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锁定老帖子 主题:flex+blazeDS+java示例
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1. eclispe 3.5 2. Flex builder 3.0(eclipse plugin) 3. BlazeDS 3.2 4. Tomcat6.0 操作步骤 1. 从BlazeDS.war建立项目 选择菜单File->import,指定类型为web/war file.下一步选择BlazeDS.war,项目名称为test-server,target-runtime指定为tomcat6,按Finish结束。 2. 建立java类,代码如下: package remoting; public class EchoService { public String echo(String text) { return "Server says: I received '" + text + "' from you"; } } 3. 设置amf channel 编辑WEB-INF/flex/services-config.xml,找到amf channel定义的地方,配置如下: <channel-definition id="my-amf" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel"> <endpoint url="http://localhost:8080/test-server/messagebroker/amf" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.AMFEndpoint"/> <properties> <polling-enabled>false</polling-enabled> </properties> </channel-definition> 4. 定义一个destination: 编辑WEB-INF/flex/remoting-config.xml,增加destination定义如下: <destination id="echoServiceDestination" channels="my-amf"> <properties> <source>remoting.EchoService</source> </properties> </destination> 5. 给项目增加flex特性 鼠标右键点击项目,选择Flex project nature->Add Flex project nature 6. 编辑客户端代码 输入客户端代码如下: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" width="100%" height="100%"> <mx:Script> <![CDATA[ import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent; import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent; // Send the message in response to a Button click. private function echo():void { var text:String = ti.text; remoteObject.echo(text); } // Handle the recevied message. private function resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void { ta.text += "Server responded: "+ event.result + "\n"; } // Handle a message fault. private function faultHandler(event:FaultEvent):void { ta.text += "Received fault: " + event.fault + "\n"; } ]]> </mx:Script> <mx:RemoteObject id="remoteObject" destination="echoServiceDestination" endpoint="http://localhost:8080/test-server/messagebroker/amf" result="resultHandler(event);" fault="faultHandler(event);"/> <mx:Label text="Enter a text for the server to echo"/> <mx:TextInput id="ti" text="Hello World!"/> <mx:Button label="Send" click="echo();"/> <mx:TextArea id="ta" width="100%" height="100%"/> </mx:Application> 7. 运行 在Eclipse里运行:确认该项目已经加到tomcat6 server中,启动server.右键点击mxml文件,选择Run As->Flex Application,将会打开一个新的浏览器窗口,其中可以看到运行的程序. 也可以把项目export到war文件,发布到tomcat或其他应用服务器上. 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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其实。。这是传说中的hello world~~~
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返回List 怎么解析到datagrid?
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