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锁定老帖子 主题:Ruby Benchmark的实现
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请看下面这个例子: Benchmark.bm(20) do |x| x.report("getBWIL"){1000.times{result.getBindedWebIdList(0, '22000005')}} x.report("getBWIL"){5000.times{result.getBindedWebIdList(0, '22000005')}} x.report("getBWIL"){10000.times{result.getBindedWebIdList(0, '22000005')}} end def bm(label_width = 0, *labels, &blk) # :yield: report benchmark(" "*label_width + CAPTION, label_width, FMTSTR, *labels, &blk) end 可以看到,源码里它是调用了benchmark方法,跳到benchmark def benchmark(caption = "", label_width = nil, fmtstr = nil, *labels) # :yield: report sync = STDOUT.sync STDOUT.sync = true label_width ||= 0 fmtstr ||= FMTSTR raise ArgumentError, "no block" unless iterator? print caption results = yield(Report.new(label_width, fmtstr)) Array === results and results.grep(Tms).each {|t| print((labels.shift || t.label || "").ljust(label_width), t.format(fmtstr)) } STDOUT.sync = sync end 这里的代码我们只看yield,这就是例子中的那个传递给bm的block的x,是个Report对象。 class Report # :nodoc: # # Returns an initialized Report instance. # Usually, one doesn't call this method directly, as new # Report objects are created by the #benchmark and #bm methods. # _width_ and _fmtstr_ are the label offset and # format string used by Tms#format. # def initialize(width = 0, fmtstr = nil) @width, @fmtstr = width, fmtstr end # # Prints the _label_ and measured time for the block, # formatted by _fmt_. See Tms#format for the # formatting rules. # def item(label = "", *fmt, &blk) # :yield: print label.ljust(@width) res = Benchmark::measure(&blk) print res.format(@fmtstr, *fmt) res end alias report item end 进入Report后发现,x.report其实就是Report.item,item方法中关键的实现是Benchmark::measure,继续跟进 def measure(label = "") # :yield: t0, r0 = Benchmark.times, Time.now yield t1, r1 = Benchmark.times, Time.now Benchmark::Tms.new(t1.utime - t0.utime, t1.stime - t0.stime, t1.cutime - t0.cutime, t1.cstime - t0.cstime, r1.to_f - r0.to_f, label) end 这里看到benchmark中真正负责计算执行时间的算法,很容易理解,但有个关键的类型要知道,Benchmark.times,我们继续走进看看这个东东是什么。 插一句,我们上面看到的measure方法前面并没有加self关键字来定义,为何就变成了模块方法可以Benchmark::measure直接执行呢,原因在benchmark.rb文件第353行: module_function :benchmark, :measure, :realtime, :bm, :bmbm module_function将模块内方法变成了模块方法(java的静态方法),可以通过模块名直接引用的。 def Benchmark::times() # :nodoc: Process::times() end Benchmark.times调用了Process::times(),继续走进 # Process.times => aStructTms # # # Returns a <code>Tms</code> structure (see <code>Struct::Tms</code> # on page 388) that contains user and system CPU times for this # process. # # t = Process.times # [ t.utime, t.stime ] #=> [0.0, 0.02] # # def self.times # This is just a stub for a builtin Ruby method. # See the top of this file for more info. end 我们跳进了另一个文件stub_process.rb,看到这个东东的E文说明,是builtin方法,native code不下ruby的源文件是看不到源码的,看说明我们知道这个方法返回Tms结构体。 tms这个结构体在ruby中没有说明,但可以在Linux的内核文件中找到定义, 请参看<sys/times.h> struct tms { clock_t tms_utime; /* user CPU time */ clock_t tms_stime; /* system CPU time */ clock_t tms_cutime; /* user CPU time, terminated children */ clock_t tms_cstime; /* system CPU time, terminated children */ }; 该结构体是针对当前进程而得到的结果, tms_utime是用户态时间,我们写的ruby的代码执行时间应该算在这里, tms_stime是系统态时间,应该是启动或者销毁ruby解析器所花费的时间,还有其它和系统相关的任务所花费的时间。 剩下的两个children的我就不知道了,是不是该进程所起动的子进程的当前用户态和系统态时间?可能。 benchmark的计时算法就是把这四个时间相减,得到block的执行时间,再用Time.now相减,得到real time. ruby中通过以下方法访问tms结构体: utime # user time stime # system time cutime # user time of children cstime # system time of children 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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刚才翻了一下benchmark,发现了这个bmbm.. ![]() # * The times for some benchmarks depend on the order in which items # are run. These differences are due to the cost of memory # allocation and garbage collection. To avoid these discrepancies, # the #bmbm method is provided. For example, to compare ways to # sort an array of floats: # # require 'benchmark' # # array = (1..1000000).map { rand } # # Benchmark.bmbm do |x| # x.report("sort!") { array.dup.sort! } # x.report("sort") { array.dup.sort } # end # # The result: # # Rehearsal ----------------------------------------- # sort! 11.928000 0.010000 11.938000 ( 12.756000) # sort 13.048000 0.020000 13.068000 ( 13.857000) # ------------------------------- total: 25.006000sec # # user system total real # sort! 12.959000 0.010000 12.969000 ( 13.793000) # sort 12.007000 0.000000 12.007000 ( 12.791000) |
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