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Functional test with Selenium-on-Rails

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Functional test with Selenium-on-Rails

(please excuse me for writing in English, I'm working on client-site, and there's no Chinese input software installed on the desktop)

1. Install plugin Selenium-on-Rails by executing

$ script/plugin install http://svn.openqa.org/svn/selenium-on-rails/selenium-on-rails/

2. Generate Selenium test by executing

$ script/generate selenium <functional-test-name>
This will create directory selenium under test and an empty Selenium test file <functional-test-name>.sel

3. Write your functional test based on the generated Selenium test file or record tests with Selenium IDE.

NOTE: In the latter case, be sure to save your tests under test/selenium for Selenium will try to load tests found there.

4. Start your Rails application in test mode

$ script/server -e test

5. Open Selenium test page http://localhost:3000/selenium and run tests.

6. To run Selenium test as rake task:

NOTE: The procedure below works on Linux. For Microsoft Windows, you need to install gem win32-open3-0.2.5.gem, see step 7 for details.

1) Rename vendor/plugin/selenium-on-rails/config.yml.example to config.yml

2) Modify config.yml by specifying the browser will be used by Selenium.

NOTE: For FireFox, differ from the configuration for CruiseControll, you specify the path to firefox (e.g., /usr/bin/firefox) instead of firefox-bin (e.g., /usr/lib/firefox/firefox-bin)

3) Start your Rails application in test mode.

4) Run Selenium as rake task by executing
$ rake test:acceptance

7. (For Microsoft Windows 2000, XP) Install gem win32-open3-0.2.x.gem

1) Get and unzip win32-open3-0.2.x.zip

2) Go into the directory win32-open3-0.2.x, you can install manually
$ cd ext
$ ruby extconf.rb
$ nmake
$ ruby tc_open3.rb (optional, in the 'test' directory)
$ nmake install

3) Or use gem to install
$ ruby win32-open3.gemspec
$ gem install win32-open3-X.Y.Z.gem
NOTE: This requires namke.exe and cl.exe in your $PATH
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