锁定老帖子 主题:Maven命令简介:更好更快地管理项目
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Maven自带了很多的工程骨架,想自定义骨架可以使用交互式命令: mvn archetype:generate
我的是Maven 2.2.1版本,系统自带的骨架一共有41个: 1: internal -> appfuse-basic-jsf (AppFuse archetype for creating a web application with Hibernate, Spring and JSF) 2: internal -> appfuse-basic-spring (AppFuse archetype for creating a web application with Hibernate, Spring and Spring MVC) 3: internal -> appfuse-basic-struts (AppFuse archetype for creating a web application with Hibernate, Spring and Struts 2) 4: internal -> appfuse-basic-tapestry (AppFuse archetype for creating a web application with Hibernate, Spring and Tapestry 4) 5: internal -> appfuse-core (AppFuse archetype for creating a jar application with Hibernate and Spring and XFire) 6: internal -> appfuse-modular-jsf (AppFuse archetype for creating a modular application with Hibernate, Spring and JSF) 7: internal -> appfuse-modular-spring (AppFuse archetype for creating a modularapplication with Hibernate, Spring and Spring MVC) 8: internal -> appfuse-modular-struts (AppFuse archetype for creating a modularapplication with Hibernate, Spring and Struts 2) 9: internal -> appfuse-modular-tapestry (AppFuse archetype for creating a modular application with Hibernate, Spring and Tapestry 4) 10: internal -> maven-archetype-j2ee-simple (A simple J2EE Java application) 11: internal -> maven-archetype-marmalade-mojo (A Maven plugin development project using marmalade) 12: internal -> maven-archetype-mojo (A Maven Java plugin development project) 13: internal -> maven-archetype-portlet (A simple portlet application) 14: internal -> maven-archetype-profiles () 15: internal -> maven-archetype-quickstart () 16: internal -> maven-archetype-site-simple (A simple site generation project) 17: internal -> maven-archetype-site (A more complex site project) 18: internal -> maven-archetype-webapp (A simple Java web application) 19: internal -> jini-service-archetype (Archetype for Jini service project creation) 20: internal -> softeu-archetype-seam (JSF+Facelets+Seam Archetype) 21: internal -> softeu-archetype-seam-simple (JSF+Facelets+Seam (no persistence) Archetype) 22: internal -> softeu-archetype-jsf (JSF+Facelets Archetype) 23: internal -> jpa-maven-archetype (JPA application) 24: internal -> spring-osgi-bundle-archetype (Spring-OSGi archetype) 25: internal -> confluence-plugin-archetype (Atlassian Confluence plugin archetype) 26: internal -> jira-plugin-archetype (Atlassian JIRA plugin archetype) 27: internal -> maven-archetype-har (Hibernate Archive) 28: internal -> maven-archetype-sar (JBoss Service Archive) 29: internal -> wicket-archetype-quickstart (A simple Apache Wicket project) 30: internal -> scala-archetype-simple (A simple scala project) 31: internal -> lift-archetype-blank (A blank/empty liftweb project) 32: internal -> lift-archetype-basic (The basic (liftweb) project) 33: internal -> cocoon-22-archetype-block-plain ([http://cocoon.apache.org/2.2/maven-plugins/]) 34: internal -> cocoon-22-archetype-block ([http://cocoon.apache.org/2.2/maven-plugins/]) 35: internal -> cocoon-22-archetype-webapp ([http://cocoon.apache.org/2.2/maven-plugins/]) 36: internal -> myfaces-archetype-helloworld (A simple archetype using MyFaces) 37: internal -> myfaces-archetype-helloworld-facelets (A simple archetype usingMyFaces and facelets) 38: internal -> myfaces-archetype-trinidad (A simple archetype using Myfaces and Trinidad) 39: internal -> myfaces-archetype-jsfcomponents (A simple archetype for create custom JSF components using MyFaces) 40: internal -> gmaven-archetype-basic (Groovy basic archetype) 41: internal -> gmaven-archetype-mojo (Groovy mojo archetype)
创建普通Java项目: mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=com.aboy -DartifactId=webmap
创建WEB项目: mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=com.aboy -DartifactId=webmap -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp
Maven其它命令简单说明: 1、archetype( 内建插件,他的create任务将建立项目骨架 ): archetype:create
2、groupId 项目的java包结构:com.aboy
3、artifactId 项目的名称:webmap
4、显示Maven默认设置 mvn help:effective-pom
6、生成清除Eclipse项目结构: mvn eclipse:eclipse mvn eclipse:clean
7、清理(删除target目录下编译内容) mvn clean
8、仅打包Web页面文件 mvn war:exploded
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先顶你一个 ok搞定了:http://phpxiaoxin.iteye.com/blog/648404 |
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phpxiaoxin 写道 最近也学习使用了maven,也整想写一篇,
先顶你一个 ok搞定了:http://phpxiaoxin.iteye.com/blog/648404 看了你的文章,结合实际项目,不错哦,但是觉得太抽象了,无法复制啊。 |
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