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"Hello!" * 2 #=> "Hello!Hello!"
%w{one two three} * 2 #=> ["one", "two", "three", "one", "two", "three"]
%w{one two three} * ", " #=> "one, two, three"
%w{this is a test} * ", " # => "this, is, a, test" h = { :name => "Fred", :age => 77 } h.map { |i| i * "=" } * "&" # => "age=77&name=Fred"
a = %w{a b} b = %w{c d} [a + b] # => [["a", "b", "c", "d"]] [*a + b] # => ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
a = { :name => "Fred", :age => 93 } [a] # => [{:name => "Fred", :age =>93}] [*a] # => [[:name, "Fred"], [:age, 93]]
a = %w{a b c d e f g h} b = [0, 5, 6] a.values_at(*b).inspect # => ["a", "f", "g"]
fruit = ["apple","red","banana","yellow"] #=> ["apple", "red", "banana", "yellow"] Hash[*fruit] #=> {"apple"=>"red", "banana"=>"yellow"}
def my_method(*args) a, b, c, d = args end
match, text, number = *"Something 981".match(/([A-z]*) ([0-9]*)/)
a, b, c = *('A'..'Z') Job = Struct.new(:name, :occupation) tom = Job.new("Tom", "Developer") name, occupation = *tom
irb(main):074:0> a = [1 ,2, 3] => [1, 2, 3] irb(main):075:0> a[5] => nil irb(main):076:0> a.fetch(8) IndexError: index 8 out of array from (irb):76:in `fetch' from (irb):76 from :0 irb(main):077:0> a.fetch(8,nil) => nil irb(main):078:0> a.fetch(8,"index out of array!") => "index out of array!"
irb(main):008:0> hash = Hash.new{|hash,key| hash[key] = key.upcase if key.kind_o f? String} => {} irb(main):009:0> hash[1] => nil irb(main):010:0> hash["key"] => "KEY"
email = "Fred Bloggs <fred@bloggs.com>" email.match(/<(.*?)>/)[1] # => "fred@bloggs.com" email[/<(.*?)>/, 1] # => "fred@bloggs.com" email.match(/(x)/)[1] # => NoMethodError email[/(x)/, 1] # => nil
queue = [] %w{hello x world}.each do |word| queue << word and puts "Added to queue" unless word.length < 2 end puts queue.inspect # Output: # Added to queue # Added to queue # ["hello", "world"]
def is_odd(x) x % 2 == 0 ? false : true end
all?, any?, collect, detect, each_cons, each_slice, each_with_index, entries, enum_cons, enum_slice, enum_with_index, find, find_all, grep, include?, inject, inject, map, max, member?, min, partition, reject, select, sort, sort_by, to_a, to_set, zip
p queue = %w{hello x world}.select { |word| word.length >= 2 }
money = 9.5 "%.2f" % money # => "9.50"
"[%s]" % "same old drag" # => "[same old drag]"
require 'fileutils' FileUtils.rm_r 'somedir'
(z ||= []) << 'test'
does = is = { true => 'Yes', false => 'No' } does[10 == 50] # => "No" is[10 > 5] # => "Yes"
if __FILE__ == $0 # Do something.. run tests, call a method, etc. We're direct. end
#让 if x > 1000 && x < 2000 歇菜吧 year = 1972 puts case year when 1970..1979: "70后" when 1980..1989: "80后" when 1990..1999: "90后" end
def do_division_by_zero; 5 / 0; end begin do_division_by_zero rescue => exception puts exception.backtrace end
def x begin # ... rescue # ... end end
def x # ... rescue # ... end
h = { :age => 10 } h[:name].downcase # ERROR h[:name].downcase rescue "No name" # => "No name"
>> 1234567890.to_s(2) => "1001001100101100000001011010010" >> 1234567890.to_s(8) => "11145401322" >> 1234567890.to_s(16) => "499602d2" >> 1234567890.to_s(24) => "6b1230i" >> 1234567890.to_s(36) => "kf12oi"
#让module更class module M def not! 'not!' end module_function :not! end class C include M def fun not! end end M.not! # => 'not! C.new.fun # => 'not!' C.new.not! # => NoMethodError: private method `not!' called for #<C:0x1261a00>
module M module_function def not! 'not!' end def yea! 'yea!' end end class C include M def fun not! + ' ' + yea! end end M.not! # => 'not!' M.yea! # => 'yea!' C.new.fun # => 'not! yea!'
