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锁定老帖子 主题:JNI支持多线程吗?
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PI和EDNA都是实时数据库,提供C++的API,遂采用JNI来调用这些函数。开发中发现,通过JNI封装的API,无法并发访问实时数据库,必须在api上加上同步。这样导致访问性能很低。 像Oracle等数据库的JDBC驱动,在Oracle服务端是不是也是采用JNI来实现的? 查了大量的资料,有用的实在寥寥无几。 以下对PI的API封装类源码: import java.util.Date; import org.xvolks.jnative.JNative; import org.xvolks.jnative.Type; import org.xvolks.jnative.exceptions.NativeException; import org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.Pointer; import org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.memory.HeapMemoryBlock; import com.hrnt.rdbc.exception.RealDBException; import com.hrnt.util.DateUtil; /** * 实现PI数据库的部分API * * @author bruce * */ public class PIAPI { /** * */ private PIAPI() { } private static PIAPI _instance = new PIAPI(); public static PIAPI getInstance() { return _instance; } public static final int ARCCOUNT = 149000; public static final int ARCTOTAL = 0;// 累计值 public static final int ARCMINNUM = 1;// 最小值 public static final int ARCMAXNUM = 2;// 最大值 public static final int ARCCSTDEV = 3;// public static final int ARCRANGE = 4;// 随机范围 public static final int ARCAVERAGE = 5;// 时间加权平均值 public static final int ARCMEAN = 6;// 算术平均值 // 获取瞬时值的mode public static final int ARCVALUEBEFORE = 1; public static final int ARCVALUEAFTER = 2; public static final int ARCVALUEINTERP = 3; public static final int ARCVALUECODE = 4; // 操作状态 public static final long STAT_SUC = 0;// 成功 public static final long STAT_120 = -120; public static final long STAT_1 = -1; public static final long STAT_105 = -105; public static final long STAT_106 = -106; // 获得digStart的错误标示 public static final int DIG_START_ERR = -10; // 数据百分比 public static final float PACGOOD = 0.85f; // 系统错误状态最小值 public static final int PI_SYSERR_MINNUM = -314; public static final int PI_SYSERR_MAXNUM = -1; /** * 设置服务器地址 * * @author bruce * @param 服务器地址或者名称 * @return 返回操作状态,0为成功 */ public synchronized native int piut_setservernode(String servername); /** * 关闭连接 * * @author bruce * @return 是否关闭成功,0为成功 */ public synchronized native int piut_disconnect(); /** * 登录PI数据库 * * @author bruce * @param 用户 * @param 密码 * @param 登录模式 * 1为只读,2为可读可写 * @return 登录是否成功,0为登录成功 */ public synchronized native int piut_login(String username, String passwd, int[] valid); /** * 获得标签的pointId * * @author bruce * @param 标签名称 * @param 标签Id(输入输出参数) * @return 是否成功,0为成功状态 */ public synchronized native int pipt_findpoint(String tagname, int[] tagpoint); /** * @author brucepang * @param sum * 参数对象 * @return 0 成功,非0失败 */ public synchronized native int piar_summary(PIAR_Summary sum); /** * 获得标签的类型 * * @author bruce * @param 测点在实时数据库的Id * @param 测点类型(返回R是模拟量 * I是开关量 D是数字状态 ) * @return 如果空 * @throws RealDBException */ public String pipt_pointtype(int pt) throws RealDBException { JNative j = null; try { j = new JNative("piapi32.dll", "pipt_pointtype"); j.setRetVal(Type.INT); j.setParameter(0, pt); Pointer p = new Pointer(new HeapMemoryBlock(1024)); j.setParameter(1, p); j.invoke(); int isSuc = j.getRetValAsInt(); if (isSuc == 0) { return p.getAsString(); } else if (isSuc == -1) { throw new RealDBException("Point does not exist"); } else { throw new RealDBException("System error:" + isSuc); } } catch (NativeException e) { throw new RealDBException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RealDBException(e); } } /** * 获得某个标签的实时数据 * * @author bruce * @param 标签Id * @param 值数 * @param 状态 * @param 时间 * @return 0为成功,-1是标签不存在,>0是系统错误 */ public synchronized native int pisn_getsnapshot(PISN_Getsnapshot snap); /** * 获得某个标签的在一段时间的历史数据 * * @author bruce * @param 标签Id * @param 要获得的数量 * @param 时间段 * 在传入时times[0]为开始时间,times[count-1]是结束时间。