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锁定老帖子 主题:Ext 2.0动态加载JS工具类
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ScriptLoader = function() { this.timeout = 30; this.scripts = []; this.disableCaching = false; this.loadMask = null; }; ScriptLoader.prototype = { showMask: function() { if (!this.loadMask) { this.loadMask = new Ext.LoadMask(Ext.getBody()); this.loadMask.show(); } }, hideMask: function() { if (this.loadMask) { this.loadMask.hide(); this.loadMask = null; } }, processSuccess: function(response) { this.scripts[response.argument.url] = true; window.execScript ? window.execScript(response.responseText) : window.eval(response.responseText); if (response.argument.options.scripts.length == 0) { this.hideMask(); } if (typeof response.argument.callback == 'function') { response.argument.callback.call(response.argument.scope); } }, processFailure: function(response) { this.hideMask(); Ext.MessageBox.show({title: 'Application Error', msg: 'Script library could not be loaded.', closable: false, icon: Ext.MessageBox.ERROR, minWidth: 200}); setTimeout(function() { Ext.MessageBox.hide(); }, 3000); }, load: function(url, callback) { var cfg, callerScope; if (typeof url == 'object') { // must be config object cfg = url; url = cfg.url; callback = callback || cfg.callback; callerScope = cfg.scope; if (typeof cfg.timeout != 'undefined') { this.timeout = cfg.timeout; } if (typeof cfg.disableCaching != 'undefined') { this.disableCaching = cfg.disableCaching; } } if (this.scripts[url]) { if (typeof callback == 'function') { callback.call(callerScope || window); } return null; } this.showMask(); Ext.Ajax.request({ url: url, success: this.processSuccess, failure: this.processFailure, scope: this, timeout: (this.timeout*1000), disableCaching: this.disableCaching, argument: { 'url': url, 'scope': callerScope || window, 'callback': callback, 'options': cfg } }); } }; ScriptLoaderMgr = function() { this.loader = new ScriptLoader(); this.load = function(o) { if (!Ext.isArray(o.scripts)) { o.scripts = [o.scripts]; } o.url = o.scripts.shift(); if (o.scripts.length == 0) { this.loader.load(o); } else { o.scope = this; this.loader.load(o, function() { this.load(o); }); } }; }; ScriptMgr = new ScriptLoaderMgr(); 构建一个one page one application的应用,动态的加载js组件是关键,虽然看到了5,6种解决方案,可是还是没办法做的很通用,作为一个项目组件。突然发现ExtJs的官方论坛确实是个好地方,由很多好用的资源,可是E文还是没有母语看这舒服,把最好的方案记录下。原文地址:http://extjs.com/forum/showthread.php?t=37897
使用示例: ScriptMgr.load({ scripts: ['/js/other-prerequisite.js', '/js/other.js'], callback: function() { var other = new OtherObject(); alert(other); //just loaded } }); 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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