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*** Chapter 7
Maintaining Online Redo Log Files
Online Redo Log Files's Characteristics:
1, Record all changes made to data.
2, Provide a recovery mechanism.
3, Can be orgnized into groups.
4, At least two groups required.

A set identical copies of online redo log files called an online
redo log file group.

Each member in a group has identical log sequence numbers and are of the same number.
Multiplexed Redo Log Files : 多路复用.
Log Switch : the act of switching from one log file group to another.
When will LGWR write online redo log file?
when a transaction commits.
Every three seconds.
When the redo log buffer becomes one-thired full.
when there is more than a megabyte of changed records in the redo log buffer.
Before the DBWn writes modified blocks in the Database Buffer Cache to the data files.

Log Switch
Log Sequence Number

Force Log Switches & Check Point
desc v$log;
select group#, thread#, sequence#,status from v$log;
alter system switch logfile;
Check Point can be forced by
fast_start_mttr_traget=600: 600秒必需发生一次Checkpoint
show parameter fast_start
alter system set fast_start_mttr_target=300 scope=both;
手动发生check point
alter system checkpoint;

Adding Redo Files Groups
alter database add logfile group 4 ('xx.rdo') size 50M;
alter database add logfile member 'xx.rdo' to group 4;

Dropping Redo File Members.
alter database drop logfile member 'xx.rdo';

Dropping Redo Files Groups.
alter database drop logfile 1;

Relocate & Rename.
alter database rename file command:
shut down the database.
copy to another location.

Clear Redo Files.
alter database clear logfile group 2;
alter database clear unarchived logfile group 2;

Redo File Configuration.

What is Redo Threads?
each database instance referred to as a redo thread.

Archived Redo Log Files.
Filled online redo log files can be archived.
desc v$instance;
select archiver from v$instance;
select log_mode from v$database;

23:26 2009-9-9

Chapter 8 Maintaining Tabspace & Date Files
System tabspace
Non-system tablespace
permanent, undo ,temporary
create tablespace userdata datafile filepath size 5M
select * from v$tablespace;
desc dba_data_files;
select file_name, tablespace_name from dba_data_files;

desc database_properties;
alter tablespace userdata read only;
create tablespace wenchuan
datafile 'd:/wenchuan01.dbf' size 20M
extent management local uniform size 128k;

create user yunchow identified by yunchow default tablespace wenchuan;
grant connect,resource to yunchow;

alter tablespace wenchuan offline;
alter tablespace wenchuan online;

Changing Storage Settings
locally managed tablespaces cannot be altered.
So it is abandoned.

Resizing a Tablespace
alter tablespace wenchuan add datafile
'd:/wenchuan02.dbf' size 20M
autoextend on next 10M maxsize 100M;

alter database datafile 'd:/wenchuan01.dbf'
autoextend on next 10M maxsize 100M;

alter database datafile 'd:/wenchuan01.dbf' resize 10M;

Methods for Moving Datafile
alter tablespace wenchuan rename datafile 'd:/wenchuan02.dbf'
to 'd:/oracle/wenchuan02.dbf';

alter database rename file 'd:/oracle/wenchuan02.dbf'
to 'd:/wenchuan02.dbf';

Dropping Tablespaces
drop tablespace wenchuan including contents and datafiles;

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