在返回时是返回的rvals[]值对应的时间数组 * @param 值数组 * @param 状态数组 * @param 0代表向前搜索,非0代表向后搜索 * @return 0为成功,>0是系统错误,-1是错误的pt,-101是开始时间小于结束时间,-103是该测点在这段时间没有数据,-105是时间格式错误 * -121是错误的count参数,-996是消息负载超出PINET协议,-998是内存地址出错 */ public synchronized native int piar_compvalues(PIAR_Compvalues v); /** * 根据digcode来获取digstate * * @author bruce * @param digcode * 系统状态标示 * @param digstate * 系统状态字符串(输入输出参数) * @param len * 返回的digstate字符串长度 * @return 0为成功,>0是系统错误,-11是digcode out of range * @throws RealDBException */ // public synchronized native int pipt_digstate(PIPT_Digstate state); public String pipt_digstate(int digCode) throws RealDBException { JNative j = null; try { j = new JNative("piapi32.dll", "pipt_digstate"); j.setRetVal(Type.INT); j.setParameter(0, digCode); Pointer p = new Pointer(new HeapMemoryBlock(1024)); j.setParameter(1, p); j.setParameter(2, 12); j.invoke(); int isSuc = j.getRetValAsInt(); if (isSuc == 0) { return p.getAsString(); } else if (isSuc == -11) { throw new RealDBException("Digital state code out of range"); } else { throw new RealDBException("System error:" + isSuc); } } catch (NativeException e) { throw new RealDBException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RealDBException(e); } } /** * 获取测点的瞬时值 * * @author bruce * @param 标签 * @param 时间戳(输入时是要获得数据的时间)(输出时是数据库中该数据的实际时间) * @param * 获取数据的模式(1是数据时间在要求时间的之前)(2是数据时间在要求时间之后)(3是精确时间如果没有则内插值)(4是综合1、2、3的结果) * @param 值 * @param 状态 * @return 0是成功,>0是系统错误,-1是错误的pt,-101是非在线时间,-103是没有数据,-105是错误的时间格式 */ public synchronized native int piar_value(PIAR_Value pv); /** * 将PI时间转化为常规时间数组 timearray[0] month (1-12) timearray[1] day (1-31) * timearray[2] year (four digit) timearray[3] hour (0-23) timearray[4] min * (0-59) timearray[5] sec (0-59) */ public synchronized native void pitm_secint(Pitmsecint tm); /** * 将时间数组转化为PI识别的时间格式 timearray [0] month (1-12) timearray [1] day (1-31) * timearray [2] year (four digit) timearray [3] hour (0-23) timearray [4] * minute (0-59) timearray [5] second (0-59) * * @return 返回經轉化的時間數值 t */ public synchronized native void pitm_intsec(PITM_Intsec pic); /** * 获取系统错误的状态码信息 * * @throws RealDBException */ public String piut_strerror(int stat) throws RealDBException { JNative j = null; try { j = new JNative("piapi32.dll", "piut_strerror"); j.setRetVal(Type.INT); j.setParameter(0, stat); Pointer p = new Pointer(new HeapMemoryBlock(1024)); j.setParameter(1, p); Pointer p2 = new Pointer(new HeapMemoryBlock(1024)); p2.setIntAt(0, 100); j.setParameter(2, p2); Pointer p3 = new Pointer(new HeapMemoryBlock(1024)); j.setParameter(3, p3); j.invoke(); int isSuc = j.getRetValAsInt(); if (isSuc == 0) { return p.getAsString(); } else if (isSuc == 100) { throw new RealDBException( "No more messages for this errornumber.