message = "My message" contrived_example = "<div id=\"contrived\">#{message}</div>" contrived_example = %{<div id="contrived-example">#{message}</div>} contrived_example = %[<div id="contrived-example">#{message}</div>] sql = %{ SELECT strings FROM complicated_table WHERE complicated_condition = '1' } sql = <<-SQL SELECT strings FROM complicated_table WHERE complicated_condition = '1' SQL
((0..9).each do |n| define_method "press_#{n}" do @number = @number.to_i * 10 + n end end
class Array #define Array#rand def rand self.fetch Kernel.rand(self.size) end end class RandomSubclass < [Array, Hash, String, Fixnum, Float, TrueClass].rand end RandomSubclass.superclass # could output one of 6 different classes.
class A private def my_private_method puts 'private method called' end end a = A.new a.my_private_method # Raises exception saying private method was called a.send :my_private_method # Calls my_private_method and prints private method called'
p DATA #=>#<File:tt.rb> p DATA.read #=> "line1\nline2\nline3" __END__ line1 line2 line3
gets gets
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def m option={} arg2 = option[:arg2] arg1 = option[:arg1] print arg2,arg1 end m :arg2 =>"Hi", :arg1 => "hooopo" #Hihooopo |
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1.9 的源代码目录下 (n)make golf,产生的 goruby(.exe) 可以用很多诡异的写法。
譬如世界上最短的 hello world : h 输出:Hello, world! 1.9 的正则命名分组,不需要 $1 .. $9 了,显式匹配命名组 =~ 会自动赋予局部变量,但是如果不是 /xxx/ =~ 'xxx',就不会产生这堆局部变量。再 但是,用 Regexp#match 产生的 matchdata 是一组类似 hash 的东西,键是命名的符号,值是匹配串,不好的一点就是这个东西虽然类似 hash,但不是 hash …… re = /^ \s*(?<template> template\s*\<.*\>)? (?<modifiers> (?:\s*\b\w+|\s*\"C\")*?) \s*\b(?<type> \w+[\s\*\&\[\]]*) \s*\b(?<c2> __declspec|__stdcall|__fastcall|WINAPI|CALLBACK|const|const\s\*|const\*)? \s*\b(?<name> [\w\:]+) \s*\((?<params> .*)\) \s*(?<const_tail> const)? \s*\{\s* $/x m = re.match 'int hoho(){' h = {} m.names.each do |n| # 这东西只有 each 可以用 h[n] = m[n] end 关于一些 trick,可以瞧瞧 爆栈这个帖 和 爆栈那个帖 …… 充分利用 Perl 相容全局量和 golf 是挺不错的加密混淆手段 …… 引用 If anyone every uses any of those Ruby "hidden features" in code I have to work on, I will stab them in the eye.
x . x 不过貌似作这段评论的兄弟不是搞 ruby 的,所以眼睛保住了 …… |
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昨天学了Nemerle之后,觉得这些东西都可以是不必要的,让客户用Marco自由创造远比系统这些糖糖果果好多了。 |
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爆栈,,,,这个网站不错..刚要订阅之,结果google reader 宕了.
