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   发表时间:2009-12-29   最后修改:2009-12-29
smartzxy 写道















:) It is not your fault, what you do is still ok. Your supervisor just doesn't act professional enough. How to deal with people is important, but not what your teacher told you. You can follow what he says, but I need say, it is far from the way to be successful. The only key is always being professional in your job, not matter how others feel --- this is the only way to gain respect from others. Someone can feel uncomfortable but who will care an unpressional guy's feeling, there are always a lot of people can be ignored.

Remember this, don't try to image how stupid people can be, just leave the stupid people alone and go forward to work with professional people, that is the only solution to save you and your career.

The way that you keep adapting with stupid people will only make yourself stupid.

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chinata 写道
<div class="quote_title">smartzxy 写道</div>
<div class="quote_div">

[size=medium;]      首先申明这题目有点夸大了,其实就是记录一次人际事故,对面向对象的感受是配菜。[/size]


[size=medium;]      事故背景:事情发生在一次项目交流会上,交流会是两方沟通项目进度,双方分别来自两个学校,我当然是其中一方的老师手下的学生了。[/size]

[size=medium;]      [/size]

[size=medium;]      事故内容:我在会议结束的时候,主动向对方老师要了通讯方式。[/size]

[size=medium;]      [/size]

[size=medium;]      事故回忆:我当时想法很简单,因为对方老师就是整个项目的总负责人,能把握真正的需求,加上现在时间很紧,所以我想如果有问题直接和那老师交流对便捷啊。而且还有个主观因素,我们这边的负责老师在我感觉上,不仅具体的技术不懂,而且宏观上也没有好的拿捏,和他交流估计没什么结果,说不定还会做无用功。[/size]

[size=medium;]      [/size]

[size=medium;]      事故结果:因为我是在学校,因为我还是学生,因为带我的老师人真的很好,他会后很直接的就告诉了我,当时他的感受:没有被尊重,被忽视的感觉;告诉了我,当时我的行为会造成的严重后果:既影响在老师眼里评价,也让对方老师难堪;告诉了我,如果我在以后的工作中这么做会带来多大的麻烦:可能永远不被重用,可能直接炒鱿鱼;告诉了我处理好人际关系在社会生活中的重要性……[/size]


[size=medium;]     之后,我真的有一种心有余悸的感觉,幸好我还是学生啊。这真的是一堂课堂上学不到的人生课![/size]


[size=medium;]     怎么扯到面向对象的呢?刚接触面向对象的时候,不理解为什么要设置那么多的访问控制符,都public不是很方便吗,干嘛为了让类外调用还要专门设接口。当然这里不是考虑类际关系的问题。[/size]


:) It is not your fault, what you do is still ok. Your supervisor just doesn't act professional enough. How to deal with people is important, but not what your teacher told you. You can follow what he says, but I need say, it is far from the way to be successful. The only key is always being professional in your job, not matter how others feel --- this is the only way to gain respect from others. Someone can feel uncomfortable but who will care an unpressional guy's feeling, there are always a lot of people can be ignored.

Remember this, don't try to image how stupid people can be, just leave the stupid people alone and go forward to work with professional people, that is the only solution to save you and your career.

The way that you keep adapting with stupid people will only make yourself stupid.

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chinata 写道

:) It is not your fault, what you do is still ok. Your supervisor just doesn't act professional enough. How to deal with people is important, but not what your teacher told you. You can follow what he says, but I need say, it is far from the way to be successful. The only key is always being professional in your job, not matter how others feel --- this is the only way to gain respect from others. Someone can feel uncomfortable but who will care an unpressional guy's feeling, there are always a lot of people can be ignored.

Remember this, don't try to image how stupid people can be, just leave the stupid people alone and go forward to work with professional people, that is the only solution to save you and your career.

The way that you keep adapting with stupid people will only make yourself stupid.


:) It is not your fault, what you do is still ok. Your supervisor just doesn't act professional enough. How to deal with people is important, but not what your teacher told you. You can follow what he says, but I need say, it is far from the way to be successful. The only key is always being professional in your job, not matter how others feel --- this is the only way to gain respect from others. Someone can feel uncomfortable but who will care an unpressional guy's feeling, there are always a lot of people can be ignored.

Remember this, don't try to image how stupid people can be, just leave the stupid people alone and go forward to work with professional people, that is the only solution to save you and your career.

The way that you keep adapting with stupid people will only make yourself stupid.

It's me. I'm one of the stupid people. But in my stupid opinion,something what you said is very useful for me. I believe that I can learn much from your professional suggestion.
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不好意思啊,我对java确实懂得不多, ,以后要好好努力补补啦。
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