(PI_NOMOREVALUES)"); } else if (isSuc == -411) { throw new RealDBException("String truncated"); } else if (isSuc == -993) { throw new RealDBException( "Length specified for buffer is too small"); } else if (isSuc == -10007) { throw new RealDBException("Null pointer passed for arguments"); } else { throw new RealDBException("System error:" + isSuc); } } catch (NativeException e) { throw new RealDBException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RealDBException(e); } } /** * 将普通时间转化为PI的时间 将这里改造成不需要PI来解析的方式 */ public int getPITimestamp(Date date) { long time = (date.getTime() + 8 * 3600 * 1000) / 1000; return (int) time; } /** * 计算开关量状态的起点 * * @author bruce * @param pt * 测点Id * @param digcode * 状态 * @param 该开关量的digcode个数 * @return 0代表成功,-1代表pt不存在, */ public synchronized native int pipt_digpointers(PIPT_Digpointers dg); /** * 得到时间函数 * * @param reltime * @return */ public Date getTimedate(int time) { long t = time; t = t * 1000 - (8 * 3600 * 1000); return new Date(t); } static { System.loadLibrary("pijni"); } /** * 写入实时值或历史值 * * @author brucepang * @param pt * 测点Id * @param rval * 数值 * @param istat * 状态 * @param timedate * PI的时间量 * @return 成功返回0,失败则返回非0 */ public synchronized native int pisn_putsnapshot(PISN_Putsnapshot para); /** * 组合写入数据。该函数是组合函数。使用请注意参数说明 可以写入开关量、整型量、实型量以及字符串等格式的数据。 * * @author brucepang * @param ptnum * 测点Id * @param drval * 浮点型数值,如果要写入该数组,bval必须为NULL * @param ival * 整型数值,如果要写入该数组,drval和bval必须为NULL * @param bval * 字节数组,如果为NON-NULL,则写入PI数据库 * @param bsize * 字节数组长度。可以不设,PI会调用C的strlen来判断每个字符串的长度 * @param istat * 开关量的状态值 * @param flags * 数据质量标识数组 * @param timestamp * 时间 */ public synchronized native int pisn_putsnapshotx(int ptnum, int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, byte[] str); public int pisn_putsnapshotx2(PISN_Putsnapshotx para) throws RealDBException { JNative j = null; try { j = new JNative("piapi32.dll", "pisn_putsnapshotx"); j.setRetVal(Type.INT); j.setParameter(0, para.getPtnum()); Pointer p = new Pointer(new HeapMemoryBlock(1024)); p.setFloatAt(0, para.getDrval() == null ? 0 : para.getDrval()[0]); j.setParameter(1, p); Pointer p2 = new Pointer(new HeapMemoryBlock(1024)); p.setIntAt(0, para.getIval() == null ? 0 : para.getIval()[0]); j.setParameter(2, p2); Pointer p3 = new Pointer(new HeapMemoryBlock(1024)); p.setByteAt(0, para.getBval() == null ? null : para.getBval()[0]); j.setParameter(3, p3); Pointer p4 = new Pointer(new HeapMemoryBlock(1024)); p .setShortAt(0, para.getBsize() == null ? null : para .getBsize()[0]); j.setParameter(4, p4); Pointer p5 = new Pointer(new HeapMemoryBlock(1024)); p.setIntAt(0, para.getIstat() == null ? 0 : para.getIstat()[0]); j.setParameter(5, p5); Pointer p6 = new Pointer(new HeapMemoryBlock(1024)); p2.setIntAt(0, para.getFlags() == null ? null : para.getFlags()[0]); j.setParameter(6, p6); Pointer p7 = new Pointer(new HeapMemoryBlock(1024)); p2.setIntAt(0, para.getTimestamp() == null ? null : para .getTimestamp()[0]); j.setParameter(7, p7); j.invoke(); int ret = j.getRetValAsInt(); System.out.println("返回状态:" + ret); return ret; } catch (NativeException e) { throw new RealDBException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RealDBException(e); } } /** * 批量写入实时值或历史值 * * @author brucepang * @param pt * 测点数组 * @param rval * 数值数组 * @param istat * 状态数组 * @param timedate * PI的时间量数组 * @param error * 错误码状态集 * @param count * 写入的测点数据个数 * @return 0代表成功,非0失败 */ public synchronized native