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1.<%@ taglib uri='http://java.sun.com/jstl/core' prefix='c' %> 2.The pageContext implicit object lets you access the page context, which has references to the request, response, session, servlet context, servlet config, etc <c:out value='${param.name}'/> <c:forEach items='${initParam}' var='parameter'> <ul> <%-- Display the key of the current item, which corresponds to the name of the init param --%> <li>Name: <c:out value='${parameter.key}'/></li> <%-- Display the value of the current item, which corresponds to the value of the init param --%> <li>Value: <c:out value='${parameter.value}'/></li> </ul> </c:forEach> 3.<c:if test='${not empty param.amount}'> <c:out value='${param.amount}'/> </c:if> 4.There's a lot more to the Core library than evaluating expressions and displaying the result; for example, you can implement if/then statements and switch constructs. <c:choose> <c:when test='${not empty param.name}'> Hello <c:out value='${param.name}'/>. </c:when> <c:otherwise> <font color='red'> Please enter your name:<p> </font> <jsp:include page='index.jsp'/> </c:otherwise> </c:choose> ' 5.<fmt:setLocale value='en-US'/> <jsp:useBean id='today' class='java.util.Date'/> <fmt:formatDate value='${today}' type='both'/> 6.<sql:transaction> <%-- Withdraw money from the "from" customer's account --%> <sql:update> UPDATE ACCOUNTS SET BALANCE = BALANCE - ? WHERE CUST_ID = ? <sql:param value='${param.amount}'/> <sql:param value='${param.fromCustomer}'/> </sql:update> </sql:transaction>' 7.<c:out value='${param.amount}'/> <c:forEach var='item' items='${names}' varStatus='status'> The var and scope Attributes <fmt:message key='index.greeting' var='msg' scope='request'/> 8.The expression language provides: Expressions and identifiers Arithmetic, logical, and relational operators Automatic type coercion && (and) || (or) ! (not) empty Access to beans, arrays, lists, and maps Access to a set of implicit objects and servlet properties 9.<% // Create a string String s = "Richard Wilson"; // Store the string in page scope pageContext.setAttribute("name", s); %> <%-- Access the string with an EL expression --%> <c:out value='${name}'/> 10. if you have a Name bean stored in a scoped variable named name and that bean contains firstName and lastName properties, you can access those properties like this: First Name: <c:out value='${name.firstName}'/> First Name: <c:out value='${name["firstName"]}'/> 11.public class UserProfile { private Name name; private Address address; } <c:out value='${pageScope.profile.name.lastName}'/>: 10.Accessing Objects Stored in Arrays, Lists, and Maps HashMap profileMap = new HashMap(); LinkedList profileList = new LinkedList(); JavaBean Component ${colorBean.red} Array ${colorArray[2]} Array.get(colorArray, 2) List colorList[2] colorList["2"] colorList.get(2) Map colorMap[red] colorMap.get(pageContext.findAttribute("red")) colorMap.get("red") <select name='headerName'> <c:forEach var='hdr' items='${header}'> <option value='<c:out value="${hdr.key}"/>'> <c:out value='${hdr.key}'/> </option> </c:forEach> </select> 11.<c:choose> <c:when test='${param.scope == "page"}'> <c:set var='scope' value='${pageScope}'/> </c:when> </c:choose> 12.<c:forEach var='item' items='${listWrapper.list}'> <li><c:out value='${item}'/></li> </c:forEach> 13<c:forTokens items='ONE | TWO | THREE | FOUR' delims='|' var='item'> <c:out value='${item}'/> </c:forTokens> 14 current Object The current item in the iteration 15.<%-- Set the locale for <fmt:message> actions to zh (Chinese) --%> <fmt:setLocale value='zh'/> <c:out value='${pageContext.request.characterEncoding}'/> 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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