锁定老帖子 主题:自己写了一个JsonLib
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下面的地址是对比用的json-lib项目 http://json-lib.sourceforge.net/ 下面是部分测试比较 /* * Copyright 2010 Sandy Zhang * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ /** * */ package org.javazone.jroi.framework.coder; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import org.javazone.jroi.framework.coder.json.JsonValue; import org.javazone.jroi.framework.coder.json.encode.DefaultJsonEncoder; /** * @author Sandy Zhang */ public class JsonTest { public static void main(String[] args) { TestBean tb = null; DefaultJsonEncoder encoder = new DefaultJsonEncoder(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { tb = new TestBean(); JSONObject.fromObject(tb); encoder.encodeBean(tb).toJsonString(); } int count = 10000; tb = tb.init(); // 以上代码为预热代码 double a = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { JSONObject.fromObject(tb); } double c1 = System.currentTimeMillis() - a; // 以上为JSON_LIB编码。。。先不论其编码架构怎么样 a = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { new DefaultJsonEncoder().encodeBean(tb).toJsonString(); } double c2 = System.currentTimeMillis() - a; // 以上为我自己写的Json_encoder System.out.println("test count = " + count); System.out.println("JSON ENCODER use time : " + c1 + " ms"); System.out.println("JROI_JSON ENCODER use time : " + c2 + " ms"); System.out.println("(JROI_JSON is faster than JSON_LIB)rate : " + ((c1 / c2) - 1) * 100 + "%"); System.out.println(); // 下面是一次调用的微毫秒级别的比较 a = System.nanoTime(); JSONObject o1 = JSONObject.fromObject(tb); double c = System.nanoTime() - a; System.out.println("JSON_LIB run once use time " + c + " ns"); a = System.nanoTime(); JsonValue o2 = new DefaultJsonEncoder().encodeBean(tb); c = System.nanoTime() - a; System.out.println("JROI_JSON run once use time " + c + " ns"); } } 下面是测试结果 test count = 10 JSON ENCODER use time : 46.0 ms JROI_JSON ENCODER use time : 16.0 ms (JROI_JSON is faster than JSON_LIB)rate : 187.5% JSON_LIB run once use time 2517448.0 ns JROI_JSON run once use time 977297.0 ns test count = 100 JSON ENCODER use time : 199.0 ms JROI_JSON ENCODER use time : 93.0 ms (JROI_JSON is faster than JSON_LIB)rate : 113.9784946236559% JSON_LIB run once use time 731587.0 ns JROI_JSON run once use time 517284.0 ns test count = 1000 JSON ENCODER use time : 664.0 ms JROI_JSON ENCODER use time : 663.0 ms (JROI_JSON is faster than JSON_LIB)rate : 0.15082956259426794% JSON_LIB run once use time 392889.0 ns JROI_JSON run once use time 405821.0 ns test count = 10000 JSON ENCODER use time : 4335.0 ms JROI_JSON ENCODER use time : 6089.0 ms (JROI_JSON is faster than JSON_LIB)rate : -28.806043685334203% JSON_LIB run once use time 452007.0 ns JROI_JSON run once use time 406438.0 ns test count = 100000 JSON ENCODER use time : 42517.0 ms JROI_JSON ENCODER use time : 71011.0 ms (JROI_JSON is faster than JSON_LIB)rate : -40.126177634451% JSON_LIB run once use time 389195.0 ns JROI_JSON run once use time 516668.0 ns 首先,预热是相同的,应该不存在误差 因为我使用了许多对象,所以在大量创建对象的情况下,我的效率将被降低,因为JVM的垃圾回收机制 但是在一万次一下的比较中,我的编码程序占据优势,我相信很少情况有大于一千个对象被编码为Json字符串 比较客观的比较应该在100次比较的位置,我也尝试过编写简单的Bean进行测试,我的编码器同样占据速度上的优势,OK,我们看解码 