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Facebook发布HipHop JIT(译文)

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   发表时间:2010-02-22   最后修改:2010-02-22

Facebook发布HipHop JIT
Fackbook 发布了PHP运行环境HipHop。HipHop提供JIT能力,替代了PHP传统运行和提供更好的页面解释性能,更低的CPU占用率。HipHop有助于提供可观的PHP可测量性和与Java,Python和C++为后端的最优的接口

1.    静态分析,在此系统收集信息,谁宣告什么和依赖
2.    类型推断,在此将选择在C++ scalars, String, Array, classes, Object,中具体的类型
3.    代码生成,多半是一个从PHP声明和表达式到C++的声明和表达式的直接对应

Facebook Releases HipHop JIT

Posted by: Eugene Ciurana on ?? 03, 2010 DIGG
Facebook announced the HipHop for PHP runtime environment. HipHop provides JIT capabilities to PHP that supercede the traditional PHP runtime and provide better page rendering performance with lower CPU usage. HipHop helps to provide massive PHP scalability and optimal interfacing with Java, Python, and C++ back-ends.

Rather than using a complicated HTML particle caching system, or source-level code transformations, Haiping Zhao of Facebook describes how HipHop works:
HipHop for PHP isn't technically a compiler itself. Rather it is a source code transformer. HipHop programmatically transforms your PHP source code into highly optimized C++ and then uses g++ to compile it. HipHop executes the source code in a semantically equivalent manner and sacrifices some rarely used features -- such as eval() -- in exchange for improved performance. HipHop includes a code transformer, a reimplementation of PHP's runtime system, and a rewrite of many common PHP Extensions to take     advantage of these performance optimizations.

The transformation process includes three main steps:

1. Static analysis where the system collects information on who declares what and dependencies
2. Type inference where it chooses the most specific type between C++ scalars, String, Array, classes, Object, and Variant
3. Code generation which for the most part is a direct correspondence from PHP statements and expressions to C++ statements and expressions.

Overall HipHop allowed Facebook to keep the best aspects of PHP while taking advantage of the performance benefits of C++. In total, they have written over 300,000 lines of code and more than 5,000 unit tests. All of this is released on GitHub under the open source PHP license.




   发表时间:2010-02-26   最后修改:2010-02-26
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