锁定老帖子 主题:趣味编程:24点算法实现
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这个程序实现使用穷举的方法,将所有可能的排列穷举出来,最后将每个排列中计算出结果。计算结果时,将前两个作为一组、后两个数作为一组,分别计算出各组的结果,再对获得的两个组结果进行计算。由于是排列,分前后两组进行计算就可满足所有可能的计算。 改进后的代码见回复中。 package fun.twentyfour; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.InputStreamReader; public class TwentyFour { public static void main(String[] args){ BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); String line; try{ while((line=br.readLine())!=null){ try{ if ("exit".equals(line)) break; String[] s=line.split("\\s"); int[] v=new int[4]; for(int idx=0;idx<4;idx++) { v[idx]=Integer.parseInt(s[idx]); if (v[idx]<=0||v[idx]>=10) throw new Exception("Input error."); } evaluate(v); }catch(Exception ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); } } }catch(Exception ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); } } public static void evaluate(int[] v){ int idx=0; for(int a=0;a<4;a++) for(int b=0;b<4;b++) for (int c=0;c<4;c++) for (int d=0;d<4;d++){ if (a!=b && a!=c && a!=d && b!=c && b!=d && c!=d){ idx++; check(v,new int[]{a,b,c,d}); } } } static char[] op={'+','-','*','/'}; public static void check(int[] v,int[] idx){ for(int o=0;o<4;o++){ for(int p=0;p<4;p++){ for(int t=0;t<4;t++){ if (op(op[p],op(op[o],v[idx[0]],v[idx[1]]),op(op[t],v[idx[2]],v[idx[3]]))==24){ System.out.println(String.format("(%1$d %2$c %3$d) %4$c (%5$d %6$c %7$d)", v[idx[0]],op[o],v[idx[1]],op[p],v[idx[2]],op[t],v[idx[3]])); } } } } } public static int op(char op,int v1,int v2){ switch(op){ case '+': return v1+v2; case '-': return v1-v2; case '*': return v1*v2; case '/': if (v2==0) return -111; if (v1%v2!=0) return -111; return v1/v2; default: return 0; } } } 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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如果保证算术符号只用一次 算法就会麻烦很多了
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比如取四个数为:3 6 1 9,你的程序结果: (3 - 6) * (1 - 9) (6 - 3) * (9 - 1) (1 - 9) * (3 - 6) (9 - 1) * (6 - 3) 但是很显然,3*(6-1)+9这个合法的组合就不在其中。 |
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plisking 写道 我有一点不太明白,题目的条件是“任取1-9之间的4个数字,用+-*/()连结成算式”,为什么楼主要把数字分成两组??这不就改了条件吗?而且这样一来,运算的优先级以及最终算式的格式就被固定下来了,难度也就大幅降低了。但是会有算式被漏算掉的情况。
比如取四个数为:3 6 1 9,你的程序结果: (3 - 6) * (1 - 9) (6 - 3) * (9 - 1) (1 - 9) * (3 - 6) (9 - 1) * (6 - 3) 但是很显然,3*(6-1)+9这个合法的组合就不在其中。 你说得正确,这个算法是有问题的。回头改正。 |
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#pragma once #include "iostream" #include<vector> using namespace std; //排列生成器 //给一串数,返回各种排列 template <class T> class ArrangeGenerator { public: ArrangeGenerator(const vector<T> & av) : current_(0) { Arranges(av, Result_); } bool haveNext() { return Result_.size() != current_; } vector<T> next() { return Result_[current_++]; } private: vector<vector<T> > Result_; int current_; void Arranges(const vector<T>& Source, vector<vector<T> >& Result) { vector<T> temp; vector<vector<T> > temp2; typedef vector<T>::const_iterator vi; typedef vector<vector<T> >::iterator vvi; Result.clear(); if (Source.size() == 2) { temp.push_back(Source[0]); temp.push_back(Source[1]); Result.push_back(temp); temp.clear(); temp.push_back(Source[1]); temp.push_back(Source[0]); Result.push_back(temp); } else { for (vi i = Source.begin(); i != Source.end(); ++i) { vector<T> temp(Source.size() - 1); copy(Source.begin(), i, temp.begin()); copy(i + 1, Source.end(), temp.begin() + (i - Source.begin())); //递归 Arranges(temp, temp2); for (vvi j = temp2.begin(); j != temp2.end(); ++j) { vector<T> temp3(Source.size()); temp3[0] = *i; copy(j->begin(), j->end(), temp3.begin() + 