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Maintaining Online Redo Log Files Online Redo Log Files's Characteristics: 1, Record all changes made to data. 2, Provide a recovery mechanism. 3, Can be orgnized into groups. 4, At least two groups required. A set identical copies of online redo log files called an online redo log file group. Each member in a group has identical log sequence numbers and are of the same number. Multiplexed Redo Log Files : 多路复用. Log Switch : the act of switching from one log file group to another. When will LGWR write online redo log file? when a transaction commits. Every three seconds. When the redo log buffer becomes one-thired full. when there is more than a megabyte of changed records in the redo log buffer. Before the DBWn writes modified blocks in the Database Buffer Cache to the data files. LS & LSN Log Switch Log Sequence Number Force Log Switches & Check Point desc v$log; select group#, thread#, sequence#,status from v$log; alter system switch logfile; Check Point can be forced by fast_start_mttr_traget=600: 600秒必需发生一次Checkpoint 也就是把脏数据写入数据文件.同时也加快了恢复时间. show parameter fast_start alter system set fast_start_mttr_target=300 scope=both; 手动发生check point alter system checkpoint; Adding Redo Files Groups alter database add logfile group 4 ('xx.rdo') size 50M; alter database add logfile member 'xx.rdo' to group 4; Dropping Redo File Members. alter database drop logfile member 'xx.rdo'; Dropping Redo Files Groups. alter database drop logfile 1; Relocate & Rename. alter database rename file command: shut down the database. copy to another location. Clear Redo Files. alter database clear logfile group 2; alter database clear unarchived logfile group 2; Redo File Configuration. What is Redo Threads? each database instance referred to as a redo thread. Archived Redo Log Files. Filled online redo log files can be archived. desc v$instance; select archiver from v$instance; select log_mode from v$database; 23:26 2009-9-9 Chapter 8 Maintaining Tabspace & Date Files System tabspace Non-system tablespace permanent, undo ,temporary create tablespace userdata datafile filepath size 5M select * from v$tablespace; desc dba_data_files; select file_name, tablespace_name from dba_data_files; dbms_space_admin.可改变表空间管理方式. desc database_properties; alter tablespace userdata read only; create tablespace wenchuan datafile 'd:/wenchuan01.dbf' size 20M extent management local uniform size 128k; create user yunchow identified by yunchow default tablespace wenchuan; grant connect,resource to yunchow; alter tablespace wenchuan offline; alter tablespace wenchuan online; Changing Storage Settings locally managed tablespaces cannot be altered. So it is abandoned. Resizing a Tablespace alter tablespace wenchuan add datafile 'd:/wenchuan02.dbf' size 20M autoextend on next 10M maxsize 100M; alter database datafile 'd:/wenchuan01.dbf' autoextend on next 10M maxsize 100M; alter database datafile 'd:/wenchuan01.dbf' resize 10M; Methods for Moving Datafile alter tablespace wenchuan rename datafile 'd:/wenchuan02.dbf' to 'd:/oracle/wenchuan02.dbf'; alter database rename file 'd:/oracle/wenchuan02.dbf' to 'd:/wenchuan02.dbf'; Dropping Tablespaces drop tablespace wenchuan including contents and datafiles; dba_tablespaces v$tablespace dba_data_files v$datafile dba_temp_files v$tempfile 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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