我的结果是生成Map,然后通过接口传递到Handler中进行下一步处理,这样可以将算法与处理进行分离 /* * Copyright 2010 Sandy Zhang * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ /** * */ package org.javazone.jroi.framework.coder; import java.util.Map; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import org.javazone.jroi.framework.coder.json.JsonObject; import org.javazone.jroi.framework.coder.json.decode.analyze.AnalyzeEvent; import org.javazone.jroi.framework.coder.json.decode.analyze.AnalyzeHandler; import org.javazone.jroi.framework.coder.json.decode.analyze.JsonAnalyzer; /** * @author Sandy Zhang */ public class DecodeTest { public static class TestAnalyzeHandler implements AnalyzeHandler { @Override public void endAnalyze(AnalyzeEvent e) { // Map<String, Object> map = (Map<String, Object>) e.getResult(); // System.out.println(map.get("name")); // Object[] objs = (Object[]) map.get("subBeans"); // System.out.println(objs.length); // for (Object object : objs) // { // System.out.println(object); // } } @Override public void startAnalyze(AnalyzeEvent e) { // System.out.println("start"); } } public static void main(String[] args) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { JsonAnalyzer analyzer = new JsonAnalyzer(); analyzer.addAnalyzeHandler(new TestAnalyzeHandler()); JsonEncoder encoder = Coder.newJsonEncoder(); JsonObject jsonObj = (JsonObject) encoder.encodeBean(new TestBean().init()); String jsonStr = jsonObj.toJsonString(); JSONObject.fromObject(jsonStr); // System.out.println(jsonStr); analyzer.analyze(jsonStr); } // 预热代码 int count = 10; JsonEncoder encoder = Coder.newJsonEncoder(); JsonObject jsonObj = (JsonObject) encoder.encodeBean(new TestBean().init()); String jsonStr = jsonObj.toJsonString(); // 产生 long a = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { JsonAnalyzer analyzer = new JsonAnalyzer(); analyzer.addAnalyzeHandler(new TestAnalyzeHandler()); analyzer.analyze(jsonStr); } long b = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println(b - a); // 以上为我自己写的解码器 a = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { JSONObject.fromObject(jsonStr); } b = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println(b - a); // 以上为Json lib 解码方法 } } 这是10次的结果 21 102 这是100次的结果 139 467 这是1000次的结果 484 3450 这是10000次的结果 4217 39873 10万次,我不愿意比较了。。。。。。这个已经能够说明问题了。。 当然,不要指望net.sf.json.JSONObject工具会帮助你解码的很完善,fromObject出来的一样是map甚至是他自己创建的结构,并且不支持单一对象的编解码。 例如简单的字符串,比如我不发送对象,只是一个字符串,那么它就做不到,只会给你抛出一个异常。 不知道有人用这个工具包没有,至少我发现这个工具包很差,所以不得已自己写工具包 其次。。。也就是他的toBean方法,在处理泛型的时候不可能转换为确定的类型。 例如:TestBean里有一个List,装载的是SubBean,那么它不会很智能的给你转换为SubBean而是转换为了他自己的Bean,当你使用这个TestBean里的List的时候就等着java.lang.ClassCastException吧Orz..... 下面我把源码包发上来 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1是最新版本 ![]() 下面是一个例子,怎么用的例子 package org.javazone.jroi.framework.coder; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; public class TestBean { private Collection<TestSubBean> beans = new ArrayList<TestSubBean>(); public Collection<TestSubBean> getBeans() { return beans; } public void setBeans(Collection<TestSubBean> beans) { this.beans = beans; } public Set<TestSubBean> getTestSet() { return testSet; } public