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3.6. Error reading from server <whatever>: -1: Unknown error This means that the client was able to connect to the server, but something disconnected it before authentication could take place. ... In particular the Nod32 av exhibits this behaviour. The current workaround is to disable the 'IMON' service and reboot. Eset have been contacted about this problem. Until it is fixed it is recommended that Nod32 is not used on a machine running cvsnt. 3.7. Can't authenticate - server and client cannot agree on an authentication scheme (got '') This is the same as the -1 error above. 我的nod32 imon监控才启动不到1周呢,因为家里没有用路由器害怕中毒才开的,没想到现在就撞大运撞上了. 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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