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根据struts reference中所说的 Namespaces are not a path! Namespace are not hierarchical like a file system path. There is one namespace level. For example if the URL /barspace/myspace/bar.action is requested, the framework will first look for namespace /barspace/myspace. If the action does not exist at /barspace/myspace, the search will immediately fall back to the default namespace "". The framework will not parse the namespace into a series of "folders". In the Namespace Example, the bar action in the default namespace would be selected.
<package name="TestNamespace2" extends="struts-default" namespace="">
明白了,struts的寻找方法是这样的:引自wdl13的http://wdl123.iteye.com/blog/340709 1.获得请求路径的URI,例如url是:http://server/myapp/path1/path2/path3/test.action
更新后的<package name="TestNamespace2" extends="struts-default" namespace="">
这次 http://localhost:8080/StrutsTest/RefLink/deap/login.action,直接在namespace="/RefLink/deap"下没有找到login.action,就不再是往/RefLink下找action了,而是直接去了namespace="", 调用了com.struts2.test.LoginDefault。 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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