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它和普通的hash类似,在操作上有些不同 # example 1 def index cookies[:name] = "kitty" p cookies[:name] end # 第一次访问 # => nil # 第二次访问 # => kitty 引用一段对此说明 引用 cookies in rails is of type CookieJar. CookieJar manages incoming and outgoing cookie information and works as follows. 到这,这一切都没什么问题。但疑惑的地方从2.3.4出现了 # example 1 def index cookies[:name] = "kitty" cookies[:age] = 20 p cookies[:age].class p cookies[:name] end # 第一次访问 # => Fixnum # => Kitty # 第二次访问 # => Fixnum # => kitty cookies在存储值后立马可以访问了,而且也能存储除字符串以外的类型(貌似很奇怪) 这个版本的cookies和session从用法上来讲,好像就没有区别了 找了些相关的资料,也没有找出个所以然来,貌似对rails cookies的讨论不是很多,望指教 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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还有你第一次已经在客户机上设置name => kitty的cookie了 下次访问当然有了... 你可以清空cookie再试一次。。 这是actioncontroller的cookie.rb源码。写的很明白了。 module ActionController #:nodoc: # Cookies are read and written through ActionController#cookies. # # The cookies being read are the ones received along with the request, the cookies # being written will be sent out with the response. Reading a cookie does not get # the cookie object itself back, just the value it holds. # # Examples for writing: # # # Sets a simple session cookie. # cookies[:user_name] = "david" # # # Sets a cookie that expires in 1 hour. # cookies[:login] = { :value => "XJ-122", :expires => 1.hour.from_now } # # Examples for reading: # # cookies[:user_name] # => "david" # cookies.size # => 2 # # Example for deleting: # # cookies.delete :user_name # # Please note that if you specify a :domain when setting a cookie, you must also specify the domain when deleting the cookie: # # cookies[:key] = { # :value => 'a yummy cookie', # :expires => 1.year.from_now, # :domain => 'domain.com' # } # # cookies.delete(:key, :domain => 'domain.com') # # The option symbols for setting cookies are: # # * <tt>:value</tt> - The cookie's value or list of values (as an array). # * <tt>:path</tt> - The path for which this cookie applies. Defaults to the root # of the application. # * <tt>:domain</tt> - The domain for which this cookie applies. # * <tt>:expires</tt> - The time at which this cookie expires, as a Time object. # * <tt>:secure</tt> - Whether this cookie is a only transmitted to HTTPS servers. # Default is +false+. # * <tt>:httponly</tt> - Whether this cookie is accessible via scripting or # only HTTP. Defaults to +false+. module Cookies def self.included(base) base.helper_method :cookies end protected # Returns the cookie container, which operates as described above. def cookies @cookies ||= CookieJar.new(self) end end class CookieJar < Hash #:nodoc: def initialize(controller) @controller, @cookies = controller, controller.request.cookies super() update(@cookies) end # Returns the value of the cookie by +name+, or +nil+ if no such cookie exists. def [](name) super(name.to_s) end # Sets the cookie named +name+. The second argument may be the very cookie # value, or a hash of options as documented above. def []=(key, options) if options.is_a?(Hash) options.symbolize_keys! else options = { :value => options } end options[:path] = "/" unless options.has_key?(:path) super(key.to_s, options[:value]) @controller.response.set_cookie(key, options) end # Removes the cookie on the client machine by setting the value to an empty string # and setting its expiration date into the past. Like <tt>[]=</tt>, you can pass in # an options hash to delete cookies with extra data such as a <tt>:path</tt>. def delete(key, options = {}) options.symbolize_keys! options[:path] = "/" unless options.has_key?(:path) super(key.to_s) @controller.response.delete_cookie(key, options) end end end |
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Hooopo 写道 还有你第一次已经在客户机上设置name => kitty的cookie了 下次访问当然有了... 你可以清空cookie再试一次。。 这个在我进行测试的时候已经清空了,不知道你有没有对比两个版本测试过 对于2.3中cookies可以在设置值后不用response到客户端就可以访问的现象是否和这句话有关 # Sets the cookie named +name+. The second argument may be the very cookie # value, or a hash of options as documented above. def []=(key, options) if options.is_a?(Hash) options.symbolize_keys! else options = { :value => options } end options[:path] = "/" unless options.has_key?(:path) super(key.to_s, options[:value]) #=> 我指的是这一句,但是编辑器没有能给变色显示 @controller.response.set_cookie(key, options) end 这是我对比2.1的源代码得到的结论。 至于2.3中cooikes的value可以是对象类型(不仅仅是我上面说过的数值类型,Time也是可以往里存的),在我顺着源代码往上找,一直找到request,而request里面是没有cookies方法的,我猜想可能是它的父类里了吧,但是 class Request < Rack::Request 到这,我就跟丢了 ![]() |
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是的,这句就是关键 super(key.to_s, options[:value]) #=> 我指的是这一句,但是编辑器没有能给变色显示 因为: controller 中的cookies方法,就是CookieJar实例: # Cookies are read and written through ActionController#cookies. module Cookies ... def cookies CookieJar.new(self) end end 而CookieJar是扩展了一个Hash类: class CookieJar < Hash #:nodoc: ... end 并覆盖了HASH的元素读、写方法: def [](name) super(name.to_s) end def []=(key, options) ... super(key.to_s, options[:value]) @controller.response.set_cookie(key, options) end 可以想象普通的HASH对象读写,什么都能存放: @cookies = Hash.new @cookies['mykey'] = AnyThing puts @cookies['mykey'] #=> AnyThing 只是CookieJar在保存值时,通过@controller.response.set_cookie把值序列化(一般是调用to_s),如果值无法序列化存储的,下次读取出来的肯定会变成空值,因此你要正确测试COOKIE的读写的话,应该分两次request,如: def write_cookies cookies['mykey'] = 'some text' cookies['wrong_value'] = self redirect_to :action => 'read_cookies' end def read_cookies render :inline => %{ <xmp> mykey = #{cookies['mykey']} wrong_value = #{cookies['wrong_value']} </xmp> } end 否则在同一个action里,读来写去只不过是对同一个HASH对象操作,自然会Rails cookies有“万能”存储的错觉。 |
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