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作者 正文
   发表时间:2009-07-06   最后修改:2009-07-06





using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web;
using System.Net;
using SnmpSharpNet;

/// <summary>
///SimpleSnmp 的摘要说明
/// </summary>
public class SimpleSnmp
	public SimpleSnmp()
		//TODO: 在此处添加构造函数逻辑

    #region 通过oid字符数组获得相应的值
    public static Dictionary<string,string> getOIDValue(string host, string[] oid) {
        Dictionary<string, string> dic = new Dictionary<string, string>();

        // SNMP community name
        OctetString community = new OctetString("public");

        // Define agent parameters class
        AgentParameters param = new AgentParameters(community);
        // Set SNMP version to 1 (or 2)
        param.Version = SnmpVersion.Ver1;
        // Construct the agent address object
        // IpAddress class is easy to use here because
        //  it will try to resolve constructor parameter if it doesn't
        //  parse to an IP address
        IpAddress agent = new IpAddress(host);

        // Construct target
        UdpTarget target = new UdpTarget((IPAddress)agent, 161, 2000, 1);

        // Pdu class used for all requests
        Pdu pdu = new Pdu(PduType.Get);

        foreach (string singleoid in oid) {

        // Make SNMP request
        SnmpV1Packet result = (SnmpV1Packet)target.Request(pdu, param);

        // If result is null then agent didn't reply or we couldn't parse the reply.
        if (result != null)
            // ErrorStatus other then 0 is an error returned by 
            // the Agent - see SnmpConstants for error definitions
            if (result.Pdu.ErrorStatus == 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < result.Pdu.VbList.Count;i++ )
                    dic.Add(result.Pdu.VbList[i].Oid.ToString(), result.Pdu.VbList[i].Value.ToString());
                // Reply variables are returned in the same order as they were added
                //  to the VbList
        return dic;

    #region 通过snmpwalk返回oid根下面的所有值
    public static Dictionary<string, string> getWalkValue(string host,string irootOid) {
        Dictionary<string, string> dic = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        // SNMP community name
        OctetString community = new OctetString("public");

        // Define agent parameters class
        AgentParameters param = new AgentParameters(community);
        // Set SNMP version to 2 (GET-BULK only works with SNMP ver 2 and 3)
        param.Version = SnmpVersion.Ver2;
        // Construct the agent address object
        // IpAddress class is easy to use here because
        //  it will try to resolve constructor parameter if it doesn't
        //  parse to an IP address
        IpAddress agent = new IpAddress(host);

        // Construct target
        UdpTarget target = new UdpTarget((IPAddress)agent, 161, 2000, 1);

        // Define Oid that is the root of the MIB
        //  tree you wish to retrieve
        Oid rootOid = new Oid(irootOid); // ifDescr

        // This Oid represents last Oid returned by
        //  the SNMP agent
        Oid lastOid = (Oid)rootOid.Clone();

        // Pdu class used for all requests
        Pdu pdu = new Pdu(PduType.GetBulk);

        // In this example, set NonRepeaters value to 0
        pdu.NonRepeaters = 0;
        // MaxRepetitions tells the agent how many Oid/Value pairs to return
        // in the response.
        pdu.MaxRepetitions = 5;

        // Loop through results
        while (lastOid != null)
            // When Pdu class is first constructed, RequestId is set to 0
            // and during encoding id will be set to the random value
            // for subsequent requests, id will be set to a value that
            // needs to be incremented to have unique request ids for each
            // packet
            if (pdu.RequestId != 0)
                pdu.RequestId += 1;
            // Clear Oids from the Pdu class.
            // Initialize request PDU with the last retrieved Oid
            // Make SNMP request
            SnmpV2Packet result = (SnmpV2Packet)target.Request(pdu, param);
            // You should catch exceptions in the Request if using in real application.

            // If result is null then agent didn't reply or we couldn't parse the reply.
            if (result != null)
                // ErrorStatus other then 0 is an error returned by 
                // the Agent - see SnmpConstants for error definitions
                if (result.Pdu.ErrorStatus == 0)
                    // Walk through returned variable bindings
                    foreach (Vb v in result.Pdu.VbList)
                        // Check that retrieved Oid is "child" of the root OID
                        if (rootOid.IsRootOf(v.Oid))
                            dic.Add(v.Oid.ToString(), v.Value.ToString());
                            // we have reached the end of the requested
                            // MIB tree. Set lastOid to null and exit loop
                            lastOid = null;
        return dic;


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