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RubyOnRails的官方目前正在寻找有意参加这次活动的在校学生。Google Summer of Code 是由Google公司赞助的供在校学生参与开源项目的暑期活动。目前,RubyOnRails已经被选为符合资格的 sponsoring organization。 访问这里查看官方原版说明 重要的日期: * 3月23日 - 开始接受申请 * 4月 3日 - 申请截止日期 * 4月15日 - 对申请的审核结束 * 4月20日 - 正式宣布赞助的学生 (http://socghop.appspot.com/) * 5月23日 - 项目正式开始 * 7月 6日 - 开始提交中期评估 * 7月13日 - 中期评估最后日期 * 8月10日 - 推荐的项目完成时间,接下来的一周时间建议用于修正代码、完善文档等。 * 8月17日 - 开始提交最终评估 * 8月24日 - 最终评估deadline Google将为获得资助的学生提供每人 $4,500 的资助,分3次支付;同时,对于每个项目,Google还会为对应的开源项目提供 $500 的资助。 关于 RubyOnRails 本次 SoC 活动的网站: http://socghop.appspot.com/org/show/google/gsoc2009/rails IRC: freenode #rubyonrails Email_list: http://groups.google.com/group/rubyonrails-talk 有兴趣参加 GSoC 2009 的同学,请务必仔细阅读关于如何书写 proposal,并以英文书写相关的申请。 申请地址: http://socghop.appspot.com/org/show/google/gsoc2009/rails 注意参考这个地址: http://wiki.rubyonrails.org/gsoc/2009/ideas 引用 Please add your gsoc link-id here and indicate the projects you're interested in working on.If you are interested in more than one project, students are allowed to submit up to 20 applications (but just one will be chosen). However, one great application is probably better than two good applications though.
而且,也看到有很多童鞋申请了: Volunteers 引用 * miloops+joshpeek: Active Model
* laktek: Unobtrusive JavaScript / Rails components * tchandy: Rails Plugins: refactor the initializer code * crishoj: Active Schema * ecin: Rack Dtrace probes + visualization * josevalim: Rubigen and generators interface to provide Test, ORM and Javascript agnosticism * willcannings: Rack: native C implementation with DTrace probes * sebastian_martinez: add support for composed primary keys * hectoregm: End to end encoding, dummy adapter for ActiveRecord tests * blatyo: Active Record: easy-to-use sharding * zchur: PHP, Python, and Java implementations of ActiveResource client and provider libraries, ActiveResource provider specification website * skalnik: Active Schema: add rake tasks * luciano_panaro: Active Record: an identity map and inverse associations * ryandotsmith: Active Relation * kanwei: Fast debugging/debugger support for Ruby 1.9 * rkh: Merb's Parts, Active Model * deepthawtz: Web Debug Toolbar (like the Django one) 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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Active Record * easy-to-use sharding * fully integrate Active Relation * improve support for multiple database connections: fixtures, migrations, read/write for master/slave, declarative API to bind connections to models * Active Schema: add rake tasks to: o generate associations from foreign key relationships in the database o generate validations from table constraints, e.g.: + validates_length_of for column sizes, + validates_presence_of for NOT NULLs and + validates_uniqueness_of for UNIQUE INDEXes. Active Resource * Service discovery on active resource (schema.xml?) * complete Java implementation (and/or PHP, Python, Perl, …) * automatic relationship management (what does this mean?) Active Model * extract common behavior from Active Record and Active Resource Action Pack * unobtrusive, library-agnostic javascript helpers Railties * Rails Plugins: refactor the initializer code that loads the Rails stack so it can be used in plugin tests * Rubigen and generators interface to provide Test, ORM and Javascript agnosticism * Rework development mode class reloading to be simpler and more robust (ActiveSupport::Dependencies) Rack * native C implementation * native JRuby implementation * DTrace probes for profiling Rails and web frameworks in general. See discussions here and here. Ruby * End-to-end string encoding support: http request, template rendering, i18n lookups, database results * Fast debugging/debugger support for Ruby 1.9. See Overview. * Multiple JRuby ideas on the JRuby wiki: JRuby GSoC 2009 Testing * Parallelize unit tests by forking multiple test processes * Crowdsourced continuous integration: anyone can run Rails tests and submit the results along with info about their environment i18n |
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1.不要提交太多,选一两个自己最有把握的。 2.如果以前有open source的经验,尽量突出一下。 3.及早和项目的mentor联系,进一步介绍自己以及和深入了解项目情况。 4.gosc相当于fulltime intern,暑假的这三个月时间最好预留出来,不要和其他的实习冲突。 每年都见到不少来自中国的申请,但我感觉还是在比例上偏少。希望今年的申请者好运。 |
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Congrutulations! 做的是哪个项目?
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