wants to kill most of the open source community, but did they win? Ten years ago, Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft said "Linux is a cancer". Unfortunately, they hired Gianugo Rabellino and decided to be more open. The war between them is come to an end as Gianugo Rabellino said "we’re more open than you might think". Maybe it’s too early to say that, but I think this is a happy ending for all of us.

    Some days ago, iteye.com one of the most famous Java community in China, had received a letter from attorneys. It was Oracle again swung their fists to a little innocent company to threaten them for some kind of tort. It’s just only because iteye.com has a "Java" word in their domain name. Same things happened before, like JavaWord.com.tw had to change their logo. I know "Java" is a trademark of Oracle right now, but what I don’t understand is why iteye.com. So, maybe JavaScript has to change their name too? It’s like, if you’re gonna have a baby but you can’t name your child as "John". Because you don’t want to find someone else jump out and tell you "Hey, John is a trademark of my company, and you can’t use it". It’s just ridicules. 

    Thought Oracle never mentioned about domain name change, @Robbin, founder of iteye.com decided to change their domain name including logo after a long negotiation with Oracle, in order to keep off the future threatens might coming. A Java community which has been running for 7 years, ended. A website which has 800,000 registered users and 1,300,000 PV each day, vanished. Yeah, I am a huge fan of iteye.com and I’m really disappointed. It’s almost a massacre. Oracle bought BEA and soon Dev2Dev is dead. After acquires of Sun, MySql is dead and NetBeans disabled. Even James Gosling, Father of Java had left Oracle. 

    In short, the war between open source projects and Oracle has started already. As a developer which side you on? What’s the future of Java, Android and other open source projects? It is the very time to give a serious thought about it.

A list of lawsuits about Oracle and using term of 'Java':
    Oracle sues Google over Android and Java
    Oracle sues iteye.com over using term of 'Java'
   Java Creator James Gosling Leaves Oracle
    What happens to MySQL?

24 楼 aninfeel 2011-05-05  
23 楼 tainqing 2011-04-29  
linqs083 写道

22 楼 linqs083 2011-04-28  
21 楼 linqs083 2011-04-28  
Oracle is...
unfortun...i am an oracle stuf...
20 楼 zoozooll 2011-04-27  
19 楼 359904908 2011-04-21  
18 楼 Checkmate 2011-04-20  
yangguo 写道
Your english is amazing. how to study?

good excellent awesome spectacular extraordinary
17 楼 barrywey 2011-04-20  
Meelor 写道
开源与‘封源’    都也只是一线之间。

     说过,家家都有本 难念的 经 吖。




yangguo 写道
Your english is amazing. how to study?

forget your chinese and try to think in english and say it out,that's all you need to do.

_咖啡杯垫 写道
如果程序员们离开了open source,那这个行业该如何发展!

我想,程序员应该不会因为Oracle的打压就离开open source。他们或许会选择离开Oracle。君不见,OpenOffice前员工离开Oracle组建了LibreOffice么?

老妖精 写道
也许很快将有新的语言取代j a  v a 了,不知道我打出这4个单词,会不会遭到sue


16 楼 ppgunjack 2011-04-20  
过多担心,java oracle不会让它没落,但是会让用户掏钱
15 楼 老妖精 2011-04-20  
也许很快将有新的语言取代j a  v a 了,不知道我打出这4个单词,会不会遭到sue
14 楼 _咖啡杯垫 2011-04-19  
如果程序员们离开了open source,那这个行业该如何发展!
13 楼 yangguo 2011-04-19  
Your english is amazing. how to study?
12 楼 sam.ds.chen 2011-04-19  
11 楼 lizhuang 2011-04-18  
10 楼 Meelor 2011-04-16  
<div class="quote_title">barrywey 写道</div>
<div class="quote_div">
<p><a href="http://barrywey.blogspot.com/2011/04/oracle-open-source-killer.html" target="_blank"><br></a></p>
<p><span style="font-size: 13px; line-height: 18px; font-family: Arial,Tahoma,Helvetica,FreeSans,sans-serif; color: #222222;"><span style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS',sans-serif;">    It’s a public secret that Oracle aims to destroy open source projects. </span></span></p>
<p>     开源与‘封源’    都也只是一线之间。</p>
<p> </p>
<p>     说过,家家都有本 难念的 经 吖。</p>
<p> </p>
<p>     再说,这世上,有人自私,就有人不自私!</p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
9 楼 barrywey 2011-04-16  
can19850 写道

8 楼 barrywey 2011-04-16  
guozq518 写道

7 楼 guozq518 2011-04-16  
6 楼 hyhai7 2011-04-16  
You!don`t learn Oracle
5 楼 volking 2011-04-16  


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