void setTestSet(Set<TestSubBean> testSet) { this.testSet = testSet; } public TestSubBean getTestSubBean() { return testSubBean; } public void setTestSubBean(TestSubBean testSubBean) { this.testSubBean = testSubBean; } public List<TestSubBean> getList() { return list; } public void setList(List<TestSubBean> list) { this.list = list; } private Set<TestSubBean> testSet = new HashSet<TestSubBean>(); private TestSubBean testSubBean = new TestSubBean(); private List<TestSubBean> list = new ArrayList<TestSubBean>(); public TestBean init() { beans.add(new TestSubBean()); testSet.add(new TestSubBean()); list.add(new TestSubBean()); return this; } } /* * Copyright 2010 Sandy Zhang * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ /** * */ package org.javazone.jroi.framework.coder; public class TestSubBean { private static int currentid = 0; private String testString = "this is my sub bean : id = " + Integer.toString(++currentid); private String testNull = null; private Integer intTest = Integer.MAX_VALUE; private Long longTest = Long.MAX_VALUE; private Double doubleObjectTest = Double.MAX_VALUE; private Float floatObjectTest = Float.MAX_VALUE; public void setTestNull(String testNull) { this.testNull = testNull; } public String getTestNull() { return testNull; } public void setIntTest(Integer intTest) { this.intTest = intTest; } public Integer getIntTest() { return intTest; } public void setLongTest(Long longTest) { this.longTest = longTest; } public Long getLongTest() { return longTest; } public void setDoubleObjectTest(Double doubleObjectTest) { this.doubleObjectTest = doubleObjectTest; } public Double getDoubleObjectTest() { return doubleObjectTest; } public void setFloatObjectTest(Float floatObjectTest) { this.floatObjectTest = floatObjectTest; } public Float getFloatObjectTest() { return floatObjectTest; } public void setTestString(String testString) { this.testString = testString; } public String getTestString() { return testString; } } /* * Copyright 2010 Sandy Zhang * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ /** * */ package org.javazone.jroi.framework.coder; import java.util.Arrays; /** * @author Sandy Zhang */ public class JsonTest { public static void main(String[] args) { JsonEncoder encoder = Coder.newJsonEncoder(); String jsonString = encoder.encodeBean(new TestBean().init()).toJsonString(); System.out.println(jsonString); JsonDecoder decoder = Coder.newJsonDecoder(); TestBean bean = (TestBean) decoder.decodeBean(jsonString, TestBean.class); System.out.println(bean.getTestSubBean().getTestNull()); System.out.println(bean.getTestSubBean().getTestString()); System.out.println(bean.getTestSubBean().getDoubleObjectTest()); System.out.println(bean.getTestSubBean().getFloatObjectTest()); System.out.println(bean.getTestSubBean().getIntTest()); System.out.println(bean.getTestSubBean().getLongTest()); System.out.println(Arrays.toString(bean.getList().toArray())); System.out.println(Arrays.toString(bean.getTestSet().toArray())); System.out.println(Arrays.toString(bean.getList().toArray())); } } {"beans":[{"longTest":9223372036854775807,"floatObjectTest":3.4028235E38,"intTest":2147483647,"testString":"this