1.9的正则支持Named Regexp Groups了很爽呀!! 要说变态看看人如其名的BrainFvck语言: brainfvck语言是最简单的程序语言之一,只有8个有效字符,每个字符都有一个特定的含义。这8个字符控制一个指针在线性表里进行移动、读写、循环等操作。所有其它的字符都当作注释处理。 ++++++++++[>+++++++++++<-]>-. <+++[>----<-]>.<+++++[>++++<-]>-.--. <+++[>---<-]>.<+++++[>+++<-]>. >+++++[>+++++++++++<-]>-.+.<+++[>---<-]>.<< <+++++[>----<-]>-.<+++[>++++<-]>.--. Befunge: Befunge语言 http://quadium.net/funge/spec98.html Befunge的代码是二维的。它用 < > v ^这四个符号来控制一个指针在代码中移动,指针经过一个字符或数字则把它压入一个栈,四则运算符号的功能就是弹出栈顶两个元素进行计算后把结果压回去。用_ 和 | 来表示有条件的方向选择:当栈顶元素为0时向右(上)走,否则向左(下)走。& 和 ~分别用于读入数字或字符并压入栈,句号和逗号分别表示将栈顶元素作为整数或字符输出。最后以一个@符号表示程序结束。Befunge代码的注释不需要任何符号标明,你可以把注释写在程序的任何地方,只要运行时指针不会经过它就行了。你甚至可以把注释写在程序正中间,然后写代码时绕开注释写成一圈。Befunge的Hello World程序如下: 复制内容到剪贴板 代码: v >v"Hello world!"0< ,: ^_25*,@看一个复杂的例子。我找了一个算圆周率的Befunge程序,看起来非常壮观。 复制内容到剪贴板 代码: aa* v +------------------------+ vp*9920p*9930< | Pi generator in Bef-97 | >:09a*pa*3/1+19a*p09a*g:09b*v | | v_@# g*b90 p*b910 < p< | 7/2/1997, Kevin Vigor | >19a*g:+1-29b*p19a*g::09v +------------------------+ v*a90g*b90*g*b91: _v#p*9< >g-#v_ 2a*+\$ v :$ >\1-aa*ga*+v p v1:/g*b92p*991:< * >9b*p29b*g*199*g\v9 v*b92p*aa-1g*990-<9 >g2-29b*p099*g1-:0^ v -9p*b92:%ag*991 < >#v_ 299*g1+299*p> ^ >09b*g:#v_$v v93p*b90-1< >9*g199*ga/+.v v:g*992 <p*9 92-< v_29b*g399*p ^ >09b*g:#v_v 1 vp*b90-1 < $ g >199*g9`#v_'9,v * >'0, >' ,299^ via:http://blog.xiaonei.com/GetEntry.do?id=283579963&owner=80288196 |
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然后Jon Skeet在爆栈上超有名……经常能看到他的身影,特别是关于C#的问题的话 回到主题:楼主加上 gets gets大法~跟NS学的一招 |
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ray_linn 写道 这有点茴香豆的n种写法的味道了....
昨天学了Nemerle之后,觉得这些东西都可以是不必要的,让客户用Marco自由创造远比系统这些糖糖果果好多了。 嗯…… Nemerle 相当有才…… 有个好地方是模式匹配,譬如这个 (取自 99 杯马尿有几种写法) def beers(n) { | 0 => "no more bottles of beer" | 1 => "1 more bottle of beer" | _ => $"$n bottles of beer" } 还有就是高级 eval —— 卫生宏(这个翻译一直让我觉得很囧) …… 不过 Ruby 做 Macro 也很强,因为 compile time ? runtime ? anytime 。 给客户用最好还是外部 DSL 吧(内部 DSL 最方便程序员使用),感觉内部 DSL 没必要把语法自由得太彻底 …… |
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兄弟们一定要看看Katahdin,传送门 同样是毕业设计,我的就弱小多了……|||| 好吧人家那是硕士毕设,我的是本科…… |
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RednaxelaFX 写道 iya……说起语法自由,得要体会过“什么是自由”才好说必要不必要,有没有用云云。
兄弟们一定要看看Katahdin,传送门 同样是毕业设计,我的就弱小多了……|||| 好吧人家那是硕士毕设,我的是本科…… 你的毕设…… 不能怪你,只能怪微软更新的太慢 …… o,想用什么语言就载入对应的 .kat …… 无差别格斗流果然很 nb …… 我想起 programing paradigms for dummies 了。 如果把编程范式做成小包,按需要加载和卸载 …… 譬如并发部分就把"不确定性可观测"(observable undeterminism,这个词很量子 ……)这个内涵去掉,写完就加回来 …… 另外一个 nb 的地方就是编写标准库不用重复发明轮子了,直接挑其它语言里实现得最完美的 …… |
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<dtml-comment> Zope-DTML version of 99 Bottles of beer (Bottles.html) See @ http://www.stowasser.tv/algo/Bottles.html Harald Stowasser </dtml-comment> <dtml-var standard_html_header> <dtml-in "_.range(99, 0, -1)" prefix=bottle> <dtml-var bottle_item> bottle(s) of beer on the wall<br> <dtml-var bottle_item> bottle(s) of beer.<br> Take one down, pass it around<br> <dtml-var "bottle_item-1"> bottle(s) of beer on the wall."<br><br> </dtml-in> <dtml-var standard_html_footer> ms这个也很强。 |
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