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看了很多网上的分页写法,有兴趣的可以直接去看看hibernate的源码,里面的写法还是值得参考,先理清思路: 1.要想分页,就要获取分页所需信息,这里用一个类PageInfo表示: 哪个对象,真正面向对象分页就要配置实体和数据库的映射关系,通过解析配置文件加上java的反射技术就ok了。 有时间会慢慢补充完整。 以下是各种数据库的分页语句: 以@开头的都是自定义变量,到后面都会被替换成具体的内容,这样写看起清晰点(个人见解),初步设计如下:
@CURRENT_PAGE 当前要查看的页数
@PKEY 主键
@criterions 条件集合
@orders 排序集合
以下以mysql做实验,太细节的东西就不必追究了,主要是核心思想的实现: 测试准备: 1.数据库paginationdb,表student_; 2.数据库脚本: SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for student_ -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `student_`; CREATE TABLE `student_` ( `id_` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `name_` varchar(20) default NULL, `sex_` varchar(20) default NULL, `age_` int(11) default NULL, `grade_` varchar(60) default NULL, `class_` varchar(60) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=21 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Records -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `student_` VALUES ('1', 'student1', '男', '11', '一年级', '二班'); INSERT INTO `student_` VALUES ('2', 'student2', '男', '12', '一年级', '二班'); INSERT INTO `student_` VALUES ('3', 'student3', '男', '13', '一年级', '二班'); INSERT INTO `student_` VALUES ('4', 'student4', '女', '14', '一年级', '二班'); INSERT INTO `student_` VALUES ('5', 'student5', '女', '15', '一年级', '二班'); INSERT INTO `student_` VALUES ('6', 'student6', '男', '16', '二年级', '一班'); INSERT INTO `student_` VALUES ('7', 'student7', '男', '17', '二年级', '一班'); INSERT INTO `student_` VALUES ('8', 'student8', '女', '18', '一年级', '一班'); INSERT INTO `student_` VALUES ('9', 'story1', '男', '19', '一年级', '二班'); INSERT INTO `student_` VALUES ('10', 'story2', '女', '11', '一年级', '一班'); INSERT INTO `student_` VALUES ('11', 'story3', '男', '12', '二年级', '一班'); INSERT INTO `student_` VALUES ('12', 'story4', '女', '13', '一年级', '二班'); INSERT INTO `student_` VALUES ('13', 'story5', '男', '14', '一年级', '一班'); INSERT INTO `student_` VALUES ('14', 'story6', '男', '15', '一年级', '一班'); INSERT INTO `student_` VALUES ('15', 'story7', '女', '16', '一年级', '二班'); INSERT INTO `student_` VALUES ('16', 'story8', '男', '17', '一年级', '二班'); INSERT INTO `student_` VALUES ('17', 'story9', '男', '18', '一年级', '二班'); INSERT INTO `student_` VALUES ('18', 'story8', '男', '15', '一年级', '二班'); INSERT INTO `student_` VALUES ('19', 'story8', '男', '16', '一年级', '二班'); INSERT INTO `student_` VALUES ('20', 'story10', '保密', '16', '一年级', '二班');
以下是分页类(pageInfo)的初步设计: package org.forever.entities; import java.util.List; //分页信息 public class PageInfo { private int currentPage = 1;// 当前页 private int totalPage;// 总页数 private int totalItems;// 总条数 private int pageSize = 10;// 每页显示多少条 private List<?> result;// 结果集合 private String tableName;// 表名 private String pkey;// 主键 private Condition[] conditions;// 条件集合 private Order[] orders;// 排序集合 public PageInfo() { } public int getCurrentPage() { return currentPage; } public void setCurrentPage(int currentPage) { this.currentPage = currentPage; } public int getTotalPage() { return totalPage; } public void setTotalPage(int totalPage) { this.totalPage = totalPage; } public int getTotalItems() { return totalItems; } public void setTotalItems(int totalItems) { this.totalItems = totalItems; } public List<?> getResult() { return result; } public void setResult(List<?> result) { this.result = result; } public String getTableName() { return tableName; } public void setTableName(String tableName) { this.tableName = tableName; } public String getPkey() { return pkey; } public void setPkey(String pkey) { this.pkey = pkey; } public Condition[] getConditions() { return conditions; } public void setConditions(Condition[] conditions) { this.conditions = conditions; } public Order[] getOrders() { return orders; } public void setOrders(Order[] orders) { this.orders = orders; } public int getPageSize() { return pageSize; } public void setPageSize(int pageSize) { this.pageSize = pageSize; } } 操作类型枚举: package org.forever.entities; //操作类型 public enum Operation { IN, EQ, GT, LT, NE, GE, LE, BETWEEN, LIKE } 排序类型枚举: package org.forever.entities; public enum OrderType { ASC, DESC } 条件操作: package org.forever.entities; //条件操作 public class Condition { private String propertyName;// 属性名 private Object propertyValue;// 属性值 private Operation operation;// 操作符号 public Condition() { } public String getPropertyName() { return propertyName; } public void setPropertyName(String propertyName) { this.propertyName = propertyName; } public Object getPropertyValue() { return propertyValue; } public void setPropertyValue(Object propertyValue) { this.propertyValue = propertyValue; } public Operation getOperation() { return operation; } public void setOperation(Operation operation) { this.operation = operation; } public Condition(String propertyName, Object propertyValue, Operation operation) { super(); this.propertyName = propertyName; this.propertyValue = propertyValue; this.operation = operation; } } 排序操作: package org.forever.entities; public class Order { private String propertyName;// 属性名 private OrderType orderType;// 排序类型 public Order() { } public Order(String propertyName, OrderType orderType) { super(); this.propertyName = propertyName; this.orderType = orderType; } public String getPropertyName() { return propertyName; } public void setPropertyName(String propertyName) { this.propertyName = propertyName; } public OrderType getOrderType() { return orderType; } public void setOrderType(OrderType orderType) { this.orderType = orderType; } } student类: package org.forever.entities; import java.io.Serializable; public class Student implements Serializable{ private static final long serialVersionUID = -1646247293734375803L; public Integer id;//主键 public String name;//名字 public String sex;//性别 public String grade;//年级 public String stuClass;//班级 public int age;//年龄 public Student() { } public Integer getId() { return id; } public void setId(Integer id) { this.id = id; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public String getSex() { return sex; } public void setSex(String sex) { this.sex = sex; } public String getGrade() { return grade; } public void setGrade(String grade) { this.grade = grade; } public String getStuClass() { return stuClass; } public void setStuClass(String stuClass) { this.stuClass = stuClass; } public int getAge() { return age; } public void setAge(int age) { this.age = age; } } 学生业务: package org.forever.manager; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.forever.entities.Condition; import org.forever.entities.Operation; import org.forever.entities.Order; import org.forever.entities.OrderType; import org.forever.entities.PageInfo; import org.forever.entities.Student; import com.mysql.jdbc.Driver; public class StudentManager { public void doPager(PageInfo pageInfo){ StringBuffer sqlPage = new StringBuffer("SELECT * FROM @TABLE_NAME WHERE 1=1 @CONDITIONS @ORDERS LIMIT @FIRST_INDEX,@PAGE_SIZE "); StringBuffer sqlCount = new StringBuffer("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @TABLE_NAME WHERE 1=1 @CONDITIONS ") ; //处理条件 Condition[]conditions = pageInfo.getConditions(); StringBuffer condition = new StringBuffer(); List<Object> params = new ArrayList<Object>(); if(conditions!=null && conditions.length>0){ for (Condition item : conditions) { switch (item.getOperation()) { case EQ: condition.append(" AND (" + item.getPropertyName()+" =?) "); break; case LIKE: condition.append(" AND (" + item.getPropertyName()+" LIKE ?) "); break; case BETWEEN: condition.append(" AND (" + item.getPropertyName() + " BETWEEN ? AND ?) "); break; case IN: condition.append(" AND (" + item.getPropertyName() + " IN ("); for (int i = 0; i < ((Object[])item.getPropertyValue()).length; i++) { condition.append("?,"); } condition.replace(condition.length()-1, condition.length(), ""); condition.append(")) "); //..... default: break; } if(item.getOperation() == Operation.LIKE){ params.add("%"+item.getPropertyValue()+"%"); }else if(item.getOperation() == Operation.BETWEEN){ params.add(((Object[])item.getPropertyValue())[0]); params.add(((Object[])item.getPropertyValue())[1]); }else if(item.getOperation() == Operation.IN){ for (Object object : (Object[])item.getPropertyValue()) { params.add(object); } }else{ params.add(item.getPropertyValue()); } } } //处理排序 Order[]orders = pageInfo.getOrders(); StringBuffer orderList = new StringBuffer(" ORDER BY "); if(orders!