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锁定老帖子 主题:ibatis2.3.0到2.3.4变化莫测
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原本以为 直接换个jar就可以
结果 跑步起来了,,不是说ibatis问题
原因 当初 为支持 ibatis物理分页 扩展了 ibatis[原来考虑ibatis升级,没有改源代码,自己增加扩展类]
但是2.3.0版本的SessionScope的属性名称是session到2.3.4就变成sessionScope --》无语了吧
还好 原来对2.3.0源代码读过,2.3.4变化 基本掌握
比如: /**
//省略内容 }
2.3.0是接口-抽象类-类 2.3.4直接就是类,但是注释还是2.3.0的 开源 需要 精神啊 这样下去 不知道 ibatis质量会怎么样
难道是ibatis看重3.0所以2.3.4就。。。。 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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引用 最近项目打算升级ibatis原来项目基于jdk1.4所以ibatis用的版本是ibatis-
现在jdk用的都是1.4所以打算用ibatis-2.3.4 没看明白这两句话,呵呵~~~ 还好,偶现在的任务还是用的2.3.0的~ 瞅瞅了代码确实有这种情况; 贴段BUGREPORT Build Date: 2008/09/09 09:43 Build Number: 726 ------------------------------ Next Version ------------------------------ o ------------------------------ 2.3.4 ------------------------------ o iBATIS-519 Autoresultmap thead safety ------------------------------ 2.3.3 ------------------------------ o Reintroduced fully defined ExtendedSqlMapClient interface for Spring compatibility o iBATIS-522 -- Null type causing TypeHandlerFactory to throw NPE o iBATIS-511 -- Added values to error messages o iBATIS-515 -- Added comments to DTD o iBATIS-244 -- configured type handler not used for insert ------------------------------ 2.3.2 ------------------------------ o Updated this release.txt file for 2.3.1 o Made DTD backward compatible again. o Applied consistent lazy loading Set fix to all lazy loader implementations o Note that version 2.3.1 and beyond will throws exception for java bean specification violations ------------------------------ 2.3.1 ------------------------------ o Removed maxTransactions, maxRequests, maxSessions from configuration, all are now controlled by the resource providers o Fixed BATIS-391 - Cannot access Lists within custom objects. o Fixed IBATIS-388 - Add methods to unwrap all proxied objects o Fixed IBATIS-484 - Make setType method in JdbcTypeRegistry public o Fixed IBATIS-490 - Improper use of getColumnLabel() o Fixed IBATIS-494 - Improper NULL handling in Blob and Clob Type Handlers o Fixed IBATIS-497 - Improper use of hashCode in SqlExecuter o Fixed IBATIS-406 Bug in Ibatis sqlMap when one resultMap has multiple results that are resultMaps... then the groupby attribute only seems to work for the first embedded resultMap. o Fixed IBATIS-456 ClassCastException when mapping primitive arrays due to attempts to cast to object arrays made by iBatis o Fixed IBATIS-441 Multiple result sets support broken o Fixed IBATIS-497 Bug when add two same length and hashCode SQLs to a batch executor o Fixed IBATIS-484 oracle's user-defined objects not fully supported o Fixed IBATIS-391 Can not access Lists within custom objects. o Fixed IBATIS-359 Performance Improvement when No SecurityManager installed o Fixed IBATIS-439 Batching of statements does not work for stored procedures o Fixed IBATIS-435 Bug Using iBATIS 2.3.0 And Spring Framework o Fixed IBATIS-489 CacheModel.NULL_OBJECT should be Serializable to be used with non-in-memory caches o Fixed IBATIS-494 ClobTypeHandlerCallback handles NULLs incorrectly o Fixed IBATIS-419 LazyLoad object is not serializable. o Fixed IBATIS-490 When using implicit resultmap, the code fails throwing exception "Undefined Column Name" o Fixed IBATIS-487 lazy loading support java.util.Set interface o Fixed IBATIS-491 resultMap support java 5 enum to jdbcType VARCHAR o Fixed IBATIS-388 Add methods to unwrap all Proxied Objects o Fixed IBATIS-433 ResultSetLogProxy doesn't log null value incorrectly o Fixed IBATIS-445 SqlText setText function and tab (\t) character in text definition o Fixed IBATIS-479 Typo on com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.conifg package o Fixed IBATIS-387 bug in Jdk14LoggingImpl o Fixed IBATIS-458 maxWait in Throttle can fail. o Fixed IBATIS-467 flushInterval is limited to hours |
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Fixed IBATIS-491 resultMap support java 5 enum to jdbcType VARCHAR 这点不错 我现在用hibernate 想用enum 写一大堆东西 烦心
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我现在用hibernate 想用enum 写一大堆东西 烦心??
hibernate支持枚举的,自己封装哈; 很简单的; |
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其实 hibernate ibatis也好都可以扩展支持枚举的;
只不过心版本都内置支持了,不过觉得支持还不够完美; 还是自己在扩展哈! |
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ibatis烦就烦在他在statement级别的api不是对外公开的,所以没事老变,也不知道是不是故意为之,反正让我用起来很不爽。 哪位大哥哪天高兴了弄个对头产品,看他还敢不敢这么乱搞。 |
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