int pisn_putsnapshots(int[] pt, float[] rval, int[] istat, int[] timedate, int[] error, int count); public static void main(String args[]) { PIAPI api = new PIAPI(); Date date = new Date(); int time = api.getPITimestamp(date); long time2 = (date.getTime() + 8 * 3600 * 1000) / 1000; System.out.println("time:" + time + " time2:" + time2); int isSuc = api.piut_setservernode(""); System.out.println("isSuc:" + isSuc); int[] vald = { 2 }; isSuc = api.piut_login("piadmin", "", vald); System.out.println("isSuc:" + isSuc); isSuc = api.pipt_findpoint("CDM158", vald); System.out.println("isSuc:" + isSuc + " pt:" + vald[0]); PIAR_Summary sum = new PIAR_Summary(); sum.setCode(PIAPI.ARCMAXNUM); sum.setEndTime(api.getPITimestamp(DateUtil .parseDate("2008-10-15 10:00:00"))); sum.setStartTime(api.getPITimestamp(DateUtil .parseDate("2008-10-15 00:00:00"))); sum.setPt(vald[0]); isSuc = api.piar_summary(sum); System.out.println("isSuc:" + isSuc + " value:" + sum.getRval() + " pct:" + sum.getPctgood()); String t; try { t = api.pipt_pointtype(vald[0]); System.out.println("isSuc:" + isSuc + " type:" + t); } catch (RealDBException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } PISN_Getsnapshot shot = new PISN_Getsnapshot(); shot.setPt(vald[0]); isSuc = api.pisn_getsnapshot(shot); System.out.println("isSuc:" + isSuc + " value:" + shot.getRval() + " time:" + DateUtil.format(api.getTimedate(shot.getTimedate()), DateUtil.DTRANS_EXTEND_FORMAT) + " istat:" + shot.getIstat()); PIAR_Compvalues c = new PIAR_Compvalues(); c.setCount(PIAPI.ARCCOUNT); c.setPt(vald[0]); int[] times = new int[c.getCount()]; times[0] = api .getPITimestamp(DateUtil.parseDate("2008-10-15 00:00:00")); times[times.length - 1] = api.getPITimestamp(DateUtil .parseDate("2008-10-15 10:00:00")); c.setTimes(times); float[] rvals = new float[c.getCount()]; int[] istats = new int[c.getCount()]; isSuc = api.piar_compvalues(c); System.out.println("count:" + c.getCount() + " isSuc:" + isSuc); String state; try { state = api.pipt_digstate(248); System.out.println("isSuc:" + isSuc + " desc:" + state); } catch (RealDBException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } PIAR_Value pv = new PIAR_Value(); pv.setMode(3); pv.setPt(vald[0]); pv.setTimedate(api.getPITimestamp(DateUtil .parseDate("2008-10-15 13:00:00"))); isSuc = api.piar_value(pv); System.out.println("isSuc:" + isSuc + " value:" + pv.getRval() + " istat:" + pv.getIstat()); PIPT_Digpointers dg = new PIPT_Digpointers(); dg.setPt(vald[0]); isSuc = api.pipt_digpointers(dg); System.out.println("isSuc:" + isSuc + " code:" + dg.getDigcode() + " number:" + dg.getDignumb()); try { String err = api.piut_strerror(5); System.out.println("err:" + err); } catch (RealDBException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } 有些方法不知道在如何实现,遂采用JNative代理库实现的。 与大伙一起探讨探讨。 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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是不是Java在异构系统的集成上,是不是很不理想啊? |
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tinywind 写道 jni方法就和一般的java方法一样,直接在头上加synchoronized性能当然快不了。jni本身提供了monitor的操作方法,可以作更精细的同步控制。http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/guide/jni/spec/functions.html#wp23124
这些资料,咱也看过。 但具体操作起来,一头雾水啊。 可否给出代码例示。 |
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