1); Result.push_back(temp3); } } } } }; class OpBase { public: virtual int operator()(int a, int b) = 0; virtual void out(ostream& o) = 0; }; ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, OpBase& ob); class Plus : public OpBase { public: virtual int operator()(int a, int b); virtual void out(ostream& o); }; class Minus : public OpBase { public: virtual int operator()(int a, int b); virtual void out(ostream& o); }; class Minus2 : public OpBase { public: virtual int operator()(int a, int b); virtual void out(ostream& o); }; class Multi : public OpBase { public: virtual int operator()(int a, int b); virtual void out(ostream& o); }; class Devide : public OpBase { public: virtual int operator()(int a, int b); virtual void out(ostream& o); }; class Devide2 : public OpBase { public: virtual int operator()(int a, int b); virtual void out(ostream& o); }; namespace removeMulti { struct rmAux { int num1; int num2; int res; }; bool operator <(const rmAux& a,const rmAux& b) { return (a.num1 < b.num1) || (a.num1 >= b.num1 && a.num2 < b.num2); } } |
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#include "stdafx.h" #include "iostream" #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <map> #include "point24.h" using namespace std; typedef map<pair<int , int > , int > Map; bool canForm24(int num[]); int main() { Map map1; int n[]={3,3,8,9}; // cout<<canForm24(n); for ( int i=0;i<10;++i) for ( int i2=0;i2<10;++i2) for ( int i3=0;i3<10;++i3) for ( int i4=0;i4<10;++i4) { n[0]=i; n[1]=i2; n[2]=i3; n[3]=i4; sort(n,n+4); if(canForm24(n)) { map1[make_pair(n[0],n[1])] = map1[make_pair(n[0],n[1])] + 1 ; map1[make_pair(n[0],n[2])] = map1[make_pair(n[0],n[2])] + 1 ; map1[make_pair(n[0],n[3])] = map1[make_pair(n[0],n[3])] + 1 ; map1[make_pair(n[1],n[2])] = map1[make_pair(n[1],n[2])] + 1 ; map1[make_pair(n[1],n[3])] = map1[make_pair(n[1],n[3])] + 1 ; map1[make_pair(n[2],n[3])] = map1[make_pair(n[2],n[3])] + 1 ; } } Map::iterator p; // copy(map1.begin(),map1.end(),ostream_iterator<pair<int , int > , int >(cout,"\n")); /* map<removeMulti::rmAux, int> rmMap; map<removeMulti::rmAux, int> rmMap2; map<removeMulti::rmAux, int> rmMap3; int num[4] ; num[0] = 0; while (num[0] < 10) { rmMap.clear(); rmMap2.clear(); rmMap3.clear(); cin >> num[0] >> num[1] >> num[2] >> num[3]; int arr[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3 }; vector<int> arrange(arr, arr + 4); Plus p;Minus m; Multi mu; Devide d;Minus2 m2; Devide2 d2; OpBase* ops[] = { &p, & m, & mu, & d, & m2, & d2 }; int count = 0; ArrangeGenerator<int> ag(arrange); while (ag.haveNext()) { arrange = ag.next(); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 6 * 6 * 6; ++j) { OpBase& op1 = *ops[j % 6]; OpBase& op2 = *ops[(j / 6) % 6]; OpBase& op3 = *ops[(j / 36) % 6]; try { if (op3(op2(op1(num[arrange[0]], num[arrange[1]]), num[arrange[2]]), num[arrange[3]]) == 24) { removeMulti::rmAux rmaux = { min(num[arrange[0]], num[arrange[1]]), max(num[arrange[0]], num[arrange[1]]), op1(num[arrange[0]], num[arrange[1]]) }; if (rmMap[rmaux] == 0) { std::cout << "((" << num[arrange[0]] << op1 << num[arrange[1]] << ")" << op2 << num[arrange[2]] << ")" << op3 << num[arrange[3]] << std::endl; count ++; rmMap[rmaux] = 1; } } //()+() if (op2(op1(num[arrange[0]], num[arrange[1]]), op3(num[arrange[2]], num[arrange[3]])) == 24) { removeMulti::rmAux rmaux = { min(num[arrange[0]], num[arrange[1]]), max(num[arrange[0]], num[arrange[1]]), op1(num[arrange[0]], num[arrange[1]]) }; removeMulti::rmAux rmaux2 = { min(num[arrange[2]], num[arrange[3]]), max(num[arrange[2]], num[arrange[3]]), op3(num[arrange[2]], num[arrange[3]]) }; if (rmMap2[rmaux] == 0 && rmMap2[rmaux2] == 0) { std::cout << "(" << num[arrange[0]] << op1 << num[arrange[1]] << ")" << op2 << "(" << num[arrange[2]] << op3 << num[arrange[3]] << ")" << std::endl; count ++; rmMap2[rmaux] = 1; } } } catch (int) { } } } cout << count << endl; }; return 0;*/ } /********************************************************************************************************************************** /*********************************************************************************************************************************/ ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, OpBase& ob) { ob.out(o); return o; } int Plus::operator()(int a, int b) { return a + b; } void Plus::out(ostream& o) { o << '+'; } int Minus::operator()(int a, int b) { return a - b; } void Minus::out(ostream& o) { o << '-'; } int Minus2::operator()(int a, int b) { return b - a; } void Minus2::out(ostream& o) { o << "-_"; } int Multi::operator()(int a, int b) { return a * b; } void Multi::out(ostream& o) { o << '*'; } int Devide::operator()(int a, int b) { if (b == 0) throw int(0); if (a % b != 0) throw int(0); return a / b; } void Devide::out(ostream& o) { o << '/'; } int Devide2::operator()(int a, int b) { if (a == 0) throw int(0); if (b % a != 0) throw int(0); return b / a; } void Devide2::out(ostream& o) { o << "/_"; } bool canForm24(int num[]) { //cin >> num[0] >> num[1] >> num[2] >> num[3]; int arr[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3 }; vector<int> arrange(arr, arr + 4); Plus p;Minus m; Multi mu; Devide d;Minus2 m2; Devide2 d2; OpBase* ops[] = { &p, & m, & mu, & d, & m2, & d2 }; int count = 0; ArrangeGenerator<int> ag(arrange); while (ag.haveNext()) { arrange = ag.next(); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 6 * 6 * 6; ++j) { OpBase& op1 = *ops[j % 6]; OpBase& op2 = *ops[(j / 6) % 6]; OpBase& op3 = *ops[(j / 36) % 6]; try { if (op3(op2(op1(num[arrange[0]], num[arrange[1]]), num[arrange[2]]), num[arrange[3]]) == 24) { return true; } //()+() if (op2(op1(num[arrange[0]], num[arrange[1]]), op3(num[arrange[2]], num[arrange[3]])) == 24) { return true; } } catch (int) { } } } return false; } |
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好吧,既然C++都来了,偶也就来一个Python 版本,带记忆的(不会重复搜索),带打印结果的
也是穷举,理论上支持任意长度和任意目标值的 operations = [(lambda a, b: a + b, lambda a, b: "( " + str(a) + " + " + str(b) + " )"), (lambda a, b: a - b, lambda a, b: "( " + str(a) + " - " + str(b) + " )"), (lambda a, b: b - a, lambda a, b: "( " + str(b) + " - " + str(a) + " )"), (lambda a, b: a * b, lambda a, b: "( " + str(a) + " * " + str(b) + " )"), (lambda a, b: a // b, lambda a, b: "( " + str(a) + " / " + str(b) + " )"), (lambda a, b: b // a, lambda a, b: "( " + str(b) + " / " + str(a) + " )")] targetNumber = 24 resultMap = dict() def search(numSet): if len(numSet) <= 1: return numSet[0] == targetNumber and " " + str(targetNumber) + " " or None numSet.sort(); if tuple(numSet) in resultMap: return resultMap[tuple(numSet)]; for a in range(0, len(numSet) - 1): for b in range(a + 1, len(numSet)): for op in operations: try: newList = [n for n in numSet if n != numSet[a] and n != numSet[b]] newList.append(op[0](numSet[a], numSet[b])) res = search(newList) if res: res = res.replace(" " + str(op[0](numSet[a], numSet[b])) + " ", op[1](numSet[a], numSet[b]), 1) resultMap[tuple(numSet)] = res return res newList.pop() except ZeroDivisionError: pass resultMap[tuple(numSet)] = None return None if __name__ == "__main__": print(search([2, 2, 2, 2])) print(search([3, 4, 5, 6, 7])) |