is my sub bean : id = 2","doubleObjectTest":1.7976931348623157E308,"testNull":null}],"testSubBean":{"longTest":9223372036854775807,"floatObjectTest":3.4028235E38,"intTest":2147483647,"testString":"this is my sub bean : id = 1","doubleObjectTest":1.7976931348623157E308,"testNull":null},"list":[{"longTest":9223372036854775807,"floatObjectTest":3.4028235E38,"intTest":2147483647,"testString":"this is my sub bean : id = 4","doubleObjectTest":1.7976931348623157E308,"testNull":null}],"testSet":[{"longTest":9223372036854775807,"floatObjectTest":3.4028235E38,"intTest":2147483647,"testString":"this is my sub bean : id = 3","doubleObjectTest":1.7976931348623157E308,"testNull":null}]} null this is my sub bean : id = 1 1.7976931348623157E308 3.4028235E38 2147483647 9223372036854775807 [org.javazone.jroi.framework.coder.TestSubBean@52fe85] [org.javazone.jroi.framework.coder.TestSubBean@1e0cf70] [org.javazone.jroi.framework.coder.TestSubBean@52fe85] 如果有大大愿意给小弟讲下架构就太好了。。。因为我最后发现最开始版本的Handler没用,我也考虑使用Builder模式在算法过程中使用Builder进行对象数组创建,但是都失败了,因为这个问题是个递归问题,递归在栈上不好做文章,确实要考虑就真的只有换非递归算法才能更好的使用设计模式里的算法分离了。。。。哎 至于效率,我也没测试了,看了jackson的实现后,我深深的自卑了 ![]() 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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我自己也写了一个JSON LIB
源码:http://johnson-lee.iteye.com/blog/586686 看了楼主的Code,觉得用Handler这个接口,体现了设计模式的思想,不过个人觉得在使用的时候没有把这种思想发挥到极至。不知道楼主写JSON LIB的思想源于哪里?想和楼主探讨一下。 先说我一下我的思想,我是根据编译原理的思想来实现我的JSON LIB,分为Lexer和Parser,Parser驱动Lexer进行词法分析,然后对Lexer读取到的Token根据上下文进行语法检查。 还有一个C#实现 http://johnson-lee.iteye.com/blog/586715 基本上和Java实现差不多,只不过加了C#的索引器和属性,使得用起来更像JSON |
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johnson.lee 写道 我自己也写了一个JSON LIB
源码:http://johnson-lee.iteye.com/blog/586686 看了楼主的Code,觉得用Handler这个接口,体现了设计模式的思想,不过个人觉得在使用的时候没有把这种思想发挥到极至。不知道楼主写JSON LIB的思想源于哪里?想和楼主探讨一下。 先说我一下我的思想,我是根据编译原理的思想来实现我的JSON LIB,分为Lexer和Parser,Parser驱动Lexer进行词法分析,然后对Lexer读取到的Token根据上下文进行语法检查。 还有一个C#实现 http://johnson-lee.iteye.com/blog/586715 基本上和Java实现差不多,只不过加了C#的索引器和属性,使得用起来更像JSON 想要写这个是因为发现dwr的一些不足之后要自己动手做一个JROI(javascript remote object invoker),但是在写JROI的过程中序列化的时候出现了问题 至于编译原理的思想我考虑过,还是复用性,毕竟编译也会有变化,所以才这样设计 |
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gof95 写道 和jackson相比呢?这个是目前最快的
jackson,这个序列化已经进行了比较,他的效率的确很高,我去研究研究 |
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johnson.lee 写道 我自己也写了一个JSON LIB
源码:http://johnson-lee.iteye.com/blog/586686 看了楼主的Code,觉得用Handler这个接口,体现了设计模式的思想,不过个人觉得在使用的时候没有把这种思想发挥到极至。不知道楼主写JSON LIB的思想源于哪里?想和楼主探讨一下。 先说我一下我的思想,我是根据编译原理的思想来实现我的JSON LIB,分为Lexer和Parser,Parser驱动Lexer进行词法分析,然后对Lexer读取到的Token根据上下文进行语法检查。 还有一个C#实现 http://johnson-lee.iteye.com/blog/586715 基本上和Java实现差不多,只不过加了C#的索引器和属性,使得用起来更像JSON 其实我也在设计这一块是个菜鸟,很多时候都会犯00原则错误,但是在编码过程中也渐渐体会到了应该怎么写,只是复用性上还比较差所以也在继续学习,写框架的目的就是为了更好的学习架构,学习如何写好代码。 例如:看到别人用DAO我就用DAO,这样的方式不好 第一是不知道为什么用DAO,用DAO有什么好处,毕竟还在学习阶段不是高效出产品的时候。 第二是老学别人的,我们自己的思考方式就被僵化了,所以我也很少考虑怎么套用设计模式而是自己设计接口自己设计类间关系,这样才可以提升自己 呵呵,鄙人有个不大不小的梦想就是某天当一个架构师,至于能不能实现就不奢望了,个人觉得不后悔就好 |
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kjj 写道 我一直用gson1.4楼主测了吗
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