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引用 We’ve always been excited about building the best IDE for web developers, and we’re happy to announce a new partnership: Aptana will be taking over the RadRails project and providing a seamless, integrated experience between HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Ruby on Rails. Kyle, Matt, Marc, and the entire team at RadRails have done a great job with the product, and we’re excited to help grow and expand the product and the community. The Aptana IDE and RadRails are both EPL open-source products, and that will continue in the future. Initially, you’ll see some immediate bundling of the products, and then we’ll work on making a tighter integration as time goes on. We’ve set up a forum for questions, and if anyone is interested in contributing, please let us know and we’ll be happy to set something up. We hope to have everything transitioned by mid-May. Again, we both believe the community will benefit as a result, and please let us know how we can make sure that we truly are building the best IDE out there. Sincerely, radrails+Aptana 是好还是坏呢?现今rails IDE层出不穷,导致radrails失去了一批又一批的用户,由于一开始接触ruby就是使用的radrails,第一次面对radrails,eclipse熟悉且简洁界面让我非常喜欢,然而它的功能却让我一度的失望,远没有想象中的丰富(对于动态语言IDE来说还是正常的),不过也正因为其简洁熟悉的界面,所以我也没有使用其他的IDE,然而netbeans的崛起,E编辑器的出现,IDEA的介入等,给于radrails的打击是一次比一次的严重,加上radrails又欠缺各方面的支持,让人对radrails的未来感到担忧,今天看到这则新闻,对它的希望又再次的燃起,Aptana拥有自己的团队也拥有各种资源,相信对radrails会有一定的帮助,无论在感情上还是喜好上,我都希望radrails能够夺回失去的疆土,radrails,希望你不会让支持你的人失望。 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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aptana和radrails都在用. 两个加在一起,会更好的。 期望吧
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