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输入 3 6 1 9后输出为: 3 6 1 9 ((3*(6-1))+9) (((3-1)*9)+6) (6+((3-1)*9)) ((6-3)*(9-1)) (((6-1)*3)+9) (6*(1+(9/3))) (6+(9*(3-1))) (6*((9/3)+1)) (((1+9)*3)-6) ((1+(9/3))*6) (9+(3*(6-1))) ((9*(3-1))+6) (((9/3)+1)*6) (9+((6-1)*3)) (((9+1)*3)-6) ((9-1)*(6-3)) package fun.twentyfour; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.util.Stack; public class TwentyFour { public static void main(String[] args){ BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); String line; try{ while((line=br.readLine())!=null){ try{ if ("exit".equals(line)) break; String[] s=line.split("\\s"); int[] v=new int[4]; for(int idx=0;idx<4;idx++) { v[idx]=Integer.parseInt(s[idx]); if (v[idx]<=0||v[idx]>=10) throw new Exception("Input error."); } evaluate(v); }catch(Exception ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); } } }catch(Exception ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); } } public static void evaluate(int[] v){ for(int a=0;a<4;a++) for(int b=0;b<4;b++){ if (a==b) continue; for (int c=0;c<4;c++){ if (a==c||b==c) continue; for (int d=0;d<4;d++){ if (a==d || b==d || c==d ) continue; check(v,new int[]{a,b,c,d}); } } } evaluate(new int[]{v[0],v[1],v[2],v[3]},new char[]{'+','+','+'}); evaluate(new int[]{v[0],v[1],v[2],v[3]},new char[]{'*','*','*'}); } static char[] op={'+','-','*','/'}; public static void check(int[] v,int[] idx){ for(int i=0;i<4;i++){ for(int j=0;j<4;j++){ for(int k=0;k<4;k++){ if (i==j && j==k) continue; evaluate(new int[]{v[idx[0]],v[idx[1]],v[idx[2]],v[idx[3]]},new char[]{op[i],op[j],op[k]}); } } } } /** * 计算四个数字排列与操作符的运算结果 * @param num 数字排列 * @param op 操作符排列 */ public static void evaluate(int[] num,char[] op){ MyStack stack=new MyStack(); //要入栈的操作数个数1-4 int dataNum=0; if (op[0]==op[1] && op[0]==op[2]) dataNum=num.length - 1; for(;dataNum<num.length;dataNum++){ //要入栈的操作符个数1-3 int opNum=0; if (dataNum+1==num.length) opNum=op.length-1; int maxOpNum=dataNum; if (dataNum==0) maxOpNum=1; repeat: for(;opNum<maxOpNum;opNum++){ int numCount=0; int dataIndex=0; int opIndex=0; stack.clear(); while(dataIndex<num.length || opIndex<op.length){ //操作数入栈 for(int i=0;dataIndex<num.length && i<dataNum+1;i++){ stack.push(num[dataIndex]); dataIndex++; numCount++; } //操作符入栈 for(int k=0;opIndex<op.length && k<opNum+1;k++){ if (numCount>1){ stack.push(op[opIndex]); if (stack.isStop()) break repeat; opIndex++; numCount--; } } } if ((Integer)stack.pop()==24){ System.out.println(stack.toString()); } } } } public static class MyStack extends Stack{ boolean stop=false; Stack stack=new Stack(); public String toString(){ return getExpression(); } public boolean isStop(){ return stop; } public String getExpression(){ Object v=stack.pop(); if (v instanceof Character){ String right=getExpression(); String left=getExpression(); return "("+left+v+right+")"; } return v.toString(); } public void clear(){ super.clear(); stack.clear(); stop=false; } public Object push(Object v){ stack.push(v); if (v instanceof Character){ Integer v1=(Integer)pop(); Integer v2=(Integer)pop(); Integer v3=0; switch((Character)v){ case '+': v3=v2+v1;break; case '-': v3=v2-v1; if (v3<0) stop=true; break; case '*': v3=v2*v1;break; case '/': if (v1!=0 && v2%v1==0){ v3=v2/v1; }else{ stop=true; } break; } return super.push(v3); }else{ return super.push(v); } } } } |
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