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必须在mapping里面指定: id generator:'assigned', params:[type:'Integer'] 不然会提示,没有找到此ID的对象。 有个问题,如果version指定为false,即使指定assigned, 在创建的时候,依然会导致update而不是save。 我解决的方式是用hql的insert来实现的,而没有用.save方法。 如果其他人有更好的方案,请提示,谢谢! 来看看官方给的解释: Many legacy database files have composite keys and they rarely have a version number or timestamp. The GORM Mapping DSL is fantastic but the Composite ID has an issue when creating a new row. The domain.save() operation causes an SQL update. The problem arises when the version facility is turned off (via version:false) and the Hibernate generator is set to 'assigned' (id generator:'assigned') -- Hibernate is not able to sense that an insert is required. This plugin adds a method called insert to all domain classes. It is up to the developer to predicate the call to save() or insert(). Note that Grails 1.0.2 provides a more elegant solution. The domain.save() method now accepts domain.save(insert:true) to explicitly predicate the insert operation. So use this plug-in only for Grails applications that are below version 1.0.2. 但是问题是我在1.1beta3版本,尝试使用save(insert:true)依然不起作用。 1.0.4版本是生效的。 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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