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锁定老帖子 主题:利用Windows批处理自动开启和关闭服务
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内存越来越大,装的程序也越来越多,平时工作时Myeclipse、PowerDesigner、Dreamweaver、Tomcat、Plsqldev开了一大堆!很多经常用,但又不是每次都用到的程序,如Oracle、Mysql、VMware,设置自启动太浪费内存,设置为手动有必须每次一个一个的找到分别启动,很是麻烦! 这个批处理(以VMware为例)可以让你动动鼠标即可以自动开启和关闭服务!
@echo off for /f "skip=3 tokens=4" %%i in ('sc query VMAuthdService') do set "zt=%%i" &goto :next :next if /i "%zt%"=="RUNNING" ( goto stop ) else ( goto start ) pause :stop set /p input=the VMware service is running now ,do you want to stop it? (y or other for yes,n for no,default for y): if /i "%input%" == "n" ( goto :eof ) net stop "VMware Authorization Service" net stop "VMware DHCP Service" net stop "VMware NAT Service" net stop "VMware Virtual Mount Manager Extended" pause goto :eof :start set /p input=the VMware service is stoped now ,do you want to start it? (y or other for yes,n for no,default for y): if /i "%input%" == "n" ( goto :eof ) net start "VMware Authorization Service" net start "VMware DHCP Service" net start "VMware NAT Service" net start "VMware Virtual Mount Manager Extended" pause goto :eof
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