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锁定老帖子 主题:Ext3.0很实用的2个小插件
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1、用来判断时间输入(结束时间不能大于开始时间)。 2、密码验证。 扩展VTypes: Ext.apply (Ext.form.VTypes, { daterange : function(val, field) { var date = field.parseDate (val); if(!date) { return; } if(field.startDateField && (!this.dateRangeMax || (date.getTime () != this.dateRangeMax.getTime ()))) { var start = Ext.getCmp (field.startDateField); start.setMaxValue (date); start.validate (); this.dateRangeMax = date; } else if(field.endDateField && (!this.dateRangeMin || (date.getTime () != this.dateRangeMin.getTime ()))) { var end = Ext.getCmp (field.endDateField); end.setMinValue (date); end.validate (); this.dateRangeMin = date; } /* * Always return true since we're only using this vtype to set the * min/max allowed values (these are tested for after the vtype test) */ return true; }, password : function(val, field) { if(field.initialPassField) { var pwd = Ext.getCmp (field.initialPassField); return (val == pwd.getValue ()); } return true; }, passwordText : 'Passwords do not match' }); 使用code: var dr = new Ext.FormPanel({ labelWidth: 125, frame: true, title: 'Date Range', bodyStyle: 'padding:5px 5px 0', width: 350, defaults: { width: 175 }, defaultType: 'datefield', items: [{ fieldLabel: 'Start Date', id: 'startdt', format: 'Y-m-d', vtype: 'daterange', endDateField: 'enddt' // id of the end date field }, { fieldLabel: 'End Date', id: 'enddt', format: 'Y-m-d', vtype: 'daterange', startDateField: 'startdt' // id of the start date field }] }); dr.render('dr'); var pwd = new Ext.FormPanel({ labelWidth: 125, frame: true, title: 'Password Verification', bodyStyle: 'padding:5px 5px 0', width: 350, defaults: { width: 175, inputType: 'password' }, defaultType: 'textfield', items: [{ fieldLabel: 'Password', id: 'pass' }, { fieldLabel: 'Confirm Password', vtype: 'password', initialPassField: 'pass' // id of the initial password field }] }); pwd.render('pw'); 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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seven_cuit 写道 Ext3.0?老兄,老早就有了
对,2.3已经有了,我是直接从2.0跳到3.0的,感觉还比较实用所以就贴出来。 |
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