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提交官方bug详情:[OPEN-848] GroupingStore sort have a bug when not set the sortInfo of config
GroupingStore配置时未配置sortInfo 现象:不要点击任何列进行排序,隐藏其中一列,出现bug!
//Ext.data.GroupingStore.prototype.sort function sorters = [this.sortInfo];//have a bug when not set this.sortInfo 这里sorters 实际是 [null],在接下来的地方会发生bug //Ext.data.Store.prototype.sortData function //create a sorter function for each sorter field/direction combo for (var i=0, j = sorters.length; i < j; i++) { //in fact sorters[0] === null will throw a exception sortFns.push(this.createSortFunction(sorters[i].field, sorters[i].direction)); } I fix: Ext.data.GroupingStore.prototype.sort sorters = this.sortInfo ? [this.sortInfo] : []; //old: sorters = [this.sortInfo]; 完整修复: if (Ext.version == '3.2.0') { Ext.apply(Ext.data.GroupingStore.prototype, { sort: function(fieldName, dir) { if (this.remoteSort) { return Ext.data.GroupingStore.superclass.sort.call(this, fieldName, dir); } var sorters = []; //cater for any existing valid arguments to this.sort, massage them into an array of sorter objects if (Ext.isArray(arguments[0])) { sorters = arguments[0]; } else if (fieldName == undefined) { //we preserve the existing sortInfo here because this.sort is called after //clearGrouping and there may be existing sorting sorters = this.sortInfo ? [this.sortInfo] : []; } else { //TODO: this is lifted straight from Ext.data.Store's singleSort function. It should instead be //refactored into a common method if possible var field = this.fields.get(fieldName); if (!field) return false; var name = field.name, sortInfo = this.sortInfo || null, sortToggle = this.sortToggle ? this.sortToggle[name] : null; if (!dir) { if (sortInfo && sortInfo.field == name) { // toggle sort dir dir = (this.sortToggle[name] || 'ASC').toggle('ASC', 'DESC'); } else { dir = field.sortDir; } } this.sortToggle[name] = dir; this.sortInfo = {field: name, direction: dir}; sorters = this.sortInfo ? [this.sortInfo] : []; } //add the grouping sorter object as the first multisort sorter if (this.groupField) { sorters.unshift({direction: this.groupDir, field: this.groupField}); } return this.multiSort.call(this, sorters, dir); } }); } 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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