=null && orders.length>0){ for (Order item : orders) { switch (item.getOrderType()) { case ASC: orderList.append(item.getPropertyName()+" ASC ,"); break; case DESC: orderList.append(item.getPropertyName()+" DESC ,"); break; } } orderList.replace(orderList.length()-1, orderList.length(), ""); }else{ orderList.append(" @PKEY ASC "); } String sqlp=sqlPage.toString() .replaceAll("@CONDITIONS", condition.toString()) .replaceAll("@ORDERS", orderList.toString()) .replaceAll("@TABLE_NAME", pageInfo.getTableName()) .replaceAll("@PKEY", pageInfo.getPkey()) .replaceAll("@FIRST_INDEX", (pageInfo.getCurrentPage()-1)*pageInfo.getPageSize()+"") .replaceAll("@PAGE_SIZE", pageInfo.getPageSize()+""); String sqlc = sqlCount.toString() .replaceAll("@CONDITIONS", condition.toString()) .replaceAll("@TABLE_NAME", pageInfo.getTableName()) .replaceAll("@PKEY", pageInfo.getPkey()); Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; try { Class.forName(Driver.class.getName()); connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/paginationdb", "root", "root"); statement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlc); for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) { statement.setObject(i+1, params.get(i)); } resultSet = statement.executeQuery(); resultSet.next(); int totalItems = resultSet.getInt(1); //设置总条数 pageInfo.setTotalItems(totalItems); //设置总页数 pageInfo.setTotalPage( totalItems%pageInfo.getPageSize()==0? totalItems/pageInfo.getPageSize(): totalItems/pageInfo.getPageSize()+1 ); //设置结果集 statement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlp); for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) { statement.setObject(i+1, params.get(i)); } resultSet = statement.executeQuery(); List<Student> students = new ArrayList<Student>(); while(resultSet.next()){ Student student = new Student(); student.setId(resultSet.getInt("id_")); student.setName(resultSet.getString("name_")); student.setSex(resultSet.getString("sex_")); student.setAge(resultSet.getInt("age_")); student.setGrade(resultSet.getString("grade_")); student.setStuClass(resultSet.getString("class_")); students.add(student); } pageInfo.setResult(students); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ if(connection!=null){ try { connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } public static void main(String[] args) { StudentManager studentManager = new StudentManager(); PageInfo pageInfo = new PageInfo(); pageInfo.setTableName("student_");//指定查询表名 pageInfo.setPkey("id_");//指定该表的主键名 pageInfo.setPageSize(2);//每页显示2条 pageInfo.setCurrentPage(2);//查看第二页 //实体暂时没有和数据库进行映射,所以条件和排序里面的属性名暂时写成数据库的属性名 /*例子:查询一年级二班,名字中包含stor的,年龄在14到18的,性别是男和女的学生 *并且按照姓名升序排序,名字相同的按照年龄的逆序排序。 */ pageInfo.setConditions( new Condition[]{ new Condition("grade_", "一年级", Operation.EQ), new Condition("class_", "二班", Operation.EQ), new Condition("name_","stor",Operation.LIKE), new Condition("age_", new Object[]{14,18}, Operation.BETWEEN), new Condition("sex_",new Object[]{"男","女"},Operation.IN) } ); pageInfo.setOrders( new Order[]{ new Order("name_", OrderType.ASC), new Order("age_",OrderType.DESC) } ); studentManager.doPager(pageInfo); System.out.println("totalPage:"+pageInfo.getTotalPage()); System.out.println("totalItems:" + pageInfo.getTotalItems()); for (Object item : pageInfo.getResult()) { System.out.println("***************"); System.out.println(((Student)item).getId()); System.out.println(((Student)item).getName()); System.out.println(((Student)item).getSex()); } } }
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cnyangqi 写道 奇怪的是Oracle分页语句怎么没有的。。。
有哈,在第二篇 |
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