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锁定老帖子 主题:用数字签名的applet解决客户端文件读写
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首先写applet了 package com.shiningway.applet; import java.applet.Applet; import java.io.*; import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; public class ShowMe extends Applet{ public File f=null; public String text="";//请注意此处的public Date dd=null; int n=0; /** * Called by the browser or applet viewer to inform * this applet that it is being reclaimed and that it should destroy * any resources that it has allocated. The <code>stop</code> method * will always be called before <code>destroy</code>. <p> * * A subclass of <code>Applet</code> should override this method if * it has any operation that it wants to perform before it is * destroyed. For example, an applet with threads would use the * <code>init</code> method to create the threads and the * <code>destroy</code> method to kill them. <p> */ public void destroy() { // Put your code here } public void paint(Graphics g ) { if(text!=null && !text.equals("")) { setTxt(text); } //g.drawString(text, 40, 50); text=""; } public void setText(String st) { text=st; } public void init() { f=new File("D:\\lala.txt"); if (!f.exists()) { try { f.createNewFile(); } catch(Exception ex) { System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); } } } public void setTxt(String tt) { try { RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(f, "rw"); raf.seek(raf.length()); raf.writeBytes("\n"+tt); raf.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); } finally { } } public void start() { } /** * Called by the browser or applet viewer to inform * this applet that it should stop its execution. It is called when * the Web page that contains this applet has been replaced by * another page, and also just before the applet is to be destroyed. <p> * * A subclass of <code>Applet</code> should override this method if * it has any operation that it wants to perform each time the Web * page containing it is no longer visible. For example, an applet * with animation might want to use the <code>start</code> method to * resume animation, and the <code>stop</code> method to suspend the * animation. <p> */ public void stop() { // Put your code here } } 关于applet的数字签名,网上资料很多,自己可以去查,可以参考一下这个帖子http://www.blogjava.net/beansoft/archive/2008/05/11/199801.html (其实这个帖子里面已经是包含了我这边的大部分内容了) showMe.html的文件代码 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>My applet 'ShowMe' starting page</title> <meta http-equiv="keywords" content="keyword1,keyword2,keyword3"> <meta http-equiv="description" content="this is my page"> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> </head> <script> function setTxt() { document.lama.setText(document.getElementById("txtbaby").value); document.lama.repaint(); } </script> <body> <!--"CONVERTED_APPLET"--> <!-- HTML CONVERTER --> <object classid = "clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93" codebase = "http://java.sun.com/update/1.5.0/jinstall-1_5-windows-i586.cab#Version=1,5,0,0" WIDTH = "300" HEIGHT = "400" NAME = "lama" > <PARAM NAME = CODE VALUE = "com.shiningway.applet.ShowMe.class" > <PARAM NAME = ARCHIVE VALUE = "test.jar" > <PARAM NAME = NAME VALUE = "lama" > <PARAM NAME = MAYSCRIPT VALUE = true > <param name = "type" value = "application/x-java-applet;version=1.5"> <param name = "scriptable" value = "false"> <comment> <embed type = "application/x-java-applet;version=1.5" \ CODE = "com.shiningway.applet.ShowMe.class" \ ARCHIVE = "test.jar" \ NAME = "lama" \ WIDTH = "300" \ HEIGHT = "400" \ MAYSCRIPT = true scriptable = false pluginspage = "http://java.sun.com/products/plugin/index.html#download"> <noembed> </noembed> </embed> </comment> </object> <!-- <APPLET CODE = "com.shiningway.applet.ShowMe.class" ARCHIVE = "test.jar" WIDTH = "300" HEIGHT = "400" NAME = "lama" MAYSCRIPT = true> </APPLET> --> <!--"END_CONVERTED_APPLET"--> <input type="text" name="txtbaby" id="txtbaby"> <input type="button" onclick="setTxt()" value="添加内容"> </body> </html> 这个例子的效果是在showMe.html中的输入框中输入内容,然后点击添加内容按钮,改内容回自动保存在客户端D盘的lala.txt文件中 总结一下,知识点主要是以下几点
疑问: 网页中javascript不能直接调用applet中文件读写的方法setTxt,查看java控制台信息提示无权限,即使用了签名也是如此,后来只有写在paint方法里面,在javascript中用repaint来调用。有没有遇到这个问题的,你们是如何解决的,欢迎来信讨论,email:rautinee@yahoo.com.cn 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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暂时还没遇到这种需求。 一般我都弄成导入导出的功能,让用户上传和保存有关文件。 |
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rautinee 写道 疑问:
网页中javascript不能直接调用applet中文件读写的方法setTxt,查看java控制台信息提示无权限,即使用了签名也是如此,后来只有写在paint方法里面,在javascript中用repaint来调用。有没有遇到这个问题的,你们是如何解决的,欢迎来信讨论,email:rautinee@yahoo.com.cn //在你的Showme类中加入下面的代码就ok了, static { System.setSecurityManager(null); } |
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一般都是用flash,98%的装机率,无可比拟的优势 |
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