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锁定老帖子 主题:alias迷思
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class Adaptee def talk; puts 'Adaptee';end end class Adapter < Adaptee alias talkee talk def talk puts 'before Adaptee' talkee puts 'after Adaptee' end end Adapter.new.talk 迷惑1:alias talkee talk是把Adapter#talk还是Adaptee#talk拷贝一份并起个新名字talkee呢? 迷惑2:alias talkee talk的位置,放在下面会如何呢? 迷惑3:怎么感觉这个程序会无限递归呢(实际没有..) 都说*nix下有事找男人(man),学ruby有事没事日(ri)一下... ---------------------------------------------------- Module#alias_method alias_method(new_name, old_name) => self ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Makes _new_name_ a new copy of the method _old_name_. This can be used to retain access to methods that are overridden. module Mod alias_method :orig_exit, :exit def exit(code=0) puts "Exiting with code #{code}" orig_exit(code) end end include Mod exit(99) _produces:_ Exiting with code 99 这个例子更让人迷惑..本来有继承关系的时候就迷糊了,现在这个例子又多出来一个exit(Kernel下定义的方法) 于是只好自己简化一些: module TestAlias alias _say say def say puts "Hello" end end include TestAlias _say #undefined method `say' for module `TestAlias' (NameError) module TestAlias def say puts "Hello" end alias _say say end include TestAlias _say #hello 结论1:alias和位置有关要alias的方法必须之前有定义.. 继续折腾: def say puts "From Top Level" end module TestAlias alias _say say def say puts "Hello" end end include TestAlias _say #From Top Level 结论:alias 会沿着继承链(父类,Mix-in,Kernel,Object,Top Level等)查找方法直到找不到方法时抛出No Method Error异常。(上面只举了一个Top Level的例子,其他情况类似) 最后自己hack了一下alias_method: class Module alias _alias_method alias_method def alias_method alias_m, m define_method m do self.__send__ m end _alias_method alias_m, m end end class TT #让alias_method放在前面也可以 alias_method :_say, :say def say puts "say" end end TT.new._say #say PS:感觉最开始的代码用super比较不错.. class Adaptee def talk; puts 'Adaptee';end end class Adapter < Adaptee #alias talkee talk def talk puts 'before Adaptee' super puts 'after Adaptee' end end Adapter.new.talk 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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1.显然这个场景里面super一定可用。 2.用super指定向继承链回溯的层数(好像alias做不到): class Object #via:http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/187339 def super!(n,*args) method=caller[0][%r/.*?`(.*?)'/,1].to_sym klass=self.class.ancestors[n] klass.instance_method(method).bind(self).call(*args) end end class Adaptee def talk; puts 'Level 1';end end def talk puts "Level 2" end class Adapter < Adaptee def talk puts 'before Adaptee' #跳过父类的talk直接调用top leve的talk super! 2 puts 'after Adaptee' end end Adapter.new.talk #before Adaptee #Level 2 #after Adaptee |
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alias b a step1 : 桌面上有个叫 a 的文件夹 step2 : 我复制a并粘帖,重命名为b def a dosomething step3 : 在C:\新建一个叫 a 的文件夹.往里面塞进几个自己要的文件 step4 : 把新打包好的压缩文件放到桌面,替换掉原有的a 文件夹 def a dosomething b end step5 : 把step2复制的 b 文件夹的所有文件再拷贝到 a 文件夹里. |
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