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We are very happy to announce the website of Tidier, an automatic refactoring tool for Erlang programs. Tidier cleans up Erlang source code and suggests to its user a sequence of transformations that improve the quality and performance of code. More information about tidier can be found at its website (*): http://tidier.softlab.ntua.gr/ We welcome feedback and suggestions! Kostis Sagonas and Thanassis Avgerinos 俺很期待的东西.试验了下,可以上传erl文件或者整个项目的包上去, tidier果然很争气的找出有问题或者需要改进的地方 ,效果相当的好. Erlang R13B04的代码都是经过tidier的. 唯一不好一点就是不开源,使用上有点受限,但是我们还是很感激的. 一起来吧从这里开始: http://tidier.softlab.ntua.gr:20000/tidier/getstarted 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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