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如何配置svn服务器:前提条件: 下载最新的svn服务器: Setup-Subversion-1.5.1.en-us.msi 下载最新的svn客户端: TortoiseSVN- 步骤: 1.下载并安装svn1.4.5-setup.rar假设你安装在:C:\Program Files\Subversion目录下。 2。建立Repository,可以打开命令窗口,输入svnadmin create D:\svn\repos,目录自己定。 3.配置Repository,进入Repository目录,这里是D:\svn\repos,你会看到conf目录,进入该目录,你会看到 svnserver.conf和passwd两个文件. 对两个文件作如下修改: svnserve.conf [general] ### These options control access to the repository for unauthenticated ### and authenticated users. Valid values are "write", "read", ### and "none". The sample settings below are the defaults. anon-access = read auth-access = write ### The password-db option controls the location of the password ### database file. Unless you specify a path starting with a /, ### the file's location is relative to the directory containing ### this configuration file. ### If SASL is enabled (see below), this file will NOT be used. ### Uncomment the line below to use the default password file. password-db = passwd ### The authz-db option controls the location of the authorization ### rules for path-based access control. Unless you specify a path ### starting with a /, the file's location is relative to the the ### directory containing this file. If you don't specify an ### authz-db, no path-based access control is done. ### Uncomment the line below to use the default authorization file. authz-db = authz ### This option specifies the authentication realm of the repository. ### If two repositories have the same authentication realm, they should ### have the same password database, and vice versa. The default realm ### is repository's uuid. realm = repos 注意:前面不能有空格,否则会出错!! 含义是: 未验证用户无任何权限 (如果把none修改为read就是给予读权限) 已验证用户给予写权限 (当然也能读) 密码数据存放到passwd文件中 passwd [users] harry = harryssecret sally = sallyssecret weip=weip 注意最后passwd中的配置,一个用户以行,如:weip=weip表示用户名为weip,密码为weip的一个用户。 authz文件: [groups] harry_and_sally = harry,sally # harry_sally_and_joe = harry,sally,&joe [/] harry = rw # &joe = r # * = 4.启动subversion服务 两种方式启动: (1).命令方式:svnserve -d -r D:\svn\repos默认端口是3690,如果不幸这个端口被别别的程序暂用,可以通过选项 -- listem --port=绑定端口. 你现在可以用客户端的TortoiseSVN来访问刚刚配置的服务器了,url格式: svn://ip地址/Repository名,这里是:svn:// 客户端的简单日常操作: 要取得当前的最新版本,SVN updated. 要修改更新到SVN,选择SVN submit即可(谨慎的话先更新到最新版本后再提交). 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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