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有意思的觀點.(Climbing the social Web ladder)

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如果將Web上參與群組討論的使用者進行等級區分,看似無益,但卻淺藏有Marketing的研究及參考價值,以下這篇文章將使用者以階梯的觀念區分為六個等級,並指出Marketing研究人員在研究市場的過程中若可以協助User往上攀爬等級,將有助公司在客服上取得更好的成績,文中並以Apple與Dell兩家電腦公司為例,可以看出Mac的User因可以吸收更多Web 2.0的相關知識,將有機會瓜分市場!!


Climbing the social Web ladder by ZDNet's Dan Farber -- Forrester analysts Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff have published a report, "Social Technographics," ($279) that identifies six levels of participation in the realm of social media or the social Web in the U.S. based on a recent survey. The results are not surprising, but looking at target markets from a "social technographic" perspective can [...]

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