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Windows Phone 7 Will Not Support Native Code Posted by Jonathan Allen on Mar 16, 2010 The development story for Windows Phone 7 has been revealed. As suspected, it is heavily based on Silverlight, XNA, and Flash. So much in fact that only managed code is allowed on the platform. 不出所料,WIN7手机主要基于Silverlight, XNA和lash。这说明只有托管代码才能运行在此平台上。 With ever more sophisticated attacks against native code appearing ever year, it isn’t surprising that Microsoft is locking down Windows Mobile 7. The new platform will only support managed applications that can be sandboxed, such as those created with Sivlerlight, XNA, and, according to Tim Anderson, Flash. While Flash is a nod to consumer demand, and perhaps a way to one-up Apple, Sivlerlight and XNA are the real stars in their mind. 随着每年都出现对本地代码更加复杂的攻击,微软如此押宝在Windows Mobile 7上并不奇怪。新平台将只支持可被运行在沙箱中的托管代码,如与Sivlerlight,XNA和Flash应用程序。尽管Flash是对消费需求的妥协,Sivlerlight和XNA路是他们心中真正的明星。 Underneath everything Windows Mobile is still using the.NET Compact Framework. This supports core services such as LINQ, isolated storage, and Windows Communication Foundation. On top of that is the common services such as sensors, networking, media, and sound. 底下的一切Windows Mobile是仍在使用the.NET契约框架。这支持例如LINQ,独立存储和Windows Communication Foundation的核心服务。在此之上便是通用服务比如传感器,网络,媒体和声音。 From here developers have to make a hard decision. An application can use either Silverlight or XNA, but not both. Aside from the features pushed down into the common services layer like the aforementioned XNA Sound and Media libraries, the two cannot be mixed. 从此开发者便面临困难抉择。应用程序可以使用Silverlight或XNA,但却不能同时使用。除了能在通用服务层下放的特性外,两者不能混用。 Update: An earlier version called the product "Windows Mobile 7". The official name is "Windows Phone 7". 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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都没谱的事情老发来发去的。 |
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jiayp 写道 现在看到这个“或”字,就感觉巨烦躁。
都没谱的事情老发来发去的。 这个是俺翻译时擅自加上的 呵呵 不影响理解吧 |
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Windows Phone 7 只是微软的新悲剧而已。
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