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http://www.infoq.com/news/2006/12/terracotta-jvm-clustering 呵呵,想说点什么,不过看到这个回贴,就不多废话了: http://www.infoq.com/news/2006/12/terracotta-jvm-clustering#view_3872 cool Dec 4, 2006 1:11 PM by anjan bacchu hi there, great decision. Another +1 for the java community. Sun's open sourcing of java and this announcement makes(keeps) Java THE STANDARD for large web applications. As Tim Bray said, because there are so many options/models for deployment in java world, (ordinary) people don't do a good job of scaling the apps. If Tomcat can be bundled together with Spring and Terracotta and a good IDE is available for the developer to develop and debug for this combined platform, then Java's position should improve as far as combined DEVELOPER productivity and app runtime performance. I hope that openTerracotta will become the place for bundling Tomcat + Terracotta rather than Covalent. I don't have anything against Covalent but more developers will get a chance to use Terracotta if there is an easy way to have them bundled. Covalent can certify their own copy of the bundle but it will be nice if it(a bundle) is available for all developers. Again, since a lot of developers are looking at spring, does it not make sense to bundle Tomcat, Spring and Terracotta at terracotta.org ? I hope the eclipse plugin can integrate with the Spring IDE to make developers task easier than today. some things to look forward to : 1) Tomcat + Terracotta bundle 2) Tomcat + Spring Terracotta bundle 3) Tomcat + Spring Terracotta + IDE bundle 4) Tomcat + Spring Terracotta + IDE + Linux/Solaris LIVE CD bundle 5) Tomcat + Spring Terracotta + IDE + Linux/Solaris VMWARE player 6) Tomcat + Spring Terracotta + IDE + CentOS (Linux) distro 7) AT THE LEAST, a screencast(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screencast, http://www.rubyonrails.org/screencasts) in "HOW TO BUNDLE tomcat and Terracotta for Java Petstore app" With this development, it will be nice to know how coherence(the leading java clustering app) will react to this. Good Luck, BR